2.0.24 Update


Active Member
Verified Owner
Dec 14, 2021
Reaction score
Scottsdale, AZ
Lucid GT
Didn't see this posted anywhere, but it's been a couple days since I've been on the boards. A quick 5 minute update that seems to be another one to improve background stuff either for a next update or just make certain things like connectivity and OTAs more efficient.
Patiently waiting for 2.0.15 after getting the previous two updates in fairly quick succession. Ok, maybe not so patiently...
I got 2.0.13 on Wednesday evening and then a rapid succession of 2.0.14, 36 hours wait for 2.0.15, and then 2.0.18 Friday night and 2.0.24 early this morning. Felt behind for a few weeks but caught up real quick.
@Maverick were you on the beta train (are you one of the first 100 people who signed up for the 2.0 beta)?
Can't speak for @Maverick (I believe he was part of the 100 .. like I was) .. I installed 2.0.24 this morning .. looks like we're all back on the same "latest" version now.
Can't speak for @Maverick (I believe he was part of the 100 .. like I was) .. I installed 2.0.24 this morning .. looks like we're all back on the same "latest" version now.
Wasn’t part of the 100, but was also pushed 2.0.24 this morning. No noticeable changes.
Installed today and noticed my Tidal & radio station memory is gone...no playlists or favorites. Surround camera still lagging. Haven't noticed anything else.
I was not part of the 100 and got the 2.0.24 update last night.
Installed today and noticed my Tidal & radio station memory is gone...no playlists or favorites. Surround camera still lagging. Haven't noticed anything else.
Unpaired and repaired Bluetooth and all is well again…I’m such a savant
I got 2.0.24 last night and I was part of the beta. Looks like it is just a bug fix that everyone will get.
Prior to .24 the screens would go live the minute the door was opened. Now seems like a three second delay. Still fast, as by the time you swing the door to get in, the screens are live.
With update 24, no matter which fob approaches car, only one setting is recognized, automatically setting the seat position no longer works, pilot panel goes blank, switching drivers is only accomplished by putting the car to sleep and re-awaking it, only one phone and/or bluetooth device is recognized at a time, mirrors no longer fold, the radio is playing whether we want it on or not. However, it does fire up quickly and drives between the lines. Since you must hold the steering wheel, of what use is the automated driving? If we could uninstall and go back a couple versions, we would. Hopefully, more versions with fixes are on the way. It seems each car is different as to how it handles these updates. Like many others, we love to drive the car but the software still sucks.
Just got back from a 160 mile road trip on version 2.0.24. I did notice the first time I got in the car after the update, the cameras were very slow. However, since then I haven't noticed any lag. The turn signal screens are also still instant. HA worked well except for when I wanted to change lanes, still fighting me resulting in a non-smooth execution. I was also having trouble toggling from HA to ACC. What's the trick there with the button sequence? Also, anybody notice the cancel button doesn't always cancel HA or ACC?

One embarrassing moment, when we picked up the car from the valet, he gave me back the fob, I walked to the trunk and pushed the button on the car to open and the damn alarm started blaring. I then tried to turn it off via the fob with no luck. The handles were in but finally I pushed the handle and they popped out and the siren stopped. So much for our glamorous departure. 😳

Anyway, very enjoyable trip, keeping up with traffic @ 90 mostly. Used 50% of the battery for 160 miles but totally worth it when you know you have more range than you need. It's sooo quick and smoooth!!!
It's going to be difficult to adjust down to a normal release schedule after this barrage of updates! Nice to have the rapid improvement.
Wasn’t part of the 100, but was also pushed 2.0.24 this morning
Same here. Pushed Sunday after I reported parking assist camera issues with 2.0.18. I was not part of the initial 100