Elon has definitely done some really great things. When he acquired / invested in Tesla, he changed the company (despite not founding it) and helped it grow into the highest-valued automaker in the world. He has done some amazing things with SpaceX too. For both, he took tons of government funding and hired incredibly competent engineers and teams, also.
But - past greatness does not constitute future or present value. He has drank his own koolaid for far too long, and now thinks he's god's gift to engineering, but... he isn't. He thinks he's an expert on everything, but... he isn't. That's okay! What's not OK is letting your hype get to your own head, losing value of what it means to be grounded and realistic, and losing sight of what's important for the sake of PR and controversy because the attention feeds you.
That is where he is now. While he has done great things, he is now, effectively, no different from a Kardashian.