I don't want to derail the thread, but you should see much more than 64kW under more ideal conditions. In this case ...
1 - 38F outside and 15 mins preconditioning means the pack will have been pretty chilly still. IIRC when navigating on a route with charging stops, the car starts to precondition 45 mins in advance?
2 - Check my math, but if you spent $10.84 at $0.58 / kWh, you put in 18.65kWh. Which is 16% of your 118kW battery. So you started charging at 64%?
With a nice warm battery and at lower initial charge percentage, you'll see much higher numbers. I've only seen over 300kW once, but I've seen initial rates of between 180 and 220 quite often.
Also worth noting that many (most?) of the EA "Hyper" 350kW units actually share the 350kW between two stalls. So if there's someone else charging, you're going to split the 350kW between you. Given the choice of a shared 350 and a regular 150 I'll often take the 150; with our architecture you get around 180kW from them initially.
hth and again apologies for derailing the thread