I don’t love it, in fact I’m here to caution people re FSD. On the one hand yes, it’s the best system on the market by far. On the other I think it’s going to end up getting more than a few people killed. My wife has a Y and we’ve got a FSD trial through April…
In the course of 10 miles using the most current FSD on surface streets it committed two moving violations and risked someone’s life: one right turn on red with a no-turn on red arrow lit, one straight through an intersection from a turn lane, and it completely missed a man with a hat gardening crouched down on our narrow one lane road, mistaking him for a bush probably, and it was going to drive close enough to clip him if I hadn’t taken over (who know what would have happened if he’d stepped back).
The good news is that these issues made it very clear to me that I can’t trust it, hence I either don’t use it or watch it like a hawk. But here’s the thing: it will get better, and these issues will get fewer and farther between. And then more people will trust it, but serious issues will remain, they’ll just be rare enough to lull people into false confidence.
I put over 80k miles on my previous 2018 Model 3. I didn’t have FSD and had the systems off (so I thought) yet it still almost killed me. Early morning, construction on the side of a 2 lane highway, shadows on the road and no lane lines. The car got confused by one of those shadows and activated “lane departure” where it grabs the wheel. It swerved right, nearly putting me under the flat bed 18 wheeler that I was feet from… When it did this there was zero way to contact Tesla and report the issue- I literally filed a complaint with the NTSB because I couldn’t tell Tesla.
I have no doubt that one day self driving cars will be safer drivers than all of us. This period we’re going through now, however, is going to be a tough transition. I’ve got hundreds of miles on the latest FSD at this point, but there’s zero chance I’d pay for it and many situations I won’t use it for lack of trust.
BTW I probably slightly preferred our Ioniq 5- drove more authentically especially at the limit. My wife slightly prefers the Tesla, though neither is in the same league as our E-tron GT. But all are too small, so it’s a Gravity if and when they get their act together (without and of the drivers assistance options).