Major Breaking issue

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I would have thought that too, but wouldn't the voltage spike push the accelerator application to 100?
We question if the spike was really 40 percent at time of accident, what I am suggesting is that the system picked up the 40 percent number upon tapping pedal to exit down ramp on the driveway and the spike happened in regen mode after tapping pedal as it was rolling backward onto street and the system is showing the 40 percent but failing to pick up spike in regen mode at millisecond before car hit the truck. If that make sense. What I know is the foot was not on the accelerator. While I know everyone on here wants to say driver error we are adamant that is not what happened. I can assure you we have thought this through every day for last 60 days and what we are sure of is the foot was not on accelarator at time of impact into first vehicle. Truthfully we are scared to death to drive this vehicle when it comes back from the shop. We very well may sell the vehicle at an obvious huge loss do to that accident.
What? Then why are you only posting it now? Did any breakthrough come?
Truthfully was waiting to see how Lucid would handle before I went public with it and I left for vacation for 3 weeks in late November- early december and chose to put it out of my mind while on vacation. But since they been stonewalling me on the report and the data I felt it was time to put this out there.
I can confirm this information. My recent request had a narrative report. No charts. No raw data. The information given was bare minimum.

I could use the kinematic data myself to produce charts and recreate the accident we were involved in. Lucid would probably never give that though unless taken to court, and my insurance had me do it vs them doing it when insisted on for the initial report.

I believe OP on the point of the insurance doing little in the way to help as USAA has been lackadaisical at best... Black box data from other car? No way. No can do. Impossible.

You pay insurance to fight them for the correct payouts, to do the right things, and all while without a car. Car gets sent to a different city when shops are nearby? Meh, they did not take the time to find certified body shops and sent to the first third party appraisal location for a completely inaccurate repair estimate.
You pretty much nailed it! If I decide to litigate and win then insurance will join the fight and file subrogation claim against lucid but if I don't fight Lucid and win insurance will just chalk it up on me without doing much to help go after Lucid to get to the bottom of this. I am guessing if it starts to happen to other owners or more claims paid then they might take another stance. IDK.
You pretty much nailed it! If I decide to litigate and win then insurance will join the fight and file subrogation claim against lucid but if I don't fight Lucid and win insurance will just chalk it up on me without doing much to help go after Lucid to get to the bottom of this. I am guessing if it starts to happen to other owners or more claims paid then they might take another stance. IDK.
At this point, posting here will do nothing. Unless someone else comes forward with a similar issue. My best advice is to hire a lawyer as that seems to be the only path forward to fight your insurance and to get the data you want. I empathize with your situation, but this really will get nowhere here on the forums. I wish you the best of luck in getting this sorted out.
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