October OTA Updates

Did you get to 2.0.12 yet?? I know you were trying to bump to 2.0.8
Yep! On 2.0.12 and I get the turn by turn and miles upon arrival.
You know you can find it now on the pilot panel under settings, trips

Yes, but it's more useful to have it constantly on display in the driver's binnacle. And there's plenty of room there with the new layout. Lucid needs to restore this very useful display.
Yes, but it's more useful to have it constantly on display in the driver's binnacle. And there's plenty of room there with the new layout. Lucid needs to restore this very useful display.

If Lucid engineers are reading, I would prefer the mi/kWh display is optional. We're driving an EV that only cost $10 to fully charge vs $100/tank for a comparable ICE. From my screen above I'm clearly not aspiring to drive more efficiently - and don't want to try. 🙂
View attachment 5724
If Lucid engineers are reading, I would prefer the mi/kWh display is optional. We're driving an EV that only cost $10 to fully charge vs $100/tank for a comparable ICE. From my screen above I'm clearly not aspiring to drive more efficiently - and don't want to try. 🙂

I relied on it more to adjust my driving if I thought that range might become an issue on a long haul. I know there is now a remaining-range function in the Nav system and that the battery charge level can be set to display range instead of percent, but I make a lot of trips without using the Nav system, and the m/kWh gives more instant feedback in terms of how one's driving is affecting range than any of the other displays.
I think the sample it is using has a lot of history in in and is not an instantaious reading. my expected range can drop 80 miles when I have only driven 60.
If we could set the sample size( say last 5 mins or based on the last hour of driving0, It would be useful enough to warrant putting it back up there
I relied on it more to adjust my driving if I thought that range might become an issue on a long haul. I know there is now a remaining-range function in the Nav system and that the battery charge level can be set to display range instead of percent, but I make a lot of trips without using the Nav system, and the m/kWh gives more instant feedback in terms of how one's driving is affecting range than any of the other displays.
Exactly. Trust me, when you hit cold weather, serious headwinds etc. the m/kWh comes in very handy as it can give you a pretty accurate stance on consumption. A trip you did on one full charge may take 1 or 2 charging stops in future all dependent on weather etc. As @hmp10 said, it allows you to adjust your driving by seeing that number.
I think the sample it is using has a lot of history in in and is not an instantaious reading.

True. That's why I said it's "more instant" instead of instantaneous. The truly instantaneous readout is on the circular display above the speed indicator.

However, I do see the m/kWh register a change if I considerably speed up or slow down for a mile or two of driving, while the remaining-range indicator does not register a change until several miles of such driving. Sometimes, I can also see a drop in m/kWh in a maneuver such as punching the car on a long interstate entry ramp after leaving surface streets, perhaps depending on how close I was to the rounding point of the calculator.

I just usually prefer more information about what the car is doing than less, especially when it comes as easily as the m/kWh readout on an uncrowded section of screen.
View attachment 5724
If Lucid engineers are reading, I would prefer the mi/kWh display is optional. We're driving an EV that only cost $10 to fully charge vs $100/tank for a comparable ICE. From my screen above I'm clearly not aspiring to drive more efficiently - and don't want to try. 🙂
That’s gone in the software update
It is of course standard in many ICE vehicles to have fuel consumption values displayed many ways… since last fill, last 10 miles, instant etc. It would be great if we could toggle on any three (whatever fits) readings we would like to see there from a list chosen in settings in the pilot panel. Having choices on this screen is actually standard practice on higher end GM vehicles for the last decade.
I think the sample it is using has a lot of history in in and is not an instantaious reading. my expected range can drop 80 miles when I have only driven 60.
If we could set the sample size( say last 5 mins or based on the last hour of driving0, It would be useful enough to warrant putting it back up there
The miles remaining to destination is a lot better now and actually updates in real time. Was pretty spot on in my most recent trip up and down to the bay area from LA
I’m on 2.0.12 and I’m still not seeing directions to next turn on the center cockpit. Is that expected? It’s on the left side of the right most cockpit screen. I still see the Air logo on right side of center screen.
If using the navigation, the Air logo is replaced with the "next turn" nav information (on the right side of center cockpit). I'm on 2.0.12 and it's working fine.
I have driven about 75 miles since updating to 2.0.12 and haven't been able to activate Highway Assist. Only see ACC. Tried holding down the ACC button while on the highway but no option for highway assist. Anything I am doing wrong?

Funny, mine offered highway assist after about 6 miles.

You do have to calibrate it before it will work. It instructs you to drive for 30 minutes on a fairly straight highway.

Some people think it may have to be an interstate highway rather than a small one and you may need to be using ACC during it.

Mine calibrated after less than 5 minutes using ACC on an interstate highway. After it calibrates you get a pop-up window saying Highway Assist is now available.

Are there any markings on the map display they indicate it's a highway assist road?

My GPS is locked to Lucid Headquarters, so I don't think it will work for me until this is fixed.

I thought these weird dots were new last update before 2.0

I’m on 2.0.12 and I’m still not seeing directions to next turn on the center cockpit. Is that expected? It’s on the left side of the right most cockpit screen. I still see the Air logo on right side of center screen.
I have the same problem. I think it's a bug.