OTA 1.2.19


Referral Code - R0YBCKIJ
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Nov 14, 2021
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Los Angeles, CA, USA, Earth, Milky Way
Dream P
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My car literally just completed 1.2.185 😂, that looks like another minor one, but getting closer to the big one!
Yea..except the install time says 70 minutes
The sensors are becoming even more robust!
I just installed .185 also 🤣. Glad to see the cameras and lidar are getting updates. I was driving on the expressway last night with the ACC and was uncomfortable with the braking when traffic slowed/stopped. The car's reaction time was not optimal. It doesn't seem like the lidar looks far enough out front, it only reacts within around 50 yards and I have the setting on 4 bars for the maximum follow distance.
I just installed .185 also 🤣. Glad to see the cameras and lidar are getting updates. I was driving on the expressway last night with the ACC and was uncomfortable with the braking when traffic slowed/stopped. The car's reaction time was not optimal. It doesn't seem like the lidar looks far enough out front, it only reacts within around 50 yards and I have the setting on 4 bars for the maximum follow distance.
I have been telling them EXACTLY this ^^^^^ for some time. They even recalibrated the sensors up in Costa Mesa about a month ago. And earlier this week, I told the mobile service guy that it still wasn’t corrected - car’s reaction time is scary, doesn’t seem to look far enough ahead, the cars in front sometimes do / sometimes don’t appear on the ACC screen at the same distance. I also keep it at 4 bars of following distance. Last trip I began manually decreasing the set ACC speed when I notice traffic ahead slowing so the car starts to slow earlier, and then bump it back up once the car recognizes the traffic and slows appropriately. Should not have to do that with the ACC. Really hoping theses updates are fixing the issue.
I have been telling them EXACTLY this ^^^^^ for some time. They even recalibrated the sensors up in Costa Mesa about a month ago. And earlier this week, I told the mobile service guy that it still wasn’t corrected - car’s reaction time is scary, doesn’t seem to look far enough ahead, the cars in front sometimes do / sometimes don’t appear on the ACC screen at the same distance. I also keep it at 4 bars of following distance. Last trip I began manually decreasing the set ACC speed when I notice traffic ahead slowing so the car starts to slow earlier, and then bump it back up once the car recognizes the traffic and slows appropriately. Should not have to do that with the ACC. Really hoping theses updates are fixing the issue.
I'm having the same experience. Going 75 mph and see the traffic slowing/stopping ahead. The car continues to charge at 75 mph until a scary short distance from the slowed/stopped cars and then brakes hard. The ACC actually works well when traffic is tight, but distances are a problem.
I'm having the same experience. Going 75 mph and see the traffic slowing/stopping ahead. The car continues to charge at 75 mph until a scary short distance from the slowed/stopped cars and then brakes hard. The ACC actually works well when traffic is tight, but distances are a problem.
Yup, exactly. ^^^^

I'm hoping we had all reported this and that is what they are fixing.
I'm having the same experience. Going 75 mph and see the traffic slowing/stopping ahead. The car continues to charge at 75 mph until a scary short distance from the slowed/stopped cars and then brakes hard. The ACC actually works well when traffic is tight, but distances are a problem.
Yeah, I've experienced this also. One day I decided to leave it to see how far it would go before slowing down and the alarm went of before the brakes so I interjected and slammed the brakes on myself. Since then, If I see traffic build up in the distance I disengage and take over myself.

In stop and go traffic I set the distance to 2 bars and that seems to be the sweet spot. At 1 bar the braking is sometimes too aggressive
My car literally just completed 1.2.185 😂, that looks like another minor one, but getting closer to the big one!
I'm suspecting 1.2.18 was supposed to go out last week but something delayed it and 1.2.185 was created to fix whatever the issue was. We were starting to get weekly updates and then we had a gap between 1.2.17 and 1.2.185. If they're using each update to focus on specific areas then 1.2.19 was probably always intended to go out this week. Hopefully 2.0 is imminent.

With the last 2 updates focusing on sensors and cameras I'm also guessing DreamDrive Pro is also imminent or some more features are going to be turned on. Bring on lane centering!!! :)
When I talked to Customer Care yesterday she mentioned the "big" update coming. Glad to hear, even if they don't know when.
When I talked to Customer Care yesterday she mentioned the "big" update coming. Glad to hear, even if they don't know when.
The "BIG" update has been teased for weeks. Time to actually deliver it or at least put a date on when to expect it.
The "BIG" update has been teased for weeks. Time to actually deliver it or at least put a date on when to expect it.
2.0 should definitely come by the one year mark from first deliveries. That is the standard for modern software platforms like those from Tesla, Apple and Google. And I wouldn't call a year rushed... considering all of these features were promised for the original delivery date of early 2021.
I know people are impatient, but do you really want them rushing a software release to meet an imagined timeline? Yeah, no, I don't either.
Indeed. Also, I worry by calling it the "BIG" update, they are creating a false sense that this will literally perfect everything in the car. Far from it.

BIG 2.0-type updates usually are followed up quickly with a series of little 2.0.x type updates that fix the things they didn't see until the wider release.

As long as boot times are much faster, I would call that a big win for 2.0. It will likely do a lot more, but faster boot times will be a sign that the infrastructure is vastly improved. Which is paramount to everything else.
2.0 should definitely come by the one year mark from first deliveries. That is the standard for modern software platforms like those from Tesla, Apple and Google. And I wouldn't call a year rushed... considering all of these features were promised for the original delivery date of early 2021.
Version numbers aren't magic. They're just arbitrary decisions made by teams. They could call the next minor update 3.0 if they wanted to.

Doing a big "major" version number bump once a year is a marketing decision. Nothing more. And forcing the team onto a yearly schedule like that often leads to more bugs than if the team is given more influence over the schedule.

Of course, if you let developers wait until THEY think it's ready, they'll never release anything at all. So there has to be some sort of compromise.
2.0 should definitely come by the one year mark from first deliveries. That is the standard for modern software platforms like those from Tesla, Apple and Google. And I wouldn't call a year rushed... considering all of these features were promised for the original delivery date of early 2021.
Yeah exactly!
I know people are impatient, but do you really want them rushing a software release to meet an imagined timeline? Yeah, no, I don't either.
Lucid created this software mess themselves and we're now approaching the 1 year mark so I think people have been patient enough. Features, can come whenever but for speed and stability issues I think people have given Lucid ample time to address. The communication on this from Lucid has been appalling also, it's basically non-existent with only an unofficial comment made on Twitter etc. recently.
Version numbers aren't magic. They're just arbitrary decisions made by teams. They could call the next minor update 3.0 if they wanted to.

Doing a big "major" version number bump once a year is a marketing decision. Nothing more. And forcing the team onto a yearly schedule like that often leads to more bugs than if the team is given more influence over the schedule.

Of course, if you let developers wait until THEY think it's ready, they'll never release anything at all. So there has to be some sort of compromise.
I’m so glad you’re here to say the things I want to say before I get a chance to. <3