I can confirm this information. My recent request had a narrative report. No charts. No raw data. The information given was bare minimum.
I could use the kinematic data myself to produce charts and recreate the accident we were involved in. Lucid would probably never give that though unless taken to court, and my insurance had me do it vs them doing it when insisted on for the initial report.
I believe OP on the point of the insurance doing little in the way to help as USAA has been lackadaisical at best... Black box data from other car? No way. No can do. Impossible.
You pay insurance to fight them for the correct payouts, to do the right things, and all while without a car. Car gets sent to a different city when shops are nearby? Meh, they did not take the time to find certified body shops and sent to the first third party appraisal location for a completely inaccurate repair estimate.