Faster Chip Available for Retrofitting in the Air?

I guess I'm am outlier. Never think (or worry) about OTA updates (they'll arrive when they arrive), have not contacted Lucid since I drove off the lot (in January), haven't even added air to the tires since January. Refill the washer bottle now and then and drive.
I guess I'm am outlier. Never think (or worry) about OTA updates (they'll arrive when they arrive), have not contacted Lucid since I drove off the lot (in January), haven't even added air to the tires since January. Refill the washer bottle now and then and drive.
You are not the only one. I haven’t contact CS for the updates or retrofits. It will come when it will come. 😂
I know where you're coming from, but it's not a terrible thing for people to be asking for it. It sends a demand signal which could possibly tip the scales between them offering it vs not offering it. I don't think that case is likely, but it's not out of the question. It generally doesn't hurt, especially if you're already in a conversation with the service centers about something else.

This could be a revenue generating item for cars which are under warranty, whereas so much of the work that is done today is covered by warranty and doesn't generate any $.
As an owner with a car that's under warranty, this would not something that I'd expect to be provided at zero cost. The existing hardware is as advertised and is not the subject of a recall. If they want to do it for goodwill, that would be lovely, but pulling in a $1MM+ in service revenue for a company that likely has very little service revenue to date seems like it would be worthwhile. They could charge quite a bit for the upgrade, too, I suspect, regardless of the underlying cost of said hardware.
I know where you're coming from, but it's not a terrible thing for people to be asking for it. It sends a demand signal which could possibly tip the scales between them offering it vs not offering it. I don't think that case is likely, but it's not out of the question. It generally doesn't hurt, especially if you're already in a conversation with the service centers about something else.

This could be a revenue generating item for cars which are under warranty, whereas so much of the work that is done today is covered by warranty and doesn't generate any $.
As an owner with a car that's under warranty, this would not something that I'd expect to be provided at zero cost. The existing hardware is as advertised and is not the subject of a recall. If they want to do it for goodwill, that would be lovely, but pulling in a $1MM+ in service revenue for a company that likely has very little service revenue to date seems like it would be worthwhile. They could charge quite a bit for the upgrade, too, I suspect, regardless of the underlying cost of said hardware.
That's the way I see it as well, it's probably not something covered under warranty (unless the existing chip fails). And it will probably not be something worth upgrading out of pocket either.
I tell you this much: between the two potential retrofit topics (faster CPU & revised motor mounts to mitigate front motor whine), both of which have now been mentioned in two YT videos (both of which are mentioned in this thread), the latter is way more important to me. I would give my eye teeth to get rid of that whine.
I tell you this much: between the two potential retrofit topics (faster CPU & revised motor mounts to mitigate front motor whine), both of which have now been mentioned in two YT videos (both of which are mentioned in this thread), the latter is way more important to me. I would give my eye teeth to get rid of that whine.
I had no idea that retrofitting the motor mounts was a potential option for the older vehicles. I have to concur...for day to day cruising, I'd rather not have the motor whine. It's fine during hard acceleration and adds to the excitement at some level...but outside of that, it disturbs an otherwise peaceful existence. For sure, I'd take it over a 'snappier' UI that is already performing just fine in most use cases, and assuming such upgrades aren't related to DDPro functionality down the line (separate systems, I'm told).
I just spoke to the service center because my car is already going in for repair in late September and I figured I might be able to kill two birds with one stone. They told me they can't do anything until Lucid announces/rolls out the upgrade program, but that I was "definitely not the first person to call about this."
Was it accompanied with an involuntary eye roll? 😂
I tell you this much: between the two potential retrofit topics (faster CPU & revised motor mounts to mitigate front motor whine), both of which have now been mentioned in two YT videos (both of which are mentioned in this thread), the latter is way more important to me. I would give my eye teeth to get rid of that whine.

The only potential retrofit I saw mentioned in the video was the new chip. Although the 2025 has new isolation mounts on the front motor, there was no mention of retrofitting them onto older cars which, I suspect, would be a major undertaking.

Of course, I'm one of the owners that actually like the sound of the motor doing its work -- even though I don't hear it much except under acceleration.
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We have staff blab to the media & influencers all the time about things they shouldn't because they feel every little thing that is mentioned is to remain under NDA. We typically see the media and influencers keep their mouths shut on the big ticket items but the small things that tend to come across as general conversation get out to the public. Our PR departments stance is "We have nothing to say at this time".

The fact this has come up twice tells me that something is possibly in the works but Lucid just isn't ready to announce yet because we all know the moment they do announce a possible retrofit they'll probably get slammed with Service Center bookings to retrofit the cars and need to be potentially prepared for it.
...The fact this has come up twice tells me that something is possibly in the works but Lucid just isn't ready to announce yet because we all know the moment they do announce a possible retrofit they'll probably get slammed with Service Center bookings to retrofit the cars and need to be potentially prepared for it.
Or it could be that product management is still thinking about whether it's worth doing, in terms of increasing owner satisfaction and generating positive press versus adding burdens on the manufacturing supply chain and service organization.
I tell you this much: between the two potential retrofit topics (faster CPU & revised motor mounts to mitigate front motor whine), both of which have now been mentioned in two YT videos (both of which are mentioned in this thread), the latter is way more important to me. I would give my eye teeth to get rid of that whine.
There is absolutely zero chance that Lucid offers a retrofit for the front motor mount.

New vehicles will have the new front motor mount. They are not going to be retrofitting old ones with it.
We have staff blab to the media & influencers all the time about things they shouldn't because they feel every little thing that is mentioned is to remain under NDA. We typically see the media and influencers keep their mouths shut on the big ticket items but the small things that tend to come across as general conversation get out to the public. Our PR departments stance is "We have nothing to say at this time".

The fact this has come up twice tells me that something is possibly in the works but Lucid just isn't ready to announce yet because we all know the moment they do announce a possible retrofit they'll probably get slammed with Service Center bookings to retrofit the cars and need to be potentially prepared for it.
Maybe they want some 2025 model year sales before retrofitting.
Maybe they want some 2025 model year sales before retrofitting.
When I spoke to Service I got the sense that they were aware of an upgrade program being implemented but couldn't do anything until it was announced publicly.
There is absolutely zero chance that Lucid offers a retrofit for the front motor mount.

New vehicles will have the new front motor mount. They are not going to be retrofitting old ones with it.
Is it because of physical constraint or technological incompatibility?
When I spoke to Service I got the sense that they were aware of an upgrade program being implemented but couldn't do anything until it was announced publicly.
There are different upgrade being discussed at this point, so it would be helpful if you were specific about which of the two...or both. Processing hardware, front motor mount, or both?

I am not shocked about a processor option, but am shocked about any possibility of a motor mount retrofit. I would tend to believe Borski on that one.
There are different upgrade being discussed at this point, so it would be helpful if you were specific about which of the two...or both. Processing hardware, front motor mount, or both?

I am not shocked about a processor option, but am shocked about any possibility of a motor mount retrofit. I would tend to believe Borski on that one.
Processor hardware.
Is it because of physical constraint or technological incompatibility?
My gut tells me this is a labor issue. The packaging on the air is extremely tight, and that comes with one insane downside. Doing any work means you literally need to take a ton of things apart to get to anything. Just peek into a hood of an old classic car, then go look at a modern Prius. Changing a light bulb is trivial in one, and a huge pain in the ass in the other.

I looked at some photos of the front drive unit, and it looks like there are at least two mounts on the top of the motor, and maybe one if not two on the bottom crossmember below the motor. There's probably a ton of interior trim that has to be removed to get to the top mounts, and hopefully the bottom mounts don't require dropping the subframe to access. Its ALOT of work, probably at least an entire day. Assuming 8 hrs of work at a labor rate of $150, and you'll looking at 1K alone in just labor. I'm sure Lucid would want to charge more to do the job because they probably would rather have their technicians working on real service issues.

I don't see this being worth it for Lucid. As a company with limited resources, it would be an insane waste of resources to start a process of replacing motor mounts on cars EVEN if you charged for the service. Taking it further, even if I inflate the retrofit price so I can pay for a 2nd technician to do the work the 1st technician would be doing I would be wasting a work bay for one car.

A motor mount retrofit program is seriously a lose lose proposition for the company.
I am not shocked about a processor option, but am shocked about any possibility of a motor mount retrofit. I would tend to believe Borski on that one.

There is not one iota of information to suggest Lucid will offer a motor mount retrofit. All we saw was a report that the 2025 Air will have isolation mounts on the front motor.

Lucid will be making all kinds of changes to the Air as it evolves, and all will presumably confer some advantage. Such was the case with the switch from resistive heating to a heat pump, which will not be retrofitted. Such is the case with internal motor modifications that enhance efficiency but will not be retrofitted. Such is the increase in GT battery capacity from 112 to 118 kWh, without any prospect of retrofitting.

Switching out a computer chip is one thing. Changing elements in the core of the car's structure are another.

People should really not speculate on or feed an expectation that such core changes will be offered as retrofits unless they affect safety or seriously impact reliability, such as the replacements of the HV battery packs in some cars.