Yeah but two button pushes is more than one button push! Lucid should make it more confusing like Tesla where the same button does 6 different things depending on how you move it! This thing can drive itself right?
Ok sarcasm aside, I had highway assist on already when a very heavy rainstorm hit where I couldn’t always see the lines or road at all, but the car did a fantastic job of helping when I couldn’t. I set it to 4 car length follow and lower speed and I was still white knuckled both hands on wheel ready to override in a second (and sometimes I did over-ride), but I was surprised how well it helped me out. I only got the Lidar blocked error once briefly. I even remembered the single dedicated button on the wheel which both activates and deactivates HA in spite of the stressful situation.

I’m trying to think of something Lucid could do differently and I can’t.