Need for home Wi-Fi?


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Mar 13, 2023
Los Angeles
Other than for big OTA update downloads, are there any other reasons to connect your car to home Wi-Fi? I'm thinking about permanently disconnecting from my home network.
Other than for big OTA update downloads, are there any other reasons to connect your car to home Wi-Fi? I'm thinking about permanently disconnecting from my home network.
Nope. Many have.
Turned WiFi off on mine a while back, no ill effects that I can see.
What is the logic behind this action? it would seem there are more pluses than minus' for this type of connectivity.
What is the logic behind this action? it would seem there are more pluses than minus' for this type of connectivity.
Mainly to prevent battery draining, though I’m sure there are other reasons.
For me, less daily phantom drain (mine was greater than 2% and now less than 1% as it was uploading a lot of data through the WiFi - for what, I don't know) and faster connectivity at start from home (no more audio and navigation connectivity delay when leaving range and switching from WiFi to car connection).
The car does a bad job of switching from WiFi to cell data, so that if you are listening to a streaming music source as you leave home, the music always stops for a while a minute into the drive. Not using home WiFi avoids this problem.
The car does a bad job of switching from WiFi to cell data, so that if you are listening to a streaming music source as you leave home, the music always stops for a while a minute into the drive. Not using home WiFi avoids this problem.
Sometimes. I don't seem to have this problem at all, so I leave wifi on. I would guess it has to do both with what your cell service is like in your area as well as what wifi equipment / settings you use.