Collision Repair Troubles

About 3 months ago , had a mishap and my Lucid needing bodywork. I have allstate insurance and sent the car to the lucid recommended Bodyshop.
Unfortunately there is a blame game going on and my car repairs are yet to get started.
The bodyshop has submitted an estimate. Allstate says they don’t have access to the parts pricing since there is no database and they cannot approve the pricing for parts or repairs. Or atleast that’s their excuse.
It had been frustrating and scared the hell out of me on buying the gravity.
If anyone has been in an accident how did you handle this ?
If they dont have parts pricing, they shouldn't be insuring your vehicle. I would start legal action against them for misrepresentation.
My Lucid Air GT is insured with Hagerty. They insure my collector cars so I took a chance and reached out to them two years ago. The cost is $2300,00 annually with multi car (more than 10) discount.
Like Chubb, Pure, AIG private client group, Hagerty rates right up there for hassle free claims.
My Lucid Air GT is insured with Hagerty. They insure my collector cars so I took a chance and reached out to them two years ago. The cost is $2300,00 annually with multi car (more than 10) discount.
Like Chubb, Pure, AIG private client group, Hagerty rates right up there for hassle free claims.
Nice! When I asked they wouldn’t insure it, but I didn’t have a pre-existing policy and it’s not a “classic” car, so I imagine that’s why.
If they dont have parts pricing, they shouldn't be insuring your vehicle. I would start legal action against them for misrepresentation.
Depending on which State you live in I would check your policy for the appraisal clause. If your policy statement has it outlined I would recommend invoking the appraisal clause. Your Collision repair shop or companies that specialize in this should be able to guide you through the process. In many cases just starting this process will get the insurer moving forward with your claim as the outcome usually benefits the insured.
About 3 months ago , had a mishap and my Lucid needing bodywork. I have allstate insurance and sent the car to the lucid recommended Bodyshop.
Unfortunately there is a blame game going on and my car repairs are yet to get started.
The bodyshop has submitted an estimate. Allstate says they don’t have access to the parts pricing since there is no database and they cannot approve the pricing for parts or repairs. Or atleast that’s their excuse.
It had been frustrating and scared the hell out of me on buying the gravity.
If anyone has been in an accident how did you handle this ?
Yeah to save you further wasted time just report them to the state insurance commissioner and tell them you’re doing it. I went ahead and paid $19,500 out of pocket for the repairs the day I reported them to the insurance commissioner, and told the insurance commissioner they were refusing to pay labor and had ghosted the only repair shop in my area certified to do the job. Esurance/NGIC got back to me one day later and apologized and cut me a check for the full amount. I had GEICO on the phone and switched in the parking lot of the shop before I opened the car door.
Also I do know there’s a class action against AllState by a Taycan owner in Florida who went through a similar nightmare, not sure what the status of it is but if it’s still active tell AllState you’re reaching out to join the class action. They’re the worst. Some Lucid shops won’t even accept them as insurance anymore.
I’m in NJ. Geico cut a check of $6000 for a minor damage as per police reports. It really was small scratches. I immediately switched to All state after other party claimed and Geico agreed. I even told them the police report and sent them the pictures of the damage but that didn’t help.

Now, I’m wondering with all the complaints with AllState 🤦if I switch to a different insurance company

I’m paying $1900 semi-annually. Weird, my ice is expensive than my Air
Lucid is very expensive to repair but that’s because it’s very difficult to repair and the shops are tightly supervised with regular inspections by Lucid. Maybe it’s too expensive or maybe it’s justified, not for me to say, but the law says the insurance company is required to restore the car to pre-collision condition and Lucid says warranties are void if you don’t use a certified shop so that’s the only way to restore it to pre-collision condition. I’m really not interested in making things easier for insurance companies or saving them money, after all you’re paying them for the coverage. For reference I recently had a claim on my wife’s Volvo V60 Polestar. GEICO was excellent, no fuss, rapid turnaround with excellent quality repairs by a certified shop. Meanwhile my ordeal with Esurance/NGIC/Allstate was 7 weeks of hell, constant fighting and having to drive a beat up Infiniti G50 with bad brakes as a loaner which then ran out of time from them delaying it so much.
Progressive has been great for me in PA. My car's front bumper was damaged in a collision. It didn't look that bad from outside however a body shop in philly suburb by name Karosserie billed astonishing $45k to Progressive. They paid all without much fuss. Progressive rep even called or texted me once every week for updates and also to apologize that he has no control on body shop timeline. They took 3.5 months to repair and also sent another supplemental bill to Progressive which they approved as well. It was clear looting of insurance company by body shop but insurance didn't provide any grief to customer. Highly recommended.
Have similar issue with my lucid air RWD. Valet at a hotel hit a pole and damage estimated at $24k.. also Karosserie. Its the closest and only lucid authorized body shop within 90 miles .. repair costs are astronomical.