Out of Spec 2025 GT long term review

Hey. It's the best car in the world.



( you may not be good enough to deserve such )
Best car in the world with the worst unlocking....I'm surprised Lucid let this get out instead of fixing it. Now we are all stuck with this unlocking disaster.
How come our Model 3 proximity always works? Isn't that bluetooth?
My Bluetooth for my mobile key works fine. The Tesla fob uses radio.

Best car in the world with the worst unlocking....I'm surprised Lucid let this get out instead of fixing it. Now we’re all stuck with this unlocking disaster.
I’m not “stuck”; my car has a thing I don’t like about it. Every car has a thing I don’t like about it. Most have more than one thing I don’t like about them.

Moreover, if you read the rest of this thread carefully, between the lines (and sometimes more explicitly than I would put it) it becomes clear why Lucid hasn’t and/or cannot fix the fob issue.

Asking why, if you already know why, is a bit absurd. If you don’t know why, re-read the thread more carefully. The answers lie within.
My Bluetooth for my mobile key works fine. The Tesla fob uses radio.

I’m not “stuck”; my car has a thing I don’t like about it. Every car has a thing I don’t like about it. Most have more than one thing I don’t like about them.

Moreover, if you read the rest of this thread carefully, between the lines (and sometimes more explicitly than I would put it) it becomes clear why Lucid hasn’t and/or cannot fix the fob issue.

Asking why, if you already know why, is a bit absurd. If you don’t know why, re-read the thread more carefully. The answers lie within.
Borski- after reading your posts for over two years now, it's clear that your Yoda-ness is growing deeper every day. Keep it up, sensei...
Borski- after reading your posts for over two years now, it's clear that your Yoda-ness is growing deeper every day. Keep it up, sensei...
I'm flattered, oh great grey one. :)
Borski- after reading your posts for over two years now, it's clear that your Yoda-ness is growing deeper every day. Keep it up, sensei...
The Force is strong with this one…
Something is wrong with your card or sensor @segbrk. My key card has never failed me once - do you press the handle when you tap it?
Yup I have tried that as well. I've checked the card with a fancy NFC reader which had no issues with it, so I'd say if anything it's either the car or the user.
Yup I have tried that as well. I've checked the card with a fancy NFC reader which had no issues with it, so I'd say if anything it's either the car or the user.

Weird. I’m somewhere in the Texan desert today but when I get home in 6 days or so I’ll check it out and maybe video it. Maybe I’m misremembering.
Wasn’t Gandalf upgraded from Grey? Is this the old release? 😎

My wife says after he battles the Balrog in the Mines of Moria he comes back as Gandalf the White… she’s definitely more well-read in the lore than I am.

That said, “oh great white one” sounds worse for many reasons lmao
How come our Model 3 proximity always works? Isn't that bluetooth?

It is very difficult to answer this question without evaluating the hardware and software of Tesla

There are a lot of tricks and one of them as an example is having redundant Bluetooth to have a confirmation of proximity

I have never owned a Tesla so I am not familiar with hardware and software

I am getting myself now familiar with lucid day by day

My only wish at this stage is to have some one expert or one of the crazy YouTubers make a teardown of lucid so we can get more familiar with what’s under the hood

I can not find any content in YouTube of ppl actually getting their hands dirty with the ins and outs
I leased my ‘24 Touring three months ago and love the car, but both the app and fob work very slow and are frustrating to use. I have owned over 15 cars in my life and have never had fob issues with any of them. The Air wants to constantly stay in communication with the fob so it drains the battery incredibly quickly. I solved this by getting a faraday box to keep it in, but it does make me wonder exactly what about this complicated fob was better or more appealing to Lucid than a traditional fob.. that would always work instantly and reliably at much longer distances, with much longer battery life. With my other cars I never thought about the fobs, they just always worked and once in a blue moon you would change the battery. The Air fob is a different story. Finally I just chose to leave passive unlock and lock on, but even then it’s inconsistent in how quickly it unlocks and locks the doors. Sometimes as soon as I step out of the house from 10 feet away the doors unlock immediately.. Other times I need to walk up to the car and wait two seconds before it flashes the light on the dash and unlocks. The app works but it’s also frustratingly slow to wake the car up, and do basic things like open the charge port. I keep hoping maybe an over the air update will improve app functionality but I doubt it, I think that’s more dependent on the app version itself than the car. Overall I love the car but wish Lucid would fix these small issues..
I leased my ‘24 Touring three months ago and love the car, but both the app and fob work very slow and are frustrating to use. I have owned over 15 cars in my life and have never had fob issues with any of them. The Air wants to constantly stay in communication with the fob so it drains the battery incredibly quickly. I solved this by getting a faraday box to keep it in, but it does make me wonder exactly what about this complicated fob was better or more appealing to Lucid than a traditional fob.. that would always work instantly and reliably at much longer distances, with much longer battery life. With my other cars I never thought about the fobs, they just always worked and once in a blue moon you would change the battery. The Air fob is a different story. Finally I just chose to leave passive unlock and lock on, but even then it’s inconsistent in how quickly it unlocks and locks the doors. Sometimes as soon as I step out of the house from 10 feet away the doors unlock immediately.. Other times I need to walk up to the car and wait two seconds before it flashes the light on the dash and unlocks. The app works but it’s also frustratingly slow to wake the car up, and do basic things like open the charge port. I keep hoping maybe an over the air update will improve app functionality but I doubt it, I think that’s more dependent on the app version itself than the car. Overall I love the car but wish Lucid would fix these small issues..
Have you set up mobile key? This is not the same as clicking buttons within the app, which is what it sounds like you’re doing.
Took delivery of my GT 9/22. Had bad control module (supply-chain issue....anyone remember the Pandemic?) which was diagnosed by mobile service and replaced. NOT A SINGLE ISSUE SINCE.

Had key fob issues until I realized that whenever I was near the key fob was "talking" to the car = using up the fob battery and making the car "wake". I folded a piece of aluminum foil over the fob (and later got a Faraday pouchs for them) and have not had a problem since. Batteries last well over a year now.

Had Mobile Key issues until I learned how to work my phone and use the Lucid app. No issues since. Both fob and mobile key work as designed. Door handles present when I'm at the door every time.

Took me a while to find the best driving position, which still hides critical information behind top of steering wheel (AC and HA info). Set driver profile to store driver seat position. Set driver seat retract so driver seat moves all the way back automatically. Makes entry / egress easier.

The presenter outright said he's looking for reasons why Porsche is better. To facilitate this goal he's deliberately being ignorant = not done his research / read the manual, delved into the driver settings.

I'm done with this guy. How many times does he promote VW (Porsche) ? Does he go on incessantly about Lucid in his Porsche reviews ?

Also: for those newbees still having trouble with the fob: I fart in your general direction.
What did you do to learn how to use your phone and the app to make the mobile key reliable? I use my mobile key almost exclusively since I lost my 1 physical key and I would say it unlocks the car when I want it to about 70% of the time. The other 30% I need to either open my phone (ie press power just to have the screen turn on) and rarely, I need to actually open the lucid app to get it to unlock. I've allowed the lucid app all permissions on my phone. I'm using a Samsung fold 5 but it occured on my Samsung s22 as well. Maybe iPhone is more consistent?
My wife says after he battles the Balrog in the Mines of Moria he comes back as Gandalf the White… she’s definitely more well-read in the lore than I am.

That said, “oh great white one” sounds worse for many reasons lmao

But yes. I was going to correct you with “Gandalf the White” but I too thought it just sounded—wrong.
It is very difficult to answer this question without evaluating the hardware and software of Tesla

There are a lot of tricks and one of them as an example is having redundant Bluetooth to have a confirmation of proximity

I have never owned a Tesla so I am not familiar with hardware and software

I am getting myself now familiar with lucid day by day

My only wish at this stage is to have some one expert or one of the crazy YouTubers make a teardown of lucid so we can get more familiar with what’s under the hood

I can not find any content in YouTube of ppl actually getting their hands dirty with the ins and outs
I’m not sure the level of down and dirty you’re thinking, but Munro Live on YouTube has done a number of deeper dives into Lucids. They have specifically taken a deeper look at the motors and battery pack. Also, there is the series of Lucid Tech Talks on Lucid’s YouTube channel, which are pretty great and quite informative. Munro Live just recently did a tour at Lucid where they did more tech talks as well. Savagegeese has done more in depth videos on Lucid as well, although their real deep dive is on the Sapphire.