Hey, folks, I know a lot of you are not taking kindly to the suggestion we're not an active forum. We all know this isn't true. But let's try and give the OP the benefit of the doubt and remember we've all been "New Members" ourselves here at one point or another.
Think of it as an opportunity to change minds and bring someone new into the fold. As opposed to running strangers out of our little "ghost" town.
I know, pot meet kettle, and all that. I'm as guilty as any one of rushing to judgement. Just thought I'd make the suggestion.
I've been on this forum for six months. Compared to other members, I'm definitely still a new member.
As a new member, I say to those of you "not taking kindly to the suggestion we're not an active forum", ya'll don't need to defend this forum.
And yet I can understand feeling the need to stand up to what could be interpreted as accusations. As one member said, statements easily interpreted as saying "This place is dead".
When I joined this forum, I spent most of my time researching previous posts. Years worth of posts, to get myself up-to-speed (learn more about the products, types of product issues and resolution of those issues, tone and quality of posts, member support, etc.).
There's so much more I could say to the OP, in addition to my previous post, but I would be contributing to getting off track from the actual purpose of this forum (Lucid Motors and the products). Even though there is an Off Topic section in this forum. Kudos to forum moderators for not moving this topic there.
I applaud
@joec for encouraging changing minds and bringing someone new in.
This forum is keeping me going while I wait for the Gravity Touring version.
For me, there is no competitor to the Gravity and if there was, I'd look for a high quality forum for that competing product, like this one.
The Gravity will be my first ev. Buying it from a fairly new company, as well? Two risks for me, but I feel pretty confident that between Lucid support and this forum, I'm making the right decision and looking forward to contributing (including complaining

), as a Gravity owner. Whatever issue I may encounter, it helps to have resources.