Search results

  1. J

    2000 mile trip

    I just finished a 2000 round trip from NJ to GA. 4.0 m/kWh avg. sometimes as low as 3.7 but a couple of times as high as 4.5. This includes navigating in traffic like molasses around DC, taking I-81 from Front Royal to I-40 to I-75. Coming back I took I-95 to Charlotte then North to Greensboro...
  2. J

    Garage exiting Routine

    Whenever I approach my garage to park I enjoy the screen changing to allow me to open the door and my lower panel is almost always on the main screen, so I easily can hit the button to fold my mirrors. Exiting my garage is more complex and time consuming. When I enter the garage to exit, the...
  3. J

    EA is Improving

    Wanted to start a new thread on EA. “EA is Enraging” is dated. Traveled I-95 and I-20 from Jersey to Atlanta the past two days. Used EA and had extremely good experiences. Whether I used 350 or 150 chargers I always started out with no less than 140 kw. Not once was the output machine limited. I...
  4. J

    Indy Roadtrip

    On a Thanksgiving weekend round trip from NJ to Indy, I had a chance to give the software update a good test run. Highway Assist is significantly improved. I did notice that it had trouble staying centered when passing an entrance onto the freeway marked by dotted lines. It did seem to maintain...
  5. J

    WSJ Article on Loss per Car

    A pretty gloomy article. Will the twin arrivals of the Pure RWD and the Gravity turn the sales picture around significantly?
  6. J

    Lucid Air Ad in Frankfurt Airport

  7. J

    Cannot play Pandora on Car Play - Receive a privacy notification

    On Saturday, I experienced for the first time the inability to play tunes from Pandora on Car play. I reset several times. Each time I attempt to play a selection I get the screen shot below. I have gone into my iPhone and cannot identify anything that is blocking it = but I am not a digital...
  8. J

    Whine with Highway Assist

    Lately I have been noticing an annoying harmonic whine at highway speeds. It isn’t the normal sound of the motor winding up. Nor does It fit the profile of tire noise. Last night as I was driving on I-195 with Highway Assist at about 75 mph, it became intrusive and annoying. When i hit the...
  9. J

    Lack of Media Coverage

    I regularly scroll through automotive newsfeeds and seldom find articles about Lucid. It is disappointing that among automotive journalists, Lucid seems to be nonexistent. I am puzzled as to why this is. Any insights?
  10. J

    Blinker stays on

    I have noticed recently that my turn signal which I had used to indicate I was pulling into a parking spot and did not trigger off, continued blinking even after I had walked away and the car had shut off. Anyone else experiencing this?
  11. J

    CAR review of Lucid Air and rivals CAR Review “Lucid Air vs Rivals” Final paragraph: Be patient, wait for the Lucid that’s right for you to come along, and you may well find it has the beating of any opposition.
  12. J

    Digital Key Vulnerability

    As a non-tech person, are fobs more secure?
  13. J

    EA Charger at SuperWalmart, Stafford VA

    More than a dozen WA technicians here when I pulled in. Initial charge of 135 dropped to 35 then back to over 100 kw.
  14. J

    Kudos to Derek for design

    To: Derek and others in design. Everywhere I go, my Touring electors interest and comments. Some have described it as being like a space ship. The most frequent comment is “There is nothing in else like this!” I came out of my hotel in Rocky Mt, NC yesterday to find four men standing somewhat...
  15. J

    Shout out to Lucid Staff

    Well done Lucid staff! Picked up my AT on April 6 and had my registration packet May 3. NJ DMV folks mentioned how rare it was to have all the forms and all Properly filled out. Registering and getting my first title were a breeze. Thanks ever so much.
  16. J

    Trip from NJ to Atlanta via Columbia, SC

    Next week I will be traveling from NJ to Atlanta via Columbia SC In my Touring. Any comments on availability of EA on this route? This will be my first road-trip since picking up the car on April 6. I’ll be sure and share my experience.
  17. J

    In production

    My dashboard shifted from “preparing for production” last night to “in production“ this morning with my VIN: 2 years, 4 months, 14 days, but who’s counting? 🎉🍾🎉😁. My Pure is finally coming together. Questions: Typical time between notice of in production and delivery? I believe it...
  18. J

    Excellent Battery Life Projected

    Flash Gear review of Lucid battery life.
  19. J

    Most & Least considered cars

    Ouch for Lucid.