You put a lot of heart into it.The answers to this any many FAQs are aggregated at
You must like Lucid a bit

You put a lot of heart into it.The answers to this any many FAQs are aggregated at
Thanks, Bobby.The answers to this any many FAQs are aggregated at
Don't know how much Bobby likes Lucid, but I do appreciate his time and efforts in helping the Lucid community.You put a lot of heart into it.
You must like Lucid a bit![]()
Don’t be. This is an awful circumstance, but it’s not widespread. That doesn’t make it any easier to deal with for @Halodde unfortunately.Holly shit!
That's what I'm afraid of, especially on longer trips.
Let us know the outcome.
Agreed. It’s likely a bad motor and lacking logs won’t make a difference.Nuke it. Got nothing to lose.
That sounds related? But I’m not sure.I don't know what caused the drive system fault or if this is related but it's repeatedly powering down in 30 seconds after I open it
And I'm very sorry for your lossDon’t be. This is an awful circumstance, but it’s not widespread. That doesn’t make it any easier to deal with for @Halodde unfortunately.
I was at a funeral for one of my closest friends this weekend (it’s been a very rough week; he was 34) and my bud’s 2015 Honda Odyssey (an extremely reliable car in general, as most on the forum would agree) stopped dead on the highway, because his alternator died. We had to get it towed and get the alternator replaced this morning.
Cars break sometimes, ICE or EV.
Agreed. It’s likely a bad motor and lacking logs won’t make a difference.
That sounds related? But I’m not sure.
Has Lucid gotten back to you about a plan?
Thanks. Its been a rough week.And I'm very sorry for your loss
Thanks. Its been a rough week.
Scotch, Blue Label, that's what the doctor recommendsYou won't believe how much of a clusterf*ck getting the tow truck here and getting the car on it was. I'm too pissed to go into detail now. But I will later because some of the information might be useful for others in the future (but I sincerely hope nobody has to go through what I just did). Oh look... It's happy hour. Perfect
Hi, @Halodde. Thank you for sharing. I just dropped you a DM.Well shit. Called customer care. Very disappointed and frustrated. This means a 7 hour tow trip to Natick (tomorrow because they are closed today) and being without the car for who knows how long. Any thoughts?
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Oh, I forgot. The school bus driver (or their dispatch) called the police. To the officer's credit, upon arriving, he only spoke to the bus driver and didn't come down to me or give us a hard time. He went to the end of the street and blocked traffic on that street for the bus driver to back down the street onto the other road safely. Check the police blotter for updates. Film at 11.Now that my experience yesterday has had some time to settle, I feel like I can somewhat objectively describe the useful components and not just rant. Obviously, I was pretty frustrated and disappointed by the initial brick episode. But the rest of it was a comedy of errors that wasn't very funny at the time.
After speaking and texting with customer service, I sent a text to the service center manager to give him a heads up on what was coming his way. Even though it was Sunday, he took the time to not only respond, but look into it ahead of time. And, it turns out its a really good thing he did. CS had actually scheduled a tow to the wrong service center. He fixed that.
So, like anyone who has ever had to wait for a cable company or phone company appointment, I tried to find out what time yesterday I needed to be home for the pick up. The message and link from CS (or the roadside asst company) looked like it was going to be useful. Spoiler alert: It's worthless. On Sunday afternoon, the linked map page said my tow was "arriving soon". Through multiple more messages with CS, I was finally told 7 AM yesterday. OK. Let's do that. I knew I was asking for a lot but I requested a half hour heads up that they were on the way. At 6:30 yesterday morning, I started checking the linked map page again. No updates. Still "Arriving Soon". Around 8 AM, I started trying to track down the tow. CS told me via text that he was an hour and a half away and that he was in the Bronx. NYC and the Bronx are 6 hours away. CS called me finally and then said that he had left at 4 AM. Ok. So, 10 AM is a good guess on arrival and the linked map page said "arrival in 110 minutes" but didn't show the truck's location on the map. 10 came and went. I found a link on the map that let me call dispatch myself and was finally told between 2-3. Eye Roll. Ok. Entire day is now shot. The truck arrived a few minutes after 3.
The very nice driver was helpful and immediately asked if the car would drive. I said no but I could get it in Neutral to roll it down the driveway and into position. Remember above when I said that the car started powering down without warning in less than 2 minutes after powering up? That was now down to 30 seconds. As the tow driver moved the truck into position in the street (blocking traffic in the cul de sac due to cars parked on the street), I got the car into neutral and coasted down the driveway and into the street behind the tow. Each time, moving only a little bit before the car powered down and went into park. Repeat as necessary until the driver and I got it at the bottom of the ramps by pushing it. And now, the car will not keep power long enough for me to even put it into neutral. It won't power on or roll for more than 5 seconds. Now traffic is actually piling up and getting upset. The driver and service via phone said to use a portable jump start. For those not familiar, the access point to jump the 12V battery is behind the passenger side rear wheel. Pull out the tabs and they are behind the wheel well cover. So, not that you know where the access point is, good luck using it successfully. We didn't know this when he connected the portable power, but you have one chance for about 10 seconds before the fully charged portable power source is sapped of all it's juice by the car. So, that was an exercise in futility. I used to carry one in my old car but gave it to my girlfriend when I got the Lucid. So, now there's a school bus trying to get through and beeps his horn. I walked down to apologize for blocking the traffic. The driver said he was not allowed to back off the street onto another road. I said then you better call your dispatch and tell them you're going to be late. Back to the tow. The driver is frantically trying to get skids under the rear wheels to drag the car up onto the bed. All hooked up... and the winch breaks down. He calls his own company and gets it fixed in about 10 minutes. Finally he drags the car up onto the bed breaking one of his ramps and a skid under the weight of the car. As he does, I get the shock and tilt alarm and the horn goes. I go into the app and shut it off. Start to finish it was about an hour and a half process stuck dead in the middle of the street. Thankfully, it was only my cul de sac and not some busy street or intersection. And the shock and tilt kept turning itself back on all the way for the 7 hour tow trip. So, I got the fun reminders for the rest of the evening. And the driver didn't text me pictures when he got there as he said he would. I got a message from service this AM to let me know though. Now I wait until service gets a chance to look at it and diagnose it.
TLDR: If your car can't maintain power, you can't get it into neutral. Use each time you CAN get it into neutral to it's maximum before the car powers down. And if your car does die, the access point is behind the rear passenger wheel and you only have one shot at the jump with portable power. Use that to its max too.
See at least yours you were able to open the doors. I pushed the software update and went inside my house. The next day I went to drive it, the doors won’t open. The car went into deep sleep. They couldn’t even reboot it remotely nor was I able to open it from the app. My car has been at lucid motors for the last 3 weeks for diagnosis. Yesterday I was told they’ve replaced a bunch of components but they still have no idea what’s going on. It’s definitely frustrating. I did get a loaner from them after a week without a car.Well shit. Called customer care. Very disappointed and frustrated. This means a 7 hour tow trip to Natick (tomorrow because they are closed today) and being without the car for who knows how long. Any thoughts?
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I got mine on Friday after almost a month. So far so good. Good luck!Got the car back yesterday and will be seeing customers today so I will be driving around 200 miles. Fingers crossed that all goes well and is uneventful. Happy to have MYLIL620 back!