October OTA Updates

Reading this thread and progress for 100+. As a customer I would provide a feedback here:
1. Outside of beta testers Lucid did great job of recruiting Canary testers (100+)
2. Extended family provided all good feedback. Thanks to this group as well along with beta testers.

Areas for improvement:
1. After receiving feedback, Lucid engineering can take a breather and implement changes. I hope they have done that. With recent releases today it seems the team is rushing again.
2. Now the new testing shouldn't take the same route and land in different versions to this 100+ users. I'm seeing x.x.19- x.x.23 version. Take your time, test internally and have a update release for all. Else this will become never ending cycle.
3. Leverage beta testers to test next BIG releases.

These intermittent releases with confusing version is not giving a good vibe to all who are 100+ as well as people on sidelines watching this curiously.

Please work on bit more organization and release management.
Reading this thread and progress for 100+. As a customer I would provide a feedback here:
1. Outside of beta testers Lucid did great job of recruiting Canary testers (100+)
2. Extended family provided all good feedback. Thanks to this group as well along with beta testers.

Areas for improvement:
1. After receiving feedback, Lucid engineering can take a breather and implement changes. I hope they have done that. With recent releases today it seems the team is rushing again.
2. Now the new testing shouldn't take the same route and land in different versions to this 100+ users. I'm seeing x.x.19- x.x.23 version. Take your time, test internally and have a update release for all. Else this will become never ending cycle.
3. Leverage beta testers to test next BIG releases.

These intermittent releases with confusing version is not giving a good vibe to all who are 100+ as well as people on sidelines watching this curiously.

Please work on bit more organization and release management.
I’m not quite in agreement with the comments regarding confusion on the intermediary releases. Many of these patch updates are addressing feedback and issues in the forums….

Internally, Lucid is determining and monitoring when the release updates are appropriate for a wider audience. The patch releases do not automatically deem the 2.xxx ready per say or stable. This is beta testing in a manner of speaking.

Understanding that others want these updates as well, that’s more or less the feedback regarding quality vs delivery timeline.
To be fair, the update identifier numbers, while confusing, reflect Lucid's way to distinguish between update groups. Yes it’s a little chaotic, but hey this is what you get when a bunch of owners ask for something either politely or stomp their feet about it, and then the company actually LISTENS, which is almost unheard of in any other automaker. While I’m not exactly sure when the “BIG” update gets rolled out to everyone, at least with the smaller group we got a preparation update that laid all the groundwork that was actually quite large and took an hour to download, and then another shortly afterwards that opened all the features we’ve been asking for. So hey, ride the wave, this is what happens when we’re active participants and not just passive consumers.
To be fair, the update identifier numbers, while confusing, reflect Lucid's way to distinguish between update groups. Yes it’s a little chaotic, but hey this is what you get when a bunch of owners ask for something either politely or stomp their feet about it, and then the company actually LISTENS, which is almost unheard of in any other automaker. While I’m not exactly sure when the “BIG” update gets rolled out to everyone, at least with the smaller group we got a preparation update that laid all the groundwork that was actually quite large and took an hour to download, and then another shortly afterwards that opened all the features we’ve been asking for. So hey, ride the wave, this is what happens when we’re active participants and not just passive consumers.
My only question is I got 2.0.13 out of the blue, without any prior 2.0 updates; what does that mean? It only took 5 mins to download, so not the big kihona!
So, I went from 1.x.21 (for the longest time) to 2.0.13 two days ago, and now I'm seeing folks with 2.0.21 and 2.023! What's going on??

Lucid Staffers in the forum, can you provide some insight, please? Thank you.
Clearly Lucid is sending the updates fast and furious. When you get them, click them and say “thank you sir, may I have another”.
Clearly Lucid is sending the updates fast and furious. When you get them, click them and say “thank you sir, may I have another”.
But, I did not get any prior 2.xx release, just this little one. ????
The car downloads in the background.
Hmmm, all of my prior updates have come through the Lucid phone app and required my confirmation before downloading (to ensure conditions are set for it). Then, it requests permission to actually install the update.

I do not believe this protocol has changed, but I could be wrong. I do not believe anything was loaded in the background since I was at 1.0.21 before I gave the go ahead for 2.0.13.

I'm sure there is a rationale for all of this. However, all I would like to know is whether each update includes all functions/fixes from prior releases, or whether each release must be loaded in release sequence.
Hmmm, all of my prior updates have come through the Lucid phone app and required my confirmation before downloading (to ensure conditions are set for it). Then, it requests permission to actually install the update.

I do not believe this protocol has changed, but I could be wrong. I do not believe anything was loaded in the background since I was at 1.0.21 before I gave the go ahead for 2.0.13.

I'm sure there is a rationale for all of this. However, all I would like to know is whether each update includes all functions/fixes from prior releases, or whether each release must be loaded in release sequence.
2.0.13 is clearly just a background update to lay the grounds for the big 2.0.x updates (5 so far, with 3 taking 1 hour and 1 taking 2 hours). I'm sure the version numbers you'll eventually see will be different from the original betas and us 100 2nd betas. Lucid will be tweaking things and then you'll all get your 2.0.x updates to catch up. Patience...
Hmmm, all of my prior updates have come through the Lucid phone app and required my confirmation before downloading (to ensure conditions are set for it). Then, it requests permission to actually install the update.

I do not believe this protocol has changed, but I could be wrong. I do not believe anything was loaded in the background since I was at 1.0.21 before I gave the go ahead for 2.0.13.

I'm sure there is a rationale for all of this. However, all I would like to know is whether each update includes all functions/fixes from prior releases, or whether each release must be loaded in release sequence.
The way the update process works is the file is pushed to your car. The file is downloaded, after completion of the download, THEN you receive a prompt to approve the installation and it gets installed. Don't get hung up on the patch version because it changes as they change the patch, which is fine and means they are catching things in their testing process. Don't get hung up on version numbers, see a patch, read the notes, install it.
Ok, will wait.
The way the update process works is the file is pushed to your car. The file is downloaded, after completion of the download, THEN you receive a prompt to approve the installation and it gets installed. Don't get hung up on the patch version because it changes as they change the patch, which is fine and means they are catching things in their testing process. Don't get hung up on version numbers, see a patch, read the notes, install it.
@PhotoEye this is what I was referring to. Some folks on the forum have noted lots of network traffic to and from the car prior to updates being announced on the app.
@PhotoEye this is what I was referring to. Some folks on the forum have noted lots of network traffic to and from the car prior to updates being announced on the app.
Got it! Thank you.
The first 2.0 OTA just dropped and installed. Not part 100. This is awesome. Thank you Lucid!
What specific version number did you receive?