October OTA Updates

As I live with 2.0.12 I have to say things are really looking up. After months of software glitches and growing cynicism about Lucid software, this car is now the complete package . . . and I'm luvin' it.

With each drive I notice another thing or two that hasn't yet been mentioned on the forum. The satellite maps now retain the compass orientation to which you last set them, so you no longer have to reorient the upper and lower images (which can be done independently) each time you open the Nav system. (I'm still hoping the darkened images can be brought back to their original brightness in those cars that have experienced this.)

When I get in the car to back out of the garage, the Homelink buttons now come up automatically. However, when I put the car into reverse and the backup camera comes on, it erases the Homelink buttons, and they do not come back up once I'm out of the garage and kill the cameras. So I still have to hit the Homelink button before I can access the door closing buttons when leaving home. (In our Tesla, the Homelink buttons remain accessible even with the backup camera on screen. Lucid needs to follow suit here.)

But nits mostly. This UX 2.0 is da bomb.
Lucid knocked it out the park and am looking forward to see how the UX continues to evolve over time.

Look at the continued issues VW and others have with software and years in they still can’t fix it. What Lucid achieved in 11 months is remarkable in the scheme of things.
I finally tried the Highway Assist feature on route to the gym today and it's just awesome. Like not even tiny bits of complaints -
  1. Love the fact that I can change lanes and it simply comes back on a couple of seconds into the new lane
  2. Lane centering was awesome too. Seemed to me just like how our Tesla was
  3. My grip too on the steering wheel was just like Tesla and worked fine. Fist facing upward and grabbing the bottom left of the steering wheel. My elbow automatically rests on my leg. Definitely way less to "tug" than was the case with the Tesla
Few general oddities -
  1. Navigation satellite view is definitely darker now. Like others have noticed
  2. When you first enter the car, the loud chime which I think is for the seatbelt, goes off after 4 or 5 chimes I think. I can live with that. But yes, as other have said, quite a loud chime
  3. Seems like the fan speed now blows even lesser air at the individual speeds. Typically I was fine with fan speed 4 to fan speed 5 used rarely even in the Phoenix heat. Now with temps cooled off considerably, I found fan speed 6 to be just about sufficient
  4. Another one on the air conditioning. Seemed like as I drove faster, the fan speed automatically improved. I found that a bit funny! Lol
Seems like the fan speed now blows even lesser air at the individual speeds
Try turning the defroster on then off. On my car, sometimes, the defroster vent is partially open and the fan sounds louder. Cycling the defroster seems to force the vent to fully close.
Tested Highway Assist for the first time yesterday night and again today morning in heavy traffic on the way to work. Summary --> fantastic, really really smooth.

1. I was waiting for the "HA ready" message to show up. Turns out that only shows up if you are in ACC? I never saw that message and decided to just go ahead and hit the Dreamdrive button.
2. Today morning, during my commute to work, I got to experience HA in various scenarios including speeds down to 7mph, assholes cutting across in front, lane change with HA smoothly taking over. I'm impressed.

A question to people more experienced with HA --> after you hit the "Dreamdrive" button, how do you engage it? Right now I hit the toggle button but that sets the speed to whatever my current speed is (not what is used to be before). Is that what you guys do too?
Yes, you hit the toggle button. To re-engage it after a stop, simply move the speed toggle up or tap on the accelerator. It's the same as ACC in that sense.
Try turning the defroster on then off. On my car, sometimes, the defroster vent is partially open and the fan sounds louder. Cycling the defroster seems to force the vent to fully close.
Funny enough, I think I figured out why it does this! I noticed it was doing this on a day when It was insanely hot, and I couldn't even turn the defroster off - when I touched the back of the center binnacle it was ON FIRE, and so I think it turns on the defroster automatically to cool off the screens, potentially.
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Funny enough, I think I figured out why it does this! I noticed it was doing this on a day when It was insanely hot, and I couldn't even turn the defroster off - when I touched the back of the center binnacle it was ON FIRE, and so I think it turns out the defroster automatically to cool off the screens, potentially.
Yeah mine gets hot as hell, I hope it doesn’t impact the longevity of the screen, but hey it’s under warranty.
I’ve been driving around with the 2.0.12 and it’s simply great! One small issue I’ve found is that the pilot panel no longer opens the frunk and trunk. The “buttons” click and look like they activate but nothing opens or closes. I can open the frunk from the left side of the center panel that just got added but the openings screen only works for the sunshade and the vehicle lock button
I’ve been driving around with the 2.0.12 and it’s simply great! One small issue I’ve found is that the pilot panel no longer opens the frunk and trunk. The “buttons” click and look like they activate but nothing opens or closes. I can open the frunk from the left side of the center panel that just got added but the openings screen only works for the sunshade and the vehicle lock button
Also, not sure if this has been addressed yet but two questions:
1. is there a way to save the navigation settings to start on MUTE every time?
2. Is there a plan regarding getting the mirrors to lower to show the curb in reverse? This is a fairly easy but needed improvement as curbing this car would just break my heart
I’ve been driving around with the 2.0.12 and it’s simply great! One small issue I’ve found is that the pilot panel no longer opens the frunk and trunk. The “buttons” click and look like they activate but nothing opens or closes. I can open the frunk from the left side of the center panel that just got added but the openings screen only works for the sunshade and the vehicle lock button
I have already reported this to CS.
2. Is there a plan regarding getting the mirrors to lower to show the curb in reverse? This is a fairly easy but needed improvement as curbing this car would just break my heart

Perhaps Lucid thinks the bird's-eye-view on the Pilot Screen serves that function. Personally, I find the bird's-eye-view accurate and very effective in avoiding curbs. My hand/eye coordination seems to come easier when I'm manipulating the steering wheel with reference to the overhead view instead of to mirrors that are angled downward. It's also easier to watch both the front end and the back end of the car simultaneously on a screen while parking instead of having to look from one place to another.
The rear climate control issue is not a personal preference. Previously, it would just be at whatever temp and fan speed I set it to. Step back into the car and hit "ON" and that's it. Now it sets it at 59F for some odd reason with fan speed at 1. The front controls are fine that way. Always at whatever latest temp and fan speed I'd set it to
I just noticed the same issue on 2.0.12 ... For some reason, the rear climate settings go back to 59 degrees and fan speed 1 .. hmm
I just noticed the same issue on 2.0.12 ... For some reason, the rear climate settings go back to 59 degrees and fan speed 1 .. hmm
LOL...you're gonna laugh...it actually now is set to 59F and fan speed 6 ...after a few times getting into the car...it went from fan speed 1 to 6 on both rear seat controls
LOL...you're gonna laugh...it actually now is set to 59F and fan speed 6 ...after a few times getting into the car...it went from fan speed 1 to 6 on both rear seat controls
I finally remembered to test it (after reading your post) ... now I'll have to go back and check it again.. maybe it'll spit out the Powerball winning numbers 😄
I finally tried the Highway Assist feature on route to the gym today and it's just awesome.
My grip too on the steering wheel was just like Tesla and worked fine. Fist facing upward and grabbing the bottom left of the steering wheel. My elbow automatically rests on my leg. Definitely way less to "tug" than was the case with the Tesla
I’m not in the test group but glad to hear the tug/torque on the wheel is less than the tesla. Even after years of use it didn’t get intuitive. My workaround was a one pound Velcro ankle weight on the wheel just above the spoke. Allowed me to keep my hand on the wheel without tugging.
I finally remembered to test it (after reading your post) ... now I'll have to go back and check it again.. maybe it'll spit out the Powerball winning numbers 😄
You know you can find it now on the pilot panel under settings, trips
Hm the turn by turn directions are supposed to show up on the right side of the glass cockpit panel and the estimate of SOC at destination on the left right? I still don’t have these features despite being on 2.0.12. Do they need to be activated in a menu or something?
Hm the turn by turn directions are supposed to show up on the right side of the glass cockpit panel and the estimate of SOC at destination on the left right? I still don’t have these features despite being on 2.0.12. Do they need to be activated in a menu or something?
Should be automatic once you put in a destination