@stjara I have similar issues with HA and the whine and not happy about either. Don't let the masses here dissuade you from complaining , especially since you seem to be giving Lucid a chance to correct. Anyone who says, "then Lucid's not for you" is a dog whistle for "get lost, son!" Don't listen when they discount you either; I can read between the lines and hear your valiant tries and you ain't no dummy!
There are some amazing people on this forum, some who are not treating you on this thread so nicely, but that's because they're overly protective of the brand! I was the first dozen car deliveries in the the world to get my Air! Yes, I can hear the peanut gallery saying, "ya, ya, we know", and also the first 0.25K people to get a Tesla so know the journey! I have seen amazing things from Lucid and the growth of the company and also their steadfast desire, from the top, to take care of their customers on this bumpy journey. Sometimes the local service centers don't live up to the VP's expectations so that's when its time to escalate. Contact the admins on ways to do that.
@hydbob or
@borski are helpful a ton!
Also, this is the best dam DRIVING car I've ever driven, and there are a lot of cars in that denominator! It doesn't mean that the experience can not improve!
- "Sunlight is said to be the best of disinfectants" --Supreme Court Justice Louis Brandeis