Ordering and Delivery: Lucid Air Grand Touring

70 percent of the people in my town want to run over electric cars with their giant lifted trucks, and then blow diesel fumes in your face.
Haha, I had one of those ride right alongside me on the highway a little close for comfort for a few miles a month ago. It looked like he was trying to figure out if it was a Tesla or not but then must have realized it wasn’t a Tesla and then just floored it realizing his intimidation tactics went unresponded to. He had an “I identify as a Prius” bumper sticker and some others I’m sure you can guess. That was one time I deliberately hung back and drove the speed limit.
I didn’t tell anyone I got it, but I couldn’t really hide it in the parking lot. I just realized I’ve had the car almost 4 months now and still without fail at least once a day someone new tells me they think the car is awesome…
I’m actually glad I don’t have a sentry cam, several people told me I’d probably see them on my car camera, and I didn’t tell them it didn’t have one 😆. Thank you Tesla for making people think my car is more secure than it is.
I am going to park in one of the administrator’s spaces. They have extra; they won’t have a clue.
Haha, I had one of those ride right alongside me on the highway a little close for comfort for a few miles a month ago. It looked like he was trying to figure out if it was a Tesla or not but then must have realized it wasn’t a Tesla and then just floored it realizing his intimidation tactics went unresponded to. He had an “I identify as a Prius” bumper sticker and some others I’m sure you can guess. That was one time I deliberately hung back and drove the speed limit.
I have seen those bumper stickers.
Would be kind of funny, if the people who displayed them weren’t such raging redneck jerks.
I didn’t tell anyone I got it, but I couldn’t really hide it in the parking lot. I just realized I’ve had the car almost 4 months now and still without fail at least once a day someone new tells me they think the car is awesome…
I’m actually glad I don’t have a sentry cam, several people told me I’d probably see them on my car camera, and I didn’t tell them it didn’t have one 😆. Thank you Tesla for making people think my car is more secure than it is.
The office complex I work in has a few shared lunch/common spaces and I’ve often overheard people say “did you see that Lucid in the parking lot?!?” I just smirk and stay quite. If someone ask about it when I’m near the car though I give them the full tour haha. Three months in and still LOTS of excitement in it.

I did finally see Lucids (not one but two!) in the wild this last week. One in Dublin, CA at a movie theater and one on I-5 near Magic Mountain on the way home. My kids were over the moon with excitement much like the adults haha!

Was it any of you 😆?
I did finally see Lucids (not one but two!) in the wild this last week. One in Dublin, CA at a movie theater and one on I-5 near Magic Mountain on the way home. My kids were over the moon with excitement much like the adults haha!
I have seen two running wild in the last two weeks in my local neighborhood, one white, one black. Both looked just amazing approaching from the front, Lucid got the front end lines and lights done amazingly well. Far cry from a blunt nose Tesla coming at you. 😀
I know, I am not going to advertise it either. It’s just kind of weird, as this is a small city, remote , and I never thought I would see one here. Then it turns out one of my favorite colleagues got one. It’s extra ironic because I was chatting with my wife last night and we were discussing the car. She asked me if I thought anyone else here will have one. I said, quite confidently, no way. Not because if it’s price, but because of its relative rarity and the fact that 70 percent of the people in my town want to run over electric cars with their giant lifted trucks, and then blow diesel fumes in your face.
Lifted trucks and rolling coal, have been identified as symptoms of small penis syndrome.
i love this pic of my GT with Golden Gate in the background. thought i would share it with y'all.


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i love this pic of my GT with Golden Gate in the background. thought i would share it with y'all.
Very nice! That red gets me every time…. In the thumbnail I thought it was black. Then it loaded and color shifted to that beautiful red color. Nice shot!
done... (just kidding, I really prefer range over to an even faster rollercoaster)
That's when you sell your GTP for the next generation solid state battery Lucid that has 2 cell phone chargers...
I just updated my iPhone to 15.6, maybe I missed the call during the software update.

Argh didn't know this released today. Now I have to update so all my other devices will update!