P variant of Grand Touring with over 1,000hp?

Sorry, but I disagree with your statement. The heavier the car the more HP is required to maintain speed.

Horsepower affects the time it takes to gain speed and the ultimate speed that can be attained. However, you asserted that the weight of the car affects top speed, arguing in your original post that a lighter battery pack was part of attaining 235 mph. I responded with, "weight has more to do with acceleration rate than with top speed."

You need to read this:

It opens with:

"Adding extra weight to your car will slow acceleration, but won’t reduce its top speed. In determining a car’s top speed, its engine battles two main forces: rolling resistance and aerodynamic drag.
At very high speeds, air resistance makes up the vast majority of the overall drag on your car. So much so that an increase in rolling resistance from extra weight is likely negligible."

Getting to 235 mph requires a LOT of horsepower. More weight will mean it takes longer to get there, but weight has virtually nothing to do with maintaining that speed once there.

Also, you're ignoring the fact that the greater current capacity of a larger battery pack is a necessary element to attaining the horsepower required to overcome aerodynamic drag at very high speeds. There is simply no way that Lucid would have used its smaller battery pack in testing the car's ultimate speed capability. Any negligible advantage of lower weight at top speed would have been swamped by the significant reduction in power from the smaller pack.
15hp is what 1.5%?

As I have mentioned in earlier posts on the special metallurgy, Zak Edson told me that, while it made for only a 15 hp increase, the metallurgy had a much more significant effect on torque -- and that was a figure he would not disclose to me. That's probably why you see the 0.2 second difference in acceleration times of the DE-P and the GT-P. In drag racing, that's a pretty significant difference.
As I have mentioned in earlier posts on the special metallurgy, Zak Edson told me that, while it made for only a 15 hp increase, the metallurgy had a much more significant effect on torque -- and that was a figure he would not disclose to me. That's probably why you see the 0.2 second difference in acceleration times of the DE-P and the GT-P. In drag racing, that's a pretty significant difference.

I'm not trying to say what you're saying isn't correct. No worries
Well now I'm really glad I chose the limited edition Eureka Gold option for my Dream Edition P. This is beside the fact in my opinion it is the best looking color with the Quantum Grey with Tahoe interior my second choice. In any case with the AGTP now coming to market the exclusivity of the Dream Edition is much less a factor.
Well - I'd say that the collectibility of the Dream Edition is there, as it is limited to 520 units. Sure the Air Grand Touring Performance approaches the HP numbers, but it won't have the exclusivity/rarity factor.

Honestly, I think this is more of a "you want plaid like acceleration with the comfort of an S Class interior" deal. The GT is stupid fast as it is, this is just taking that a step further. It is easy to market/sell Horsepower.

Were it me, I'd rather go with the GT. However, my money is on the Touring (literally) and that hasn't changed. Not even for a Touring - Performance edition.....
The Air now offers configurations from $77k to $189k- a $112k delta! I can’t think of another mass produced (ok… eventually mass produced) car model with such a wide price range?

Porsche Taycan. $82,700-$234k

Off the online configurator you can even add more expensive options. Like $1M paint jobs.
It's nice to see that Lucid was thinking about the exclusivity of the DEs when deciding on the P variant. Making new buyers pay more for less increases profitability nicely if anyone actually decides to buy a P variant.

Plus also, it turns out that @MidwestLucidDude was right!

I would pay maybe 155K for the P variant for the Lucid GT, but 179K, no way.
Different question - If both versions of the GT were the same price, which would you choose?
Different question - If both versions of the GT were the same price, which would you choose?
Original in 19’s for the range. The extra HP is overkill IMHO.
Original in 19’s for the range. The extra HP is overkill IMHO.

Agree, do any EV have a "teen mode?" I wouldn't want my daughter to take this car out and be able to go 0-60 in 3 seconds. I guess I'll put that in FEEDBACK thread
My 18yr old has never driven my BMW M5 and doesn't seem to want to. Something tells me the time I took him out when he was learning to drive, turned traction control completely off and showed him what happened in a parking lot was enough to scare him a bit. He does like driving the old Mustangs though.
Range over 446 miles is equally overkill.

It comes down to which overkill you want? 516 miles of range or 1050hp.
Says who? Nobody has once said that’s too much range. Numerous people say the power is too much. 446 is not 446. 800 hp is 800 hp no matter what. And then you talk about 1050? Yea, overkill. 446 miles of range? Definitely not.
It seems like the performance difference over a GT would only be noticeable on a timed drag strip or racetrack.

I’m sure there are hardware differences (not software alone). If not, Tesla is furiously working to update the price of their OTA performance boost from $2k to $40k :)

The Air now offers configurations from $77k to $189k- a $112k delta! I can’t think of another mass produced (ok… eventually mass produced) car model with such a wide price range?
Yes and Unlike everyone else, all of them look exactly the same. Time to order a Pure.
At the end of the day ...no matter how much we analyze this new GT-P offer, it will be the market that will decide.
Range over 446 miles is equally overkill.

It comes down to which overkill you want? 516 miles of range or 1050hp.
Range is NOT overkill. EPA range, minus to get real world range, minus for weather conditions, minus for useable battery, minus for degradation over time = possible still too little
I wonder if they'd get more sales
When the difference in speed is 0.4 seconds, I will always opt for the range.
difference of becoming a parent or not

oh wait, are we talking about cars?
Range is NOT overkill. EPA range, minus to get real world range, minus for weather conditions, minus for useable battery, minus for degradation over time = possible still too little

Range IS overkill. The real world difference is meaningless, minus weather conditions, minus useable battery, minus degradation over time.
The % of time you are sitting on a battery range you will never use probably is overkill. In my life, I might need that range twice a year is all. That means every other day of the year, it’s overkill.