Wonky volume controls


New Member
Aug 15, 2022
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Air grand touring
can we get the volume control dial on my steering wheel to be as sensitive as the dial / wheel on the dashboard (the one located between the 2 air con power dials)? The one on the steering wheel is essentially useless and yet is in a far more valuable location to control my sound. Thank you.
can we get the volume control dial on my steering wheel to be as sensitive as the dial / wheel on the dashboard (the one located between the 2 air con power dials)? The one on the steering wheel is essentially useless and yet is in a far more valuable location to control my sound. Thank you.
Three buttons would be so much better than those controls. The buttons below them are nice.
can we get the volume control dial on my steering wheel to be as sensitive as the dial / wheel on the dashboard (the one located between the 2 air con power dials)? The one on the steering wheel is essentially useless and yet is in a far more valuable location to control my sound. Thank you.
What do you mean? They both work fine for me?
Mine works fine too. Only issue I have is that the middle button used to pause the music is sensitive. I have to be somewhat mindful on how I turn the volume up to avoid pausing the music.
can we get the volume control dial on my steering wheel to be as sensitive as the dial / wheel on the dashboard (the one located between the 2 air con power dials)? The one on the steering wheel is essentially useless and yet is in a far more valuable location to control my sound. Thank you.
I agree with you, the volume control on the steering wheel is not the best design. The cruise control is also difficult to fine tune and trim speed and is a similar functionality. Best of luck.
Mine works fine too. Only issue I have is that the middle button used to pause the music is sensitive. I have to be somewhat mindful on how I turn the volume up to avoid pausing the music.
Yeah, this I agree with. I’ve taken to the “grip with thumb and index finger” approach which works well, if it’s a little cumbersome.
I've had my GT for 4 months now and maybe used the steering wheel's volume control 3 times. It's just awkward and unnecessarily effortful. I like my Air very much, but that and the reflection of the dashboard seam in the window strike me as obvious misses that I'm surprised no one at Lucid flagged during development.
I've had my GT for 4 months now and maybe used the steering wheel's volume control 3 times. It's just awkward and unnecessarily effortful. I like my Air very much, but that and the reflection of the dashboard seam in the window strike me as obvious misses that I'm surprised no one at Lucid flagged during development.
Rotate the knobs with thumb and index finger like you’re screwing/unscrewing the cap on a tube of toothpaste. I’ve never bumped the center button on those rockers one time doing it that way.
I've had my GT for 4 months now and maybe used the steering wheel's volume control 3 times. It's just awkward and unnecessarily effortful. I like my Air very much, but that and the reflection of the dashboard seam in the window strike me as obvious misses that I'm surprised no one at Lucid flagged during development.
It seems that the functionality of the volume control works fine for others so u and I may just have units that have not been assembled the same as others. I also was struck by the reflection of the “zipper” stitching on the dashboard but I’ve gotten past it and don’t notice anymore.
Well, I mean, the steering wheel volume control on my car works fine if the definition of "fine" includes "i just need to awkwardly grab the knob with my finger and thumb while avoiding the center button; then twist my wrist up or down". But if we define "fine" as "you can easily and quickly adjust the volume with a simple movement of a finger (cough like the other volume control cough)" then... ;)
This one particular physical UI element is a dud design IMO, which is why I reach over to use the properly implemented one. OTOH maybe I did get a bad unit and that's why it seems particularly bad to me. 🤷
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My wheel buttons are wonderful, maybe they changed it? But I can't even remember the last time I accidentally paused the music or had an issue setting ACC...
It seems that the functionality of the volume control works fine for others so u and I may just have units that have not been assembled the same as others. I also was struck by the reflection of the “zipper” stitching on the dashboard but I’ve gotten past it and don’t notice anymore.
The stitching reflection is a thing, for sure. You do get used to it and it disappears completely with polarized sunglasses.
My wheel buttons are wonderful, maybe they changed it? But I can't even remember the last time I accidentally paused the music or had an issue setting ACC...
I never noticed the problem with pausing music with the steering wheel volume wheel because I didn't use it - until my dashboard volume wheel stopped working last week (service call scheduled for that). Now I notice that multiple rotations of the volume wheel on the steering wheel almost always result in pausing the music. I will try the two finger rotation method and see if that works better.

I was hoping .185 might reset the dash volume wheel, but no such luck. They said they have to remove the dash to fix the wheel - Ugh!
I too kinda find the volume knob on the steering wheel is just too insensitive. It takes a fair amount of forcing it upwards or downwards to ramp the volume up/down a few notches. The one on the dashboard is fairly better in terms of sensitivity. But both make loud clicking noises when compared to my Ioniq 5
I too kinda find the volume knob on the steering wheel is just too insensitive. It takes a fair amount of forcing it upwards or downwards to ramp the volume up/down a few notches. The one on the dashboard is fairly better in terms of sensitivity. But both make loud clicking noises when compared to my Ioniq 5
I have the same experience. The steering wheel is very laggy and doesn’t do well with “one click” on the wheel, so I end up holding it longer and then it overshoots. The center console wheel is much better but much less convenient.
I agree that the steering wheel volume isn't sensitive enough. I vastly prefer the dashboard control.

While we're on the subject of volume, I wish we could control the volume of the nav system independently of music like pretty much every other car I've ever owned with nav.
I almost always use the center console. i find that the steering wheel controls are “British”. All of my other cars have the volume on the left and the cruise control speed on the right. On the Lucid, they are reversed. I always find myself adjusting the volume on the left and the my cruise control speed goes up or down until I realize I am not changing the volume.
I almost always use the center console. i find that the steering wheel controls are “British”. All of my other cars have the volume on the left and the cruise control speed on the right. On the Lucid, they are reversed. I always find myself adjusting the volume on the left and the my cruise control speed goes up or down until I realize I am not changing the volume.
LOL the same thing happens to me.