Search results

  1. SaratogaLefty

    Extended Warranty

    By the end of this year warranties on the Dream Edition cars will start to expire. How about Lucid offering an extended warranty which we could purchase?? I for one intend to keep my Dream Edition for a number of years and would gladly purchase an extended warranty if Lucid were to make it...
  2. SaratogaLefty


    On this Christmas holiday I just want to take a minute to thank all the hard working Lucid employees for my wonderful car and the tremendous support the company has provided throughout my almost three years of ownership. I have never in all my vehicle ownership experienced a company like Lucid...
  3. SaratogaLefty

    Rawlinson Interview on CNBC

    I believe I just saw on CNBC that an interview with Rawlinson is coming shortly.
  4. SaratogaLefty

    AI Driving Demand For Electricity And BMW Announcing V2H/V2G Coming Soon

    So WSJ reported today that AI will be driving demand for electricity faster than utilities may be able to deliver!! BMW has announced they will be providing V2H/V2G capability for their upcoming EV's. What is Lucid waiting for?? When will the promised V2H be available???
  5. SaratogaLefty

    Rawlinson Interview At Geneva Auto Show 3/4/24

    I just finished watching a video of three CEO's (Renault; Lucid (Rawlinson); and Pininfarina) talking about EV's and the future. The part I found very interesting was Peter discussing how bi-directional charging and specifically V2G will be used to help utilities and businesses offset the peak...
  6. SaratogaLefty

    Power Outage Bay Area

    Power is out!! High winds and lots of rain. Need V2H now please!!
  7. SaratogaLefty

    Hey Lucid Marketing And Software Team

    I'm thinking Lucid could make a commercial showing a home losing power and going dark briefly. Then all the lights, TV, etc. come back on and the family is relieved and then the camera cuts to the Lucid Air in the garage with it's light bar flashing back and forth as it supplies all the power...
  8. SaratogaLefty

    Wonky Waze Activity

    Here are some videos showing how my Waze is now acting since I upgraded to 2.1.33. Have tried disconnecting CarPlay and reconnecting but still keeps zooming and out and it is too distracting to use.
  9. SaratogaLefty

    SOLD Liner X Mats For Dream or Grand Touring - $75 OBO

    Free Delivery anywhere in the Bay Area. For all other locations actual shipping cost via Fed Ex Ground.
  10. SaratogaLefty

    Apple CarPlay vs Tidal

    First of all let me say that I am thrilled that Apple CarPlay has finally arrived. There are lots of features I really like but I do have some questions for the audiophiles here regarding how it compares with Tidal. I have an extensive Dolby Atmos Playlist on Tidal (over 700 songs) and also a...
  11. SaratogaLefty

    Why So Many Negative Forum Posts? I've Been a Very Happy Customer.

    I guess it is the nature of auto forums that negative postings seem to dominate. I for one am very happy with my Lucid. I'm coming up on 9000 miles and every time I get into the car it makes me smile and I just enjoy the driving experience. I'm aware there are many of us who feel the same way...
  12. SaratogaLefty

    I Thought This Is A Lucid "Owners" Forum??

    Hi there. I have been on this forum for well over a year and I have generally been very pleased with the information shared about Lucid cars and owner's experiences, both positive and negative. That said, I am curious why we have to give attention to posters who keep justifying their choice of...
  13. SaratogaLefty

    HMP10 And Other Florida Owners - Okay??

    I hope all you Florida owners and your families are doing okay during this catastrophe!! From what I'm seeing on TV it looks really bad. Please stay safe!!
  14. SaratogaLefty

    Optimal External Temp for Charging??

    Right now it is 107 here and I know it is way to hot to even attempt to charge the car at my local EA station. I'm just wondering if there is an optimal external temperature for fast charging?
  15. SaratogaLefty

    Lesson Learned On Group Ride

    Learned an important lesson today. When we got into the heavy fog on Skyline this morning it was sort of raining and my wife said put on the wipers. Instinctively I pushed the right stalk upward which then apparently put the car in neutral while we were heading downhill at around 50 mph. I...
  16. SaratogaLefty

    Bay Area Lucid Group Ride #3

    Today we had our third group ride with six vehicles. One Eureka Gold and five Zenith Red models. Fun ride that ended at the Bakery Restaurant in Woodside. Photo below shows from right to left moving counter clockwise: Borski's new bride; Borski; TinTin; TinTin's wife; Saratoga Lefty; my...
  17. SaratogaLefty

    Phone Sound Quality

    My wife is complaining that when she calls me and I'm in the car there is a tinny sound on her end and she hears an echo as well. It sounds fine on my end. Thoughts/Suggestions?
  18. SaratogaLefty

    Heat Impact Of Tinting

    I met up with another Lucid owner (Air GT) who had just had his front windshield, top, and rear window tinted. He didn't do the side windows because he didn't want to have the door panels removed. Anyway he went with Xpel Prime XR Plus and did 70 on the windshield and 35 on the top and rear...
  19. SaratogaLefty

    Strange Behavior

    So something strange is going on with my Dream P. My wife went out to the garage this morning and while she was there the car "woke up". She didn't have anything on her that should have caused this to happen. So I went to the garage after she came in and the car was locked as usual. I didn't...
  20. SaratogaLefty

    Vacation Battery Protection

    Later this summer we will be going on vacation for about two weeks and the car will be staying home in the garage. I'm wondering what the best approach is to protect the battery during this time when the garage may get pretty warm. I'm thinking right before we leave maybe I charge it up to 90%...