Mirror auto unfold?

Feb 12, 2022
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Lucid Air Grand Touring
Hey! Watching Lucid’s tutorial videos, it looks like if the mirrors are folded, they will automatically unfold when the car is unlocked. Can that feature be disabled, so that the mirrors won’t unfold until the unfold button is pressed? On my MS, I can disable the feature, and I have to because the passenger side of the car is up against my garage wall and there is no room for the mirror to unfold until I pull out of the garage. Thx!
Unsure about the second question, but I do know the mirrors are powered and there is a button in the UI to fold and unfold the mirrors.
I certainly hope so. I always hit the button on my DD to fold the mirrors before entering the garage and don't hit the button again until I am out of the garage. If I forget to unfold them, as soon as I hit 15 mph they unfold automatically. That is a good system...I hope the Lucid system operates in that way.
Ours unfolds as soon as the car is unlocked. Not sure there is a way to disable this feature currently.
Yikes! I really don't want to cancel, but that will be a deal-killer because I won't be able to park in the garage. I've asked my DA and will update this thread when he responds!
My Lucid mirrors fold when locked, unfolds when unlocked. I then have to go to the iPad thingie and touch the mirror retract icon and then make sure I do not drive faster than 5 mph. As I hit 5 mph the mirrors pop out, and they do so just as I am driving past the tight parts in my driveway/garage area. I mean 5 mph, do you have any idea how much attention it takes to drive below 5 mph, practically impossible. I’d be ok if the mirrors flipped out at say 15 mph, but not 5. Lucid has so many software improvements to work on my head is spinning. Car Drives great, but the rest is blah. Don’t even get me started on the stereo/radio, which sounds great if you can get music to play.
My DA responded. As far as he knows, there is no way to disable this feature and the mirrors always auto-unfold, regardless of whether they were manually folded or they automatically folded. This is head-smackingly stupid and I'm in denial. Test drive scheduled for Saturday morning, so I'll see for myself. Potential workaround would be to never lock the car when it is parked in the garage, but I have a feeling that I'll find out on Saturday that the car also always auto-locks. So very very sad right now.
My DA responded. As far as he knows, there is no way to disable this feature and the mirrors always auto-unfold, regardless of whether they were manually folded or they automatically folded. This is head-smackingly stupid and I'm in denial. Test drive scheduled for Saturday morning, so I'll see for myself. Potential workaround would be to never lock the car when it is parked in the garage, but I have a feeling that I'll find out on Saturday that the car also always auto-locks. So very very sad right now.
I’ve tried it all, they always pop out and are begging to get scraped. I often have to stop completely and re-retract. They will not turn in unless speed is zero. Beyond dumb!! I feel that Lucid is not listening and I’m fairly certain they’re struggling to find software programmers.
What other brands don't have the mirrors auto unfold when unlocking the car? Every Audi i've owned has done this and if I want them to fold back in I needed to manually flick the switch to do so.
Yeah my Mercedes mirrors always auto-unfolded when I unlock.
I need to check ye olde Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standards, but I suspect that the mirrors need to be deployed when, wait for it!, someone is driving the car.
That’s understandable and normal. My beef is that when I manually fold them in for tight spaces, they automatically unfold at 5 mph.
That’s understandable and normal. My beef is that when I manually fold them in for tight spaces, they automatically unfold at 5 mph.
Maybe because reversing a car at more than 5mph and not using mirrors to see something coming to the side of the car is a safety issue.
I have 2 tight corners near my house, retracting the side view mirrors helps me insure that they do not get dinged. Staying under 5 mph is tricky and at 5 they automatically pop out. I am not looking to get attacked and I hope no one’s mirrors open into a tight space. I will leave this alone and I wish everyone the best with their Lucid vehicle.
I have 2 tight corners near my house, retracting the side view mirrors helps me insure that they do not get dinged. Staying under 5 mph is tricky and at 5 they automatically pop out. I am not looking to get attacked and I hope no one’s mirrors open into a tight space. I will leave this alone and I wish everyone the best with their Lucid vehicle.
I didn’t mean for it to come across as an attack so apologies if it came over that way. I’m just guessing it’s got more to do with safety than anything else. It could be a legal requirement or just Lucid being cautious.
What other brands don't have the mirrors auto unfold when unlocking the car? Every Audi i've owned has done this and if I want them to fold back in I needed to manually flick the switch to do so.
In Teslas the auto-unfold on park can be disabled (mirrors still auto-unfold when you get to a certain speed). That's been my only experience with auto-folding mirrors. But I would think most cars allow you to disable this feature, otherwise every time you close the mirror to park right up next to something on the passenger side (like a garage wall), when you come back to the car the mirror will try to re-open itself and hit whatever it is you parked against. That will scrape the paint, and eventually burn out the opening motor or strip its gears.
I didn’t mean for it to come across as an attack so apologies if it came over that way. I’m just guessing it’s got more to do with safety than anything else. It could be a legal requirement or just Lucid being cautious.
No worries, this is the most social media I’ve ever used and I’m just trying to be helpful. My Volvo, Porsche, MB and Ram truck all allow me to tuck in the mirrors and deploy manually. Heck, I’ve even driven down the road at city speed and gone, “oh S*(! I forgot to deploy the side mirrors. My choice would auto deploy at say 15 mph. Seems to me to be a simple software fix.
I need to check ye olde Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standards, but I suspect that the mirrors need to be deployed when, wait for it!, someone is driving the car.
Sorry for not being clearer in my post - this isn't about driving at speed. It is about slowly pulling out of a tight space. To park in my garage I have to close the mirrors because the passenger side of the car is too close to the wall (passengers have to exit the vehicle before pulling into the garage). On an MS, you can disable auto-fold so that the mirrors stay closed when you unlock, and while you are slowly pulling the car out of the garage. I think whatever federal law applies allows for that type of experience, because it has been a feature on all of the Teslas for a while, and someone else in this thread noted that it was their experience with a non-Tesla DD.
How skinny are so many garages? I have never parked in one without a one foot clearance on each side of the door and the walls inside the doors are even farther out. Aren’t they a standard width? Even my F250 with the mirrors out clears the doors.