Over-the-Air Showcase Virtual Event, Feb. 5

There are limited spaces, so I probably won't leave this open for long. Participants will see first-hand new software features planned for release and meet with the product teams developing them.

Oh man, I won’t be here! I’ll be in NYC.
Oh, it’s virtual! Well then consider me submitted. :)
Submitted. Thanks for thinking of us forum peeps🙂
Thank you for taking our feedback and holding a virtual event. Submitted and looking forward!
There are limited spaces, so I probably won't leave this open for long. Participants will see first-hand new software features planned for release and meet with the product teams developing them.

Done Danna done 😃
Done 👍 😱
Thank you very happy to participate!
Submitted and fingers crossed I make the cut!!! Thanks!!!
Done and thank you so much @mcr16 for looking out for us remote folks.
Thank you @mcr16. I hope I will get opportunity this time. Very excited :)