Lucid OTA update 2.2.2

Apple car play doesn’t connect wirelessly. The music keeps pausing itself every 3-5 seconds . I will try another reset and if the issue persists I would take a video for everyone to see .
@Bthegreek - any workaround or update on this issue ? I have similar problem after this latest update with Apple Music pausing after a few seconds.
@Bthegreek - any workaround or update on this issue ? I have similar problem after this latest update with Apple Music pausing after a few seconds.
Have you tried all of the solutions I mentioned in my video?
@Bthegreek - any workaround or update on this issue ? I have similar problem after this latest update with Apple Music pausing after a few seconds.
Good morning
My connection with Apple car play is hit and miss . I haven’t had the time to go through unpairing/ re pairing as per Bobby’s video . I will try maybe later today and report back
Have you tried all of the solutions I mentioned in my video?
@Bobby - i searched for your video here and just watched it. Will try that later this afternoon and update accordingly. Thanks again!
Nothing new or particularly exciting in this release
Those are the best kinds. Paying down tech debt and laying the foundation to build the "new and exciting". When you think about it that is a feature as well.
Haven’t noticed any issues with this version or any version for quite some time now when it comes to mobile key (I never use the fob)
I can't use mobile key at all with the Samsung zflip 5. I have deleted the key and added it back and still lags. Car is always sleeping when i open the mobile app. I use the key card nearly always to open the vehicle.

Tesla was much better at this.
I can't use mobile key at all with the Samsung zflip 5. I have deleted the key and added it back and still lags. Car is always sleeping when i open the mobile app. I use the key card nearly always to open the vehicle.

Tesla was much better at this.
Do you have the app set to always on/keep open?
Personal anecdote: I never used Carplay because audio would stutter consistently. Decided to flip the switch to turn it on after this update and it's been flawless, I'm extremely happy.
I can't use mobile key at all with the Samsung zflip 5. I have deleted the key and added it back and still lags. Car is always sleeping when i open the mobile app. I use the key card nearly always to open the vehicle.

Tesla was much better at this.
My experience is very much similar. I have a 1 month experiment going of only using my phone (iPhone 15) and even though I’ve only been locked out of my car completely once so far, I have noticed that depending on factors (idk what they are) the key works with about a 2-3 second delay, a 10 second delay with me hitting handles, or a 30+ second in which it’s quicker to pull out the phone and manually unlock the doors via the app once the app connects to the car.

In the one instance that I couldn’t get the car open and had to manually unlock the door with my key card, I noticed the app would not wake or connect to the car either. Curious if someone knows the interworkings behind the Bluetooth key sequence? Is there a call out to the internet at all? On the phone side or car side? I’ve been really scratching my head on the consistency but the only thing I know for a fact is if the car is parked at my house with perfect WiFi, it works pretty flawlessly. Anywhere else, the amount of variables seem to lead to a roll of the dice.
Anyone experiencing even worse recognition of your phone or key FOB after the update? I just got my lucid in April and since the 2.2.2 update my key FOB is useless. Seems like it takes forever for the vehicle to wake up with the app. Reverted to unlocking and locking the car with the keycard.
I’ve also had that issue lately with 2.2.2, and I’m a big fob devotee. I think I may have fixed it though, I went into settings->doors, and turned off passive lock and turned off passive unlock, washed the car (I turned them off to keep the mirrors and door handles out while washing the car), then turned back on passive lock/unlock and now it seems to recognize my fob better. I’ll report back if it gets worse again, it’s definitely not my fob battery, I tested it and it’s between 2.9 and 3.1 volts. This may be a bug as I almost never have an issue with fob not unlocking the doors passively.
I’ve also had that issue lately with 2.2.2, and I’m a big fob devotee. I think I may have fixed it though, I went into settings->doors, and turned off passive lock and turned off passive unlock, washed the car (I turned them off to keep the mirrors and door handles out while washing the car), then turned back on passive lock/unlock and now it seems to recognize my fob better. I’ll report back if it gets worse again, it’s definitely not my fob battery, I tested it and it’s between 2.9 and 3.1 volts. This may be a bug as I almost never have an issue with fob not unlocking the doors passively.
Those coin cells should read 3.2-3.3 volts. Depending on the device they're in, they're generally dead at 3.0 volts.
Those coin cells should read 3.2-3.3 volts. Depending on the device they're in, they're generally dead at 3.0 volts.
I thought those 2032 batteries were 3V and anything below 2.6 was on the way to being dead quickly? My new ones not in a fob yet read 3.1. Maybe my voltmeter isn’t great 🤷‍♂️.
Keep us posted. And when the update comes in, try that. But if all else fails, you may have a bad antenna. Which service should be able to diagnose and potentially fix if that's the problem.
So here is the verdict; 2.2.2 fixed the issues with CarPlay. I replaced the battery in the key fob and that seems to have corrected the delay issue. Even though the battery is fresh, I got a couple of "low battery" warnings, but I am hoping those were just older waring clearing through the system--yes, I know this sounds dumb.
All in all, 2.2.2 is a keeper for sure!
I thought those 2032 batteries were 3V and anything below 2.6 was on the way to being dead quickly? My new ones not in a fob yet read 3.1. Maybe my voltmeter isn’t great 🤷‍♂️.
They should start around 3.3-3.4V. 2.7V is the "probably quite dead" mark for most devices, but these fobs seem to get flaky around 3.0V or even 3.1V. If your new ones are at 3.1 they may just be bad batteries, or they've been sitting around too long. Check your voltmeter with a good power supply, but my money's on the batteries being crap, not the meter.
My experience is very much similar. I have a 1 month experiment going of only using my phone (iPhone 15) and even though I’ve only been locked out of my car completely once so far, I have noticed that depending on factors (idk what they are) the key works with about a 2-3 second delay, a 10 second delay with me hitting handles, or a 30+ second in which it’s quicker to pull out the phone and manually unlock the doors via the app once the app connects to the car.

In the one instance that I couldn’t get the car open and had to manually unlock the door with my key card, I noticed the app would not wake or connect to the car either. Curious if someone knows the interworkings behind the Bluetooth key sequence? Is there a call out to the internet at all? On the phone side or car side? I’ve been really scratching my head on the consistency but the only thing I know for a fact is if the car is parked at my house with perfect WiFi, it works pretty flawlessly. Anywhere else, the amount of variables seem to lead to a roll of the dice.
The 2-3 second delay is the BT antenna on the iPhone only transmitting every 3 seconds for battery life, supposedly @Bobby
I use the USB for music. Update 2.2.2 made using the USB much better. There still is a very annoying issue that I cannot get around. I listen to a lot of classical music. When listening to a symphony containing 4 movements, I want to listen to them in the order that they were written; movements 1, 2, 3, and 4. The application continually plays them in a random sequence. I have them numbered like 01 allegro, 02 adagio, etc. In my other car that has a Kenwood head unit, the recordings are played in numerical order. Lucid seems to have a brain of its own. What is the solution to this issue. I have shuffle turned off and still no luck. I hope that someone has a solution to this issue. Thanks.


I use the USB for music. Update 2.2.2 made using the USB much better. There still is a very annoying issue that I cannot get around. I listen to a lot of classical music. When listening to a symphony containing 4 movements, I want to listen to them in the order that they were written; movements 1, 2, 3, and 4. The application continually plays them in a random sequence. I have them numbered like 01 allegro, 02 adagio, etc. In my other car that has a Kenwood head unit, the recordings are played in numerical order. Lucid seems to have a brain of its own. What is the solution to this issue. I have shuffle turned off and still no luck. I hope that someone has a solution to this issue. Thanks.
Are they arranged in albums? I find if go artist > album the songs will play in the correct order of the album.
Got a “low battery” warning on my cockpit screen last night driving home from dinner. I just replaced the fob battery a few weeks ago.

2.2.2 gremlins??