Out of Spec - Test Drive Review


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Jan 4, 2022
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Santa Clarita, CA
2023 Lucid Air GT
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The software issues aren't doing Lucid any favors. @Jon_Rettinger mentioned it extensively in his review and now it's come up again in this review. Lucid remaining silent isn't doing them any favors

@mcr16 @Firstto520 - I feel if Lucid doesn't do something publicly to address these continual complaints about software more and more reviews will continue to show up like this. It's not a good look for a car that is priced so high and being sold as "Luxury". Time to release some dates officially on when things like CarPlay, Android Auto, improved system performance, etc are expected to be showing up in vehicles.

For a company trying to build a brand, anything negative isn't going to help you so early into your production. You need to be ahead of the story but in this case you remain silent. Being able to say "we're aware of this issue and it will be fixed next quarter, next month, etc" or "CarPlay is scheduled to come Q3" is much better than saying nothing at all.

1.2.6 did some major improvements. Maybe for updates that big you should be having release notes on your website showing potential buyers how you're evolving the software etc. also.
In fairness, she is cancelling her order in favor of the Taycan (which she already owns) because “its a Porsche”. She is not cancelling her order because of the software issues and said that the Taycan’s software is worse. She likes how her car looks and feels and that is more important to her than range, comfort, driving dynamics and software. She has a rear wheel model, which is slower but she doesn’t care because her car is “sporty”.

Had she decided to trade her car for the Lucid, it would have been a favorable review, but deciding to stay with what she had is not really a damning review.
I remember I was watching this "review" until she said she likes her Taycan because it's a Porsche... Stopped watching after that😑
I felt like there wasn't much of substance in that video. I'll be more interested to see one of the regular Out of Spec folks get their hands on something to do a more thorough and detailed review.
This video format was probably the worst out of spec review I’ve seen. I’m not sure why they experimented like this, but the point comparisons weren’t really spot on when looking at a Taycan (myself being a previous Taycan owner). I also don’t believe she understood that the car stands between sports and luxury. The software gripes are 100% legit, but there’s almost no breakdown on anything making this a bit of an opinionated documentary type of thing… which isn’t really helpful to anyone. Her husband is usually extremely good at breaking down facts and detailed observations. This… just wasn’t good.
In fairness, she is cancelling her order in favor of the Taycan (which she already owns) because “its a Porsche”. She is not cancelling her order because of the software issues and said that the Taycan’s software is worse. She likes how her car looks and feels and that is more important to her than range, comfort, driving dynamics and software. She has a rear wheel model, which is slower but she doesn’t care because her car is “sporty”.

Had she decided to trade her car for the Lucid, it would have been a favorable review, but deciding to stay with what she had is not really a damning review.
Her video is fair. Porsche owners are pretty loyal to the brand so wasn’t surprised by what she said. The Lucid has the performance but I wouldn’t call it sporty looking.

Regarding the software though, not many videos are out on Lucid production vehicles so if they start popping up and software is constantly mentioned as a problem it won’t be good for them to just remain hush on the issue.
I felt like there wasn't much of substance in that video. I'll be more interested to see one of the regular Out of Spec folks get their hands on something to do a more thorough and detailed review.
Do you think Kyle will brush over the software like she did? I don’t, he’ll show it on video and won’t be good for Lucid. It’s interesting that Kyle also hasn’t done a review on a Lucid production vehicle either.
Her video is fair. Porsche owners are pretty loyal to the brand so wasn’t surprised by what she said. The Lucid has the performance but I wouldn’t call it sporty looking.

Regarding the software though, not many videos are out on Lucid production vehicles so if they start popping up and software is constantly mentioned as a problem it won’t be good for them to just remain hush on the issue.
That was a big problem with her review though. "Software is bad and needs a lot of work" what does that even mean? No articulation, no details, nothing! What's bad about it? We know since we are owners, but the way she makes it sound is like it's unusable.
Do you think Kyle will brush over the software like she did? I don’t, he’ll show it on video and won’t be good for Lucid. It’s interesting that Kyle also hasn’t done a review on a Lucid production vehicle either.

Do you think Kyle will brush over the software like she did? I don’t, he’ll show it on video and won’t be good for Lucid. It’s interesting that Kyle also hasn’t done a review on a Lucid production vehicle either.
Agreed. I love Kyle's videos and I'm eager to see more of his thoughts and perspective.
That was a big problem with her review though. "Software is bad and needs a lot of work" what does that even mean? No articulation, no details, nothing! What's bad about it? We know since we are owners, but the way she makes it sound is like it's unusable.
Which is why Lucid needs to get on top of it and control the narrative. People making flippant comments will have people believe them when the company says nothing to contradict what they’re saying.

Look at EA and the Berkeley study saying 27% of Bay Area chargers don’t work. They responded pretty quickly saying they want it taken down until they can discuss the testing criteria as they felt the article was misleading.

Lucid has seen the @Jon_Rettinger video because they responded on the scratched door but said nothing about the software he called out.
Only good if you are a young guy. I had to turn it off. A go no where review. Besides I think the neurons started to fire off and I started to feel young. Back on topic, terrible review. I hope she and her boyfriend have a daytime job. They suck at reviews.
Her video is fair. Porsche owners are pretty loyal to the brand so wasn’t surprised by what she said. The Lucid has the performance but I wouldn’t call it sporty looking.

Regarding the software though, not many videos are out on Lucid production vehicles so if they start popping up and software is constantly mentioned as a problem it won’t be good for them to just remain hush on the issue.
This didn’t really seem like much of a review in the end. In fairness it was a standard test drive and they said at the beginning that Lucid limited what they could film and didn’t allow audio recording so it would have been tough to get good content out of it. Didn’t really seem like it was worth posting though (everything else Out of Spec does is normally pretty thorough and informative - this was not that)
Never take seriously the opinion of anyone wearing something as juvenile as ripped jeans.
It’s a YouTube car review. For male reviewers that typically means cargo shorts & a t-shirt which isn’t exactly “mature”. The fact it’s not very informative has nothing to do with what she is wearing.
It’s a YouTube car review. For male reviewers that typically means cargo shorts & a t-shirt which isn’t exactly “mature”. The fact it’s not very informative has nothing to do with what she is wearing.
Yeah the car review industry is so male-centric, that I was looking forward to hearing other perspectives on the car. I had no problem with the reviewer, except that what she was looking for in a car (sportiness/performance), she wasn’t allowed to experience in the test drive. Like what’s the point of trying to sell someone a car with crazy performance if they’re not allowed to test out that performance even briefly? I actually thought it was a mistake by the studio to not allow her to have a little fun with the car, given she has a Taycan. Of course the Lucid probably is the wrong fit for her since the Porsche brand seemed to be a big reason for her sticking with the Taycan, but IMO the Lucid looks better than the Taycan and it turns waaaaaaay more heads, so if you’re looking for brand name “status”, even though I definitely wasn’t when I got the car, well get the Lucid!
I can't watch them yet. I am hoping a lot will be fixed by the time I get my Pure.
I don't consider this a "review", at least not compared to Edmunds, De Mauro, etc. And I don't think it reflects badly on Lucid at all. There is no accounting for taste, and this woman prefers the Porsche...other people will make the same choice in the future too.

I've compared the 2 and prefer the Lucid---that doesn't make the Taycan a lousy car.
I don't consider this a "review", at least not compared to Edmunds, De Mauro, etc. And I don't think it reflects badly on Lucid at all. There is no accounting for taste, and this woman prefers the Porsche...other people will make the same choice in the future too.

I've compared the 2 and prefer the Lucid---that doesn't make the Taycan a lousy car.
Yeah I remember Thomas from Autogefuhel’s first review of the Taycan and he lost his mind over the car, it was fun to watch a normally reserved German blasting through corners and giggling like a kid. The Taycan is great, probably the 2nd best performance sedan EV on the market behind the Lucid, but I needed more range and space, so the Lucid was my choice and as an added bonus it’s faster anyway.