I appreciate your contributions but you are overstepping with your words and assumptions. You are sounding all so superior and privileged, but also being an admin and all powerful I won't step any further though I wish for your continued wealth and health so you may not have to get into a bad situation. Perhaps you'd likely "oh I'm well set up to manage any and all crisis". Well, good for you!
I wont be surprised if this post gets deleted or I get a warning somehow.
I also do not appreciate whichever admin changed the title without letting me know. Moving posts to other categories is totally fine, but changing someone else's words is something else.
Back to the point.
Also if people read the old thread theyd see I did take cheaper models into consideration like Model Y and even test drove other Mazdas. Eventually it didn't make sense to get any other car really because the Teslas didnt have enough range that I need. I did overextend a bit because of the required DDP and SSP, but like
@koflo says it's a change of current circumstances. My previous situation at the time of purchase is totally fine and affordable for me. Sure a bit stretch but totally manageable.