Major Breaking issue

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Did you have a floor mat get stuck, perhaps? This is the first time I’ve ever heard of or seen this issue reported, and while I’m not necessarily assuming user error, I can tell you that the brakes have never failed me or anyone else I’ve ever spoken to.
No floor mats were stuck under there. I have actually found a post in this forum were someone had a similar issue, the car did break for them but the car accelerated in reverse when they were backing out of there drive way after tapping pedal and it was in regen mode which is what happen to us but in our car, the car did not brake once in regen mode and crashed into my neighbors car that was parallel parked directly across the street. The damage was significant to my car and the neighbor's car. Frankly the fact that Lucid is being evasive on turning data over on black box and their engineer reports speaks volumes. This has been going on for 60 days now.

I also know tesla just had a recall due to similar issue with breaking in regen mode. Yes I know this is not a tesla!!!
The only thing mind boggling is the impact it did when backing out of driveway so much so that it took the other car out and crashed into house. What typically speeds we back out from garage ? 5, 10 but definitely not more than 15…
Exactly our point. This all happened in slow motion. Trust me when It hit the truck and checked to see if foot was on break and it was and the car was still moving toward the house all in slow motion less then 15 mph....
I am glad that nobody was injured and have no doubt that the owner believes that the brake was applied, but did not stop the car. In every car that I have owned, including high-power Porsches, Audis, and MBs the brakes could overcome the engine power/accelerator. Witness, for example, the 991 Turbo S (and later model) launch control starts where one fully depresses the brake pedal and the accelerator simultaneously then releases the brake to launch brutally. (I have not tried this technique with my AGT nor have I looked at the UM on the subject.) Please have some empathy for the OP, as the accident was traumatic.
You don’t necessarily need it, houses these days tend to have Ring/Nest cams. My was recently used by police/insurance for a crash someone had in front of my house. If brake lights are on when reversing on any of the camera views, then the car likely did move in spite of brakes being applied, which would be very unlikely but the brake lights come on when brake pedal is applied. Even the runaway Tesla ones have usually been found to be that the foot was in fact on the accelerator, or maybe floor mat was caught, etc, and brake lights didn’t come on until the mishap was recognized. While I do not doubt anyone having an accident, driver accounts are notoriously unreliable.
If lucid was willing to turn over the black box data I would find all this a litte acceptable but since they continue to stone wall us on the data and the black box its very suspect. Also They did tell me they show pedal was pushed 40 percent, Human nature is the pedal would be pushed to the floor if you were trying to break. What I think the 40 percent is when we tapped pedal to exit driveway then it went in regen mode. I don't think the 40 percent is actually when we were breaking.I think the braking acctually failed while in regen mode. I am just stating what happened and what lucid is saying happened. We are 100% adamant our foot was on break also by all accounts the auto braking should have stopped the car.

I was hesitant to post the situation based on the exact kind of feed back that I would get.

What I hope is when this happens to someone else that no one dies from it. But at least there will be record of it on this forum and the complaint that we are getting ready to file with NHSTA.

Lets not forget Tesla has denied for years problems with braking when in regen mode and on auto pilot when numerous customers complained of issues and they blamed it on driver error but last week issued a major recall on something to do with those complaints.
I also don't understand how a Lucid could possibly push a car all that way. Was it a smart car or something heavier?

And I agree, just look into the results of the Toyota scandal.. floor mats and driver error both contributed to it.
it was a honda pilot truck and pushed the back end out of way and made it past it onto the house. I can assure you that you won't think I am crazy if this happens to you. The fact that they say pedal pushed at 40 percent that is when we tapped accelarator to back out of driveway. I don't beleive accelarator was pushed at all when it hit the truck I believe it was in regen mode when we pressed brake For the record this all happened in slow motion the collission. Thats the crazy thing.
This just in! Major breaking news! Brand new member posts inflammatory information without any visual proof. More on this on Troll News at 6. Back to you in the studio, (hyd) Bob!

This crossed my mind, too. The odd grammar, syntax, frequent misspelling, and intermittent confusion between "breaking" and "braking" in the post lead me to wonder about its origin and purpose.

These types of errors -- particularly the erratic capitalization and punctuation -- are not typical of what one might see from a non-native speaker or writer of English. They are more typical of the adolescent, semi-literate writing one finds overtaking social media.

I think that before this thread goes any further there should be some demonstration that the poster actually owns a Lucid.
Photos? This is your first post on the forum. The car has only ever overrode emergency braking when pressing the accelerator to accelerate or maintain speed. That is at low speeds. I am not sure about whatever speeds you were going.
This was a very low speed backing out of drive way. We tapped medal to exit driveway onto street. We were actuallt in regen mode when the car struck the truck with our foot on the break...
This was a very low speed backing out of drive way. We tapped medal to exit driveway onto street. We were actuallt in regen mode when the car struck the truck with our foot on the break...
But do you have photos? Of the pilot? Of your neighbors house? Anything to help us confirm?
We were actuallt in regen mode . . .

This is utter nonsense. Being in regen mode means the motors are operating as generators and sending current back to the batteries, not power to the wheels. The only way the car moves while in regen mode is by momentum.

If the Lucid was, in fact, in regen mode at "very low speed", hitting a parallel-parked car would have stopped the Lucid. It would not have had the momentum to push the car aside and continue on to hit a house.

This discussion is getting ludicrous. Show some proof that you own a Lucid. The moderators can tell you how to be certified as a "verified owner". Until then, this really needs to stop.
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This just in! Major breaking news! Brand new member posts inflammatory information without any visual proof. More on this on Troll News at 6. Back to you in the studio, (hyd) Bob!
I was very hesitant to post on here. I am not a troll. Lucid had a tow truck at my house in 30 minutes to pick up vehicle. IF you want to see the vehicle go to Costa Mesa dealer there recommended body shop is right next door were my car is. The damage to my car is over 60k all at less then 15 MPH on impact. This happened in slow motion not like 60 mph so our recount of the situation is accurate and again why won't lucid turn over data or reports that I have requested in writing at least 7 times. Yes I fully intend to get the info even if I have to hire an attorney to get it.

I didn't post pictures because lucid picked up the car so fast. I do have pirctures it did to the car and the house. But to be clear I am real person and what I say happened in fact happened and if it ever happens to someone else down the road they will have this thread to say I told you so and lucid was aware hence why I posted this.
This is utter nonsense. Being in regen mode means the motors are operating as generators and sending current back to the batteries, not power to the wheels. The only way the car moves while in regen mode is by momentum.
This is either a very confused owner who has done no research into EV's, or a complete troll. Surely, pictures would be available? Not of your car as that is in your shop, but I assume your neighbor's house has visible damage?
This was a very low speed backing out of drive way. We tapped medal to exit driveway onto street. We were actuallt in regen mode when the car struck the truck with our foot on the break...
Also, if your "foot was on the brake," ignoring that there is 40 percent acceleration, wouldnt that show on the telemetry? And your foot wasnt on the accelerator, seeing as to how its only 40 percent. I don't see how Lucid could take the car back within 30 minutes as the police would usually be involved in this case. I also don't see how the parked honda pilot(or the lucid) could go over a curb into a house given the low ground clearance, seeing as to how it is unlikely their car was blocking their own driveway. Earlier you stated that the Lucid "dragged the car" but now you said it just moved the back out of the way.

Are you making this up?
Okay. This is going nowhere. Shutting the thread down before it gets nasty.
Last thing, is your insurance should be the one getting all this information from Lucid. It's part of their investigation into the accident. I'd also suggest an attorney if you don't believe your insurance company.
This is either a very confused owner who has done no research into EV's, or a complete troll. Surely, pictures would be available? Not of your car as that is in your shop, but I assume your neighbor's house has visible damage?
I have video of the house and the car, If I can figure out how to edit my lic plate and nieghvbors plate out of the the video then I will try to upload tomorrw... I was hesitant to even post what happen as I assumed I would get these kind of responses but felt it was important to put it out there so if happens to someone else there is record. and hopefully they can reach out to me. I may never be able to actually prove what happened but we know what happened and when it happens to someone else I will say I told you. And yes I joined forum today because I had to join in order to get the information out there. I am not a troll or crack pot. I swear this car did not stop with auto braking and foot on the break. that is what I know.
I have a Lucid Air Grand Touring 2023 only 2600 Miles. I have encountered a major accident. While the car was backing out of my driveway, We press brake so the car stops at the incline of drive way, then we lightly tap the accelerator to continue into the street. The car failed to stop with the auto braking system on nor with the foot on the break. The vehicle proceeded backwards and hit a parked car parallel parked across the street, it continued to push the car out of the way and continued to crash into the house across the street all at a very slow pace. I have repeatedly ask Lucid to provide me all black box data and all written reports to the incident. We are talking about a major accident. This car didn't stop with foot on break or the auto braking system.

Lucid came and got the car with in 30 minutes of the accident. After numerous emails to Lucid requesting all data and reports from the car. I received a call from a service manager stating that they show the accelerator was pushed 40% of the way and that since it was pushed 40 percent of the way it over road the auto braking system. Basically they are saying that we hit the accelerator instead of break and their records show the pedal was pushed at 40 percent.
First I can tell you foot was on brake not accelerator, Secondly even if foot was on accelerator I can assure you it would be to the floor as human nature would be to press the pedal harder to stop the car as it crashed into the parallel parked car. Keep in mind this car crashed to a vehicle parallel parked and pushed it out of the way and continued to move 20 more feet after pushing the vehicle out of the way and proceeded to crash into my neighbor's house.

This was a very serious incident we are fortunate the neighbor's kids were not playing in drive-way.

In Short we believe there is a very serious issue with breaking the car when the pedal is tapped to accelerate in reverse and the car goes to regen mode when let up. Either the accelerator over ran the regen mode or the braking system failed severly. What we know this car did not stop and after numerous attempts to get the reports and data Lucid remains silent and doesnt provide us with the information.

If anyone has had any issues with stopping the car while in regen mode or not. please contact me. We are scared to death to ever drive the car again.....
I have video of the house and the car, If I can figure out how to edit my lic plate and nieghvbors plate out of the the video then I will try to upload tomorrw... I was hesitant to even post what happen as I assumed I would get these kind of responses but felt it was important to put it out there so if happens to someone else there is record. and hopefully they can reach out to me. I may never be able to actually prove what happened but we know what happened and when it happens to someone else I will say I told you. And yes I joined forum today because I had to join in order to get the information out there. I am not a troll or crack pot. I swear this car did not stop with auto braking and foot on the break. that is what I know.
Alright! I highly suggest editing just images or screenshots from the video that show it all, since blurring out regions of videos is a VERY hard task.
I have a Lucid Air Grand Touring 2023 only 2600 Miles. I have encountered a major accident. While the car was backing out of my driveway, We press brake so the car stops at the incline of drive way, then we lightly tap the accelerator to continue into the street. The car failed to stop with the auto braking system on nor with the foot on the break. The vehicle proceeded backwards and hit a parked car parallel parked across the street, it continued to push the car out of the way and continued to crash into the house across the street all at a very slow pace. I have repeatedly ask Lucid to provide me all black box data and all written reports to the incident. We are talking about a major accident. This car didn't stop with foot on break or the auto braking system.

Lucid came and got the car with in 30 minutes of the accident. After numerous emails to Lucid requesting all data and reports from the car. I received a call from a service manager stating that they show the accelerator was pushed 40% of the way and that since it was pushed 40 percent of the way it over road the auto braking system. Basically they are saying that we hit the accelerator instead of break and their records show the pedal was pushed at 40 percent.
First I can tell you foot was on brake not accelerator, Secondly even if foot was on accelerator I can assure you it would be to the floor as human nature would be to press the pedal harder to stop the car as it crashed into the parallel parked car. Keep in mind this car crashed to a vehicle parallel parked and pushed it out of the way and continued to move 20 more feet after pushing the vehicle out of the way and proceeded to crash into my neighbor's house.

This was a very serious incident we are fortunate the neighbor's kids were not playing in drive-way.

In Short we believe there is a very serious issue with breaking the car when the pedal is tapped to accelerate in reverse and the car goes to regen mode when let up. Either the accelerator over ran the regen mode or the braking system failed severly. What we know this car did not stop and after numerous attempts to get the reports and data Lucid remains silent and doesnt provide us with the information.

If anyone has had any issues with stopping the car while in regen mode or not. please contact me. We are scared to death to ever drive the car again.....

I have a video also I just have to figure out how to edit out the license plate information on my vehicle and the truck vehicle. These two pictures I posted don't do it justice the video will give it much more clarity, which I will try to edit out my plate and the nieghbors plate out of the video.. Not this will change anyones opinion on what happened but I posted this earlier today to warn others and also so there is record when it happens to someone else.


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I have a video also I just have to figure out how to edit out the license plate information on my vehicle and the truck vehicle. These two pictures I posted don't do it justice the video will give it much more clarity, which I will try to edit out my plate and the nieghbors plate out of the video.. Not this will change anyones opinion on what happened but I posted this earlier today to warn others and also so there is record when it happens to someone else.
Oh wow. I do get what you have been saying now. Why did the house break apart like that? Seeing how low the Lucid is, I would assume it was around 10-15 mph?
I have a video also I just have to figure out how to edit out the license plate information on my vehicle and the truck vehicle. These two pictures I posted don't do it justice the video will give it much more clarity, which I will try to edit out my plate and the nieghbors plate out of the video.. Not this will change anyones opinion on what happened but I posted this earlier today to warn others and also so there is record when it happens to someone else.
Pics of the Lucid would complete the story. I apologize for my earlier post, but you have to see how many of us were suspect of the legitimacy of your post - brand new poster with his first post, multiple typos (including mixing up brake and break), and no visual proof. Hopefully your insurance covers the damage and you get your car back ASAP.
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