Over-the-Air Preview Event

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Lucid is inviting a select group of owners to join us for an Over-the-Air Preview event at our Newark headquarters. Participants will see first-hand new software features planned for release this year and meet with the product teams developing them.

If you are an owner in the Bay Area and would like to join us, complete this form to express interest. We will contact you with next steps, including completion of a non-disclosure agreement. Spaces are limited.

The OTA Preview event is open to current Lucid owners only.
My son traveling to SFO and willing to join the event on Thursday. He is not the direct owner but second driver on the car. Can I register him for the event?
This is really great to know that Lucid is giving an opportunity to speak directly to product team and also a great opportunity for product team to get direct feedback from customers. Although I got too excited for a second by thinking the event is in Newark, NJ.
I thought you meant Newark, NJ for a second and got very excited.

Me too! Alas.

This is really great to know that Lucid is giving an opportunity to speak directly to product team and also a great opportunity for product team to get direct feedback from customers. Although I got too excited for a second by thinking the event is in Newark, NJ.

Me too…
Perhaps another group on the east coast?
My son traveling to SFO and willing to join the event on Thursday. He is not the direct owner but second driver on the car. Can I register him for the event?
@mcr16 can you get me a clarification on this?
Sounds like there's quite a bit of interest in an east coast preview event @mcr16
Second the East Coast request. Finances didn't work out this go around to travel to the West Coast for an event. Virginia or general DMV area is a fantastic option and cheaper for us East Coast folks.
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