Rear-ended by a 100MPH drunk driver

@OP, any pictures?
With the repair bills on this being what they are on Lucids, I'm not surprised that the insurance company would total it. Are you able to replace it with another Lucid?
Some action today... my car is being totaled. I'm still in shock, after the collision it still felt like the amazing car it was when I first brought it home. Gonna take a little time to process this.

Something similar happened to our Air. After someone turned across our lane at an intersection our car took some front end damage. While the car was undriveable, the damage appeared to be mostly bodywork and appeared readily repairable. When it got to a repair shop, they spent over a week coming up with repair estimates that began to climb quickly as they peeled back the onion. Finally, they reached a component Lucid calls the "horseshoe", a structural member that passes under the front axle. It has a very tight tolerance, and if it gets bent the car becomes unrepairable. Ours was bent, although only a few millimeters, and the car was totaled.

Even before they reached the horseshoe, however, the repair costs were already approaching the point at which the repairs would cost more than a replacement vehicle of similar mileage. The space packaging which is one of Lucid's strongest suits in most ways seems also to mean that components are packed under almost every inch of the car's skin such that what appears to be minor cosmetic damage can entail very high repair costs.
First off, glad to hear everyone largely walked out of the accident.

I'm late to the discussion here, but my concern for the vehicle post-collision would be damage to the battery "skateboard". That's a lot of flammable material to put out of alignment.

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First off, glad to hear everyone largely walked out of the accident.

I'm late to the discussion here, but my concern for the vehicle post-collision would be damage to the battery "skateboard". That's a lot of flammable material to put out of alignment.

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When mine was in the big crash, the insurance company wavered between fixing it and totalling it for a few weeks. I was hoping they would total it, because it just seemed unlikely that it would be put back together perfectly. And they did.:)
It's official. As of today, I am not a Lucid owner (unless you count Lucid stock and my Lucid Hot Wheels cars). Progressive, the other driver's insurance company, got me a quote last week where the methodology behind the quote was sound, but they didn't get the options on my car correct. They came back with a second quote this week and it was pretty close to what I was looking for. Today I signed over the title.
Last week, after getting the news that it would be totaled, I went over to Raintree and got to see the car one last time, retrieve my belongings, and relax in it and enjoy the stereo for a few minutes. I will miss it. As I tell everyone, it was an incredible car.
The first thing I did after that was drive down to the Scottsdale studio and test drive another Pure. That cemented it as my dream car. I love its quiet and its mellower personality.
But, as @Amster asked... will I get another Lucid? That is my hope, but I am also considering the needs of my family, who are accustomed to driving taller vehicles with more visibility. We'll be test-driving several vehicles in the coming weeks before I buy.
This is actually kind of heartbreaking and I send my empathy and apologies. I would be heartbroken if I lost mine because I’ve grown to love it so much. I had a very emotional response when the 86 year old across the street dinged my bumper—but you know…

You might consider yourself just a little bit lucky that an Arizona driver with Progressive had property damage limits sufficient to pay for a totaled Air. It’s somewhat better than having to claim it under your collision coverage. Even more lucky no one was hurt.

Are you dealing with Hannah at the Scottsdale studio? She’s great if you haven’t met her.

I don’t know where you live, but I’m about five minutes away from Raintree Auto Body. We must be neighbors. If you see a middle-40s bald guy in a white Touring up here it’s probably me.

Let us know what you decide to get next!
You might consider yourself just a little bit lucky that an Arizona driver with Progressive had property damage limits sufficient to pay for a totaled Air. It’s somewhat better than having to claim it under your collision coverage.

Our Air Dream T-boned a Subaru WRX that turned left across our path of travel. Both cars were totaled, and both were insured by State Farm. The other driver was deemed 100% at fault. State Farm paid the first $100K to replace our car from the other driver's liability coverage and the $30K+ remainder out of our collision coverage. They assured me it would not be assessed against our rates. We've had three six-month renewals since and, although the State Farm rates increased marginally (as has almost everyone's auto coverage of late), they increased less than the rates for our Honda Odyssey and our Tesla Model S Plaid over the same time period.

State Farm let me find the replacement car I wanted -- a Dream Edition Performance identical to the one we had, but with less mileage -- and sent me a check for the full purchase price, including the cost to transport it from a Volvo dealer in New Hampshire down to Florida.
This is actually kind of heartbreaking and I send my empathy and apologies. I would be heartbroken if I lost mine because I’ve grown to love it so much. I had a very emotional response when the 86 year old across the street dinged my bumper—but you know…

You might consider yourself just a little bit lucky that an Arizona driver with Progressive had property damage limits sufficient to pay for a totaled Air. It’s somewhat better than having to claim it under your collision coverage. Even more lucky no one was hurt.

Are you dealing with Hannah at the Scottsdale studio? She’s great if you haven’t met her.

I don’t know where you live, but I’m about five minutes away from Raintree Auto Body. We must be neighbors. If you see a middle-40s bald guy in a white Touring up here it’s probably me.

Let us know what you decide to get next!
I've met Hannah a while back, but I was working with Jason, who remembered me from last year's rally. I found out that Cory and Brooke have moved on :(

I live down in Chandler-- it was a bit of a drive up there.

Will definitely let the forum know where we land (I'm initially casting a wide net, practically anything electric or plug-in hybrid). I still hope to continue joining the crew at events! And I still want to build those cars some day :)

BTW, some final notes on my car. 16,941 miles driven in about 21 months, probably slightly more highway than city. 4.31 miles/kWh over its life. The tires looked like they were maybe 1/3 of the way through their life. I regret not having experienced Dolby Atmos even though my car was capable of it.