Lucid for Commuting


New Member
Jul 27, 2022
One more question before I decide on whether to buy: would you use Lucid as your daily commuter? Think of the commute as somewhere between 40 to 60 minutes each way.

If you could add a few reasons as to why "yes" or "no", that would be awesome.

The AGT will be my daily driver; the main reason why is because I like to drive fast large sedans to work, and I also want to decrease my cylinder count.
Absolutely. Why not?
There are a lot of people who mention infotainment and other issues. I am trying to judge how significant these issues will be for me. If people feel comfortable having Lucid as daily driver, then issues are probably OK to deal with.
There are a lot of people who mention infotainment and other issues. I am trying to judge how significant these issues will be for me. If people feel comfortable having Lucid as daily driver, then issues are probably OK to deal with.
Oooh I get the question now. I use the car as a daily driver for my 12 minute commute to work, have taken it back and forth between San Diego and Orange County/LA many times (1-3 hour trips), and have taken it between San Diego and Vancouver a couple times (24 hour trips). Works well in all situations for me.
Oooh I get the question now. I use the car as a daily driver for my 12 minute commute to work, have taken it back and forth between San Diego and Orange County/LA many times (1-3 hour trips), and have taken it between San Diego and Vancouver a couple times (24 hour trips). Works well in all situations for me.
Wow, super cool. How did you do the 24 hour trip? Charging at EAs, I guess?
I use mine for my 11 minute trip to work twice a day. ( I come home for lunch). I initially didn’t just because I thought why put the miles on it and why potentially leave it open to door dings, well one side at least as my parking spot is protected on the drivers side by a small one car garage at the office. Wifey laid out the numbers for me between my free charging and what I pay for electricity at home vs what I pay for gas using her car it really adds up. I could take the Isetta to work ( 50mpg) but that poor under powered beast really struggles with the last one mile grade to my house, usually dropped to second gear doing 10-15mph in some spots. 26 hp only gets you so much oomph. I do generate a lot of buzz leaving theLucid in my parking lot with strangers coming up to me to ask about the car when I get out or in and patients asking about it when they come in for their appointments. I have like many of you become an unpaid Lucid salesperson.
sold my 911 and selling my wife’s A4. This car will be my daily driver replacing those two. She will keep her E53 if i ever feel the need to hear an engine growl.
My commute is about 25 miles and it takes about 35 minutes. The AGT is great for that drive and electrons are a lot less expensive than gas. My employer also provides free level 2 charging. I really like the temperature hold function when I make a short grocery stop on my way home from work.
I use mine for my 11 minute trip to work twice a day. ( I come home for lunch). I initially didn’t just because I thought why put the miles on it and why potentially leave it open to door dings, well one side at least as my parking spot is protected on the drivers side by a small one car garage at the office. Wifey laid out the numbers for me between my free charging and what I pay for electricity at home vs what I pay for gas using her car it really adds up. I could take the Isetta to work ( 50mpg) but that poor under powered beast really struggles with the last one mile grade to my house, usually dropped to second gear doing 10-15mph in some spots. 26 hp only gets you so much oomph. I do generate a lot of buzz leaving theLucid in my parking lot with strangers coming up to me to ask about the car when I get out or in and patients asking about it when they come in for their appointments. I have like many of you become an unpaid Lucid salesperson.
Couldn't you simply carry the Isetta the last mile?😀

That is actually a cool car but a Ford F150 would probably crush it and not even notice.
This really was one of the main reasons I bought it. I have a 35 minute commute to work (on days I don't work from home). If I'm not commuting to the office, I'm driving my son basically the same distance to school. For what I need an infotainment system to do - play music on either FM stations, Tidal or Amazon and play my Audible books, it works perfectly. No issues at all and since I think I had to gas up my Jeep once a week when doing this, I'm saving a lot of money.
One more question before I decide on whether to buy: would you use Lucid as your daily commuter? Think of the commute as somewhere between 40 to 60 minutes each way.

If you could add a few reasons as to why "yes" or "no", that would be awesome.

It’s my daily driver, commute is 16 miles one way. The only incident has been one very small door ding on the passenger side from someone at work who parked on my right (I usually park far away so that doesn’t happen, but got lazy that one day and of course I paid for it ☹️). I’ve had zero issues which would cause me to not choose this car as an everywhere all the time for everything driver. I even took it to the beach. If you’re gonna do that just make sure and wash it as soon as you get home! View of the car and from the car…


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Bought it for the trip car to replace an ICE, but also serves as my daily drive car. My wife drives another EV as her commuter car.
Wow, super cool. How did you do the 24 hour trip? Charging at EAs, I guess?
I usually split it into 2 days of roughly 12 hours of driving each day. 100% use of EA chargers all the way through. I can almost always select a 350 charger where I can usually pull an initial charge rate of 200-300 before it decays to around 150. At least in California, Oregon, and Washington, the EA network has been very adequate for me.

Furthermore, I find the drive to be extremely comfortable. I have zero problems with climate control despite long stretches of 110F+ external temperatures.

One thing though is if you’re going through a remote area with dodgy reception then unfortunately the music can become unreliable.