Air Dream Deliveries?

It’s more like a couple hundred cars — not a couple dozen — that are waiting for final parts and assembly. Honestly I can care less if my car is in the parking lot, factory floor or roof. I just want me car fully assembled and delivered asap
Everyone else is within "spec" now as far as they really know. With no communication (or just telling everyone the same line), we are fine until we aren't. All the AGT people were told the same thing as far as I can tell, 2-4 months. I was told that mid-late November. I am at 2 months now with 4 months being mid-late March. Last off-hand comment I heard from my DA was hopefully by the end of the quarter and that was because I was trying to prod it out of him. I don't have much confidence in that quoted timeframe given what has been going on, so hopefully I am pleasantly surprised with a vehicle by the end of March with all of the features I was sold on and no software bugs. Anyone have a bridge to sell me???
Honestly. I have tempered my expectations and now expect to receive my GT sometime this summer. I think they are really struggling with parts shortages. I have rationalized that the delay will give them time to work out the software issues.
Pretty certain white wrapped cars are completely just waiting logistics trucking

That’s not what someone else in this thread stated. It makes sense they have to put cars somewhere as they await final parts and it’s not just a small number.

I would have agreed with your assessment a week ago. Now I have second thoughts.
Again, with little to no communication, Lucid is letting those that know the least dictate the narrative.
Amp1 as mentioned in Kevin doc full capacity is : 34k cars a year and that at full employment they aren’t there yet at best Lucid is around 24 cars a day or 1 car per hour.
To hit their goals they need to be at 2 cars per hour and a little more than that on average since new year has already begun. Amp 2 will expand production at full capacity to 90k cars a year.

details are investor presentation.
I had a call this morning that my DE is in West Palm and ready for delivery. Never had a call saying it had left the factory, or that it was on its way, nada. The last thing that i Had been told was that they hoped they’d deliver it by the end of the month. Piss poor communication. I’m out of town through the middle of next week but my wife is going to run over tomorrow and get the thing.
I had a call this morning that my DE is in West Palm and ready for delivery. Never had a call saying it had left the factory, or that it was on its way, nada. The last thing that i Had been told was that they hoped they’d deliver it by the end of the month. Piss poor communication. I’m out of town through the middle of next week but my wife is going to run over tomorrow and get the thing.
Was there for a test drive a couple of hours ago. Nothing in garage next to studio where the Lucid chargers are located. Is pickup at Service Center in Riveria Beach or studio in West Palm?
I had a call this morning that my DE is in West Palm and ready for delivery. Never had a call saying it had left the factory, or that it was on its way, nada. The last thing that i Had been told was that they hoped they’d deliver it by the end of the month. Piss poor communication. I’m out of town through the middle of next week but my wife is going to run over tomorrow and get the thing.
Hopefully they will forget to ask for your money, too.
Was there for a test drive a couple of hours ago. Nothing in garage next to studio where the Lucid chargers are located. Is pickup at Service Center in Riveria Beach or studio in West Palm?
Shes going to pick it up at the studio, early afternoon tomorrow.

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Congrats, any pics to share with folks and was it delivered this week?
My wife is taking delivery right now, so only one pic so far.
Watch the Lucid twitter account become alive again with delivery pics after being relatively dormant :p