I talked to the Riviera Beach Service Center this morning. The Service Advisor recommended against trying the "nuclear" reset and was going to send a mobile tech out to assess the situation. However, she called a short while later to say the Service Manager thought the car needed to be brought in to the Service Center, so they're picking it up next Monday to haul it across the state . . . again.
Going to dinner this evening, the blind spot cameras that display when the turn signals are engaged also failed. The backup camera on the top glass cockpit display is now also showing "Unavailable" more frequently, and when it does display, the image looks a bit washed out, and there are two red horizontal lines across the image that weren't there before.
Due to Lucid's undertaking the expense to transport the car to a Service Center instead of sending out a mobile tech, I get the feeling that they've seen this problem before and already suspect what's going on.