171 MPH?


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Oct 24, 2021
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Los Angeles, CA, USA
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Somebody forwarded this to me. Begs the question, is this actually #LucidAir speedometer in MPH? Is this photo shopped?
Looks like it’s MPH as the cruise is set to 90 which is the max it can be set to. Doesn’t look photoshopped but it’s not a high quality pic so hard to tell. Couple of alerts on the cockpit though also.
Even if true, this strikes me as so irresponsible on as many levels as I care to think about. Would appear to be at night. Just idiotic, if true.
Well, it's supposed to be limited to 168 right? This also isn't the first time we've heard of it surpassing that...I'd say it's legit.
Well, it's supposed to be limited to 168 right? This also isn't the first time we've heard of it surpassing that...I'd say it's legit.
No this is false because if you depress the accelerator and go past the limit you’ve set for “adaptive cruise” it will say “Override” instead of “adaptive cruise” on the display, and it keeps saying override until you’ve decelerated below the cruise limit. I know because I have done this. It’s actually how I seamlessly turn off ACC, I just press accelerator pedal slowly until it says override then cancel ACC then slow back down. It results in a totally unnoticeable cancellation of cruise control rather than hitting cancel with strong regen and making everyone in the car puke. So I’d say this image is photoshopped.
No this is false because if you depress the accelerator and go past the limit you’ve set for “adaptive cruise” it will say “Override” instead of “adaptive cruise” on the display, and it keeps saying override until you’ve decelerated below the cruise limit. I know because I have done this. It’s actually how I seamlessly turn off ACC, I just press accelerator pedal slowly until it says override then cancel ACC then slow back down. It results in a totally unnoticeable cancellation of cruise control rather than hitting cancel with strong regen and making everyone in the car puke. So I’d say this image is photoshopped.
Damn you are right, I forgot about the override. BUT, doesn't the set ACC need to be illuminated for it to be "active" and show the override? It's been a while since I've used it so I don't remember
Damn you are right, I forgot about the override. BUT, doesn't the set ACC need to be illuminated for it to be "active" and show the override? It's been a while since I've used it so I don't remember
Oh yeah you’re right if it was active it would have the hilighted box around it,so it looks more like ACC was held instead of active. Hmmm maybe this isn’t photoshop? Fastest I’ve gone was high 120s when I got challenged by an Aventador SVJ but then quickly realized I was being a total idiot and slowed down.
Somebody forwarded this to me. Begs the question, is this actually #LucidAir speedometer in MPH? Is this photo shopped?
View attachment 4426
“Somebody forwarded this to me” ;)

But also, it’s probably software limited to 168, but as we know Lucid under reports speed a bit (as do many cars), so I bet that 171 is a “true” 168.
Driving on a straight, good road, anyone can attain high speed. The challenge is when the unexpected happens and I wouldn’t want to be in control of a vehicle at that speed.
Somewhere in a desolate dessert at night. There is no way you can do this ACC on test track long straight line and no public freeway is safe for this speed.
Looks real. Handling in any car is different at speed.
171mph is 251 feet per second. Encountering debris or an animal in the road at NASCAR speed at night leaves little margin to avoid disaster.
Looks real. Handling in any car is different at speed.
171mph is 251 feet per second. Encountering debris or an animal in the road at NASCAR speed at night leaves little margin to avoid disaster.
Yes, private secluded property preconditioned for this speed test.
Yes, private secluded property preconditioned for this speed test.
Hmmm sounds like you have some inside info on this picture? For comparison I watched the Out of Spec video where Kyle takes a Taycan 4S Sport turismo on the Autobahn to see what is the worst efficiency he can get, top speed maxxed out at 161 mph, efficiency was 0.9 mi/kwh and range I think was a little over 100 miles? Every time I see Taycan videos I like the Lucid more and more. The software interface is like a first gen smart phone, navigation doesn't appear any more responsive than the Lucid, and it has crap range, crap efficiency and is slower, all for more $$$.
Hmmm sounds like you have some inside info on this picture?
No, pure speculation on educated guess on all the promo stock footages shot during day time.
Looks real. Handling in any car is different at speed.
171mph is 251 feet per second. Encountering debris or an animal in the road at NASCAR speed at night leaves little margin to avoid disaster.
I once hit a white tail deer at 70 MPH in a 320i. It was shocking what it did to the front of the car. At Lucid capable speeds, you and the car would be in small pieces. Lots of little batteries everywhere.
I once hit a white tail deer at 70 MPH in a 320i. It was shocking what it did to the front of the car. At Lucid capable speeds, you and the car would be in small pieces. Lots of little batteries everywhere.
I was in a safe-ish situation where I hit 132mph today. Too scary for me to push it more than that, and I also noticed at that speed regen takes a LOT longer to slow you down then if you’re at 70mph! Nevermind an obstacle, all it takes is a puncture or bit of suspension to go wrong and it’s all over. I noticed the MachE is getting recalled over the rear axle having a fault where it could break under load. While it’s encouraging to see The Stig thrash this car and break records with it, I think I should probably leave that excitement to the professionals and just do the occasional launch under safe conditions and then quickly back off.
171mph is so reckless.. and at night? f'ing stupid. Hope no one tries to beat this.
I once hit a white tail deer at 70 MPH in a 320i. It was shocking what it did to the front of the car. At Lucid capable speeds, you and the car would be in small pieces. Lots of little batteries everywhere.
At that speed the sudden reflex swerve can be as deadly as the critter, unless it's a moose, of course.