Every car can fail. I’ve had many ICE cars fail, even in traffic. Our Kia Sorento entirely bricked on the highway and they had to replace the entire engine, under recall.
yea I know. i think i know why i had the reaction i did ... see below
No, you had one failure that a reboot didn’t fix and kept recurring. Not 4 individual failures. After the second one, you should have called roadside assistance.
I called roadside assistance right away after the first time. Strong accent and horrible connection. Never heard of Lucid. Said there is no VIN like the one I gave him over and over.
Car was blocking traffic. I thought the reset was my best option and it worked.
The first one was "brake system failure". There was a surge, a clunk, and slammed on the brakes and bricked the car. The whole screen was blood red. Very scary.
The second one was "drive system failure" and had an alarming screen that was different.
I think that's when I noticed the turtle. I was able to coast to a safe place.
The third and fourth times I had stopped looking as it was "normal behavior" for me.
I'm pretty sure every possible icon, warning, danger color and sponsoring animal showed up at one time or the other. I should have taken photos but I guess I had other things on my mind. What was re-assuring was that a reset made the car "normal" each time, and we were able to drive home 6 miles after the 4th reset, and it hasn't happened since, and the tech who was here yesterday (excellent service experience!) drove it another ten miles and could not reproduce the fault. Then I drove it to the grocery store. Today we're having an ice storm and I desperately want to go drive the car ... in fact, as soon as I'm done here I will.
I understand you’re upset, but yes, you shouldn’t drive the car until it’s fixed.
Ah there's the rub. You don't ever know if a modern car is fixed.
You have to keep driving a broken car...that's the only way to know it's fixed.
I'm keeping the car...just not going to use it as a GT or limo for the family for a while. Local golf-cart duty only. I don't know what anyone can say to convince me to take my family on the Turnpike in this car if they don't pull out something broken and burnt to wag in my face.
I'm over 70. "Software update fixed it" does not ring my bell. But, it turns out, I am a True Believer. I will try to keep calm and carry on.
Today I feel much better (was slipping into depression Sun. night so slept for 16 hours). The wife is thinking I'm over-reacting when I called Lucid asking for the title, and she was with me when it happened. She knows how much I love the car. She knows this is the culmination of my life's work (developing Li battery). I have been reflecting on why I clearly was having fight/flight reactions (we weren't in a dangerous place when i happened and I was probably 6 mph). The circumstances were so similar the time a drunk teen slammed into me at a redlight (from behind = sudden and completely unexpected ... totaled both cars) that left me crippled for a couple of years. I had every symptom of adrenaline burn when my Lucid slammed to a sudden and unexpected stop. Must have been amygdala memory reboot to past trauma.
Today... I'm back baby. Head up. This morning I watched Peter's interview (posted here somewhere) where he talks of Lucid's strategy and vision. I love this guy. He gets me. I did not know he's from the land of the red dragon. I've never heard of a CEO with such vision and heart.
I'm all in and staying in.
This car is so amazing ... see how insane it makes some people?