I Thought This Is A Lucid "Owners" Forum??

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Active Member
Verified Owner
Dec 7, 2021
Dream Edition P 21"
DE Number
Hi there. I have been on this forum for well over a year and I have generally been very pleased with the information shared about Lucid cars and owner's experiences, both positive and negative. That said, I am curious why we have to give attention to posters who keep justifying their choice of cars (Tesla, Genesis GV60, BMW i4, etc.) and really add nothing of any value to our Lucid experience. I'm just suggesting perhaps it would be good to ignore these individuals and get back to focusing on Lucid cars. I personally have nothing against any other EV cars, but that is not the reason I joined this Forum. Bottom line if you don't own a Lucid, have one on order, or need information about Lucid to help you make a decision, why don't you just leave us alone and move on to your chosen vehicle's forum? And to the constructive members of this Forum, my suggestion is to please not respond to these people and just maybe they will go away. Just hoping!!
Yeah, if someone has one on order or is at least seriously considering the purchase, then it’s not a problem for me, but once someone has cancelled their order or doesn’t have a reservation, then it’s not that useful to hear their opinions on the car with which they have no insight, otherwise it’s just an EV forum. I’m not targeting any one individual, maybe some drivers who canceled their order might consider reordering in the future, or are holding out for the Gravity or something, but there are more than a few posters who have a lot to say about the car and the EV they have instead of the Lucid, who don’t have a Lucid and aren’t getting one. Not to mention that Lucid as a company has literally been unjustly slandered in the press because we’ve allowed access to those who neither own the car nor have a confirmed reservation. Of course there will still be varying opinions, controversy and disagreement but it would be nice to filter out those who have nothing to add except their experience with non-Lucid vehicles.
Hi there. I have been on this forum for well over a year and I have generally been very pleased with the information shared about Lucid cars and owner's experiences, both positive and negative. That said, I am curious why we have to give attention to posters who keep justifying their choice of cars (Tesla, Genesis GV60, BMW i4, etc.) and really add nothing of any value to our Lucid experience. I'm just suggesting perhaps it would be good to ignore these individuals and get back to focusing on Lucid cars. I personally have nothing against any other EV cars, but that is not the reason I joined this Forum. Bottom line if you don't own a Lucid, have one on order, or need information about Lucid to help you make a decision, why don't you just leave us alone and move on to your chosen vehicle's forum? And to the constructive members of this Forum, my suggestion is to please not respond to these people and just maybe they will go away. Just hoping!!
I certainly knew that’s where you were coming from when you asked me which Lucid I had ordered.

Obviously I disagree with you when it comes to how folks with orders should be treated, but I also think it’s generally easy to distinguish between those who are serious and those who are trolling. I’m more in line with Bunny’s thinking here.

I haven’t looked, but is there no ‘ignore’ feature in the forum? But hey, Saratoga, feel free to ignore my response. ;)
I don't know. It really depends on the content. As a first time EV owner, I find some of the comments and comparisons have value, or would have value if I was considering Lucid vs. "something else". For a potential customer, I can see why some of the posts might have value, whether the customer ultimately purchased a Lucid or the other considered vehicle. For example, maybe they placed more value of some attribute that was not one that placed higher on my list, or one I had not considered. One such attribute for me was self-driving. Some here place a much higher value on that than I do. I like to drive and could, and am, perfectly happy with ACC. I place relatively little value on lane-centering or being able to read a book or watch a movie while in the driver's seat. As a potential first time EV owner, some of those posts might really help to focus on some of those qualities of an EV that I had never even thought of being new to the space. I also do not actively use my phone while driving. I might take a call, but I really never try to place one or ever text.

I find it takes very little effort to read a title to a thread and just ignore it if it isn't something I want to read. I think there is a thread entitled "Lucid vs Tesla" that I ignore because I did not buy, or even consider, a Tesla.

I understand and agree fully though that many of those posts have very little value to those of us who have already made our Lucid purchase. It might be better to have another Forum for those who wish to only compare Lucid to another vehicle, whether they have or will purchase a Lucid and then also have the ability to "ignore" posts in said forum, like the ability we have now to "ignore" certain users.
Your moderator group is very aware of this issue. There is no easy solution. We considered adding “verified owner” badges but that is hard to control and easy to manipulate. We are open to ideas.
I don't know. It really depends on the content. As a first time EV owner, I find some of the comments and comparisons have value, or would have value if I was considering Lucid vs. "something else".

I agree, particularly in terms of depending on content.

As someone who has owned three EVs over the past seven years, a lot of friends and even acquaintances from around the country consult me about whether to consider an EV and, if so, which ones.

While I can relate my own experiences with Lucid's and Tesla's top-tier cars, some of these folks can't or don't want to spend that kind of money. I find the comments on this forum from people who chose other EVs helps broaden my awareness of the choices out there. It doesn't give me enough information to recommend an actual purchase, but it does give me enough information to suggest a vehicle a friend might want to explore more on their own.

If someone came onto this forum because they were considering a Lucid but instead opted to buy something else, I find it useful to know why and what their subsequent experience has been with the other choice. If, however, it begins to appear we're hearing from a troll (and the hints some become obvious enough to those who spend much time on the internet), then I would support the moderators taking action to remove them.
Your moderator group is very aware of this issue. There is no easy solution. We considered adding “verified owner” badges but that is hard to control and easy to manipulate. We are open to ideas.
I favor a verified owners badge. Simply private message a moderator with a screen shot of your Lucid app with a VIN. Keep a private list of the VINs in case someone tries to spoof or duplicate to get a badge.
I favor a verified owners badge. Simply private message a moderator with a screen shot of your Lucid app with a VIN. Keep a private list of the VINs in case someone tries to spoof or duplicate to get a badge.
This is exactly the idea we discussed… but… lists like this, especially as the group grows, are difficult to curate. They require extra work and time, and we are a volunteer group. We all have lives, believe it or not! It is also easy to fake… I can grab a screenshot or create one from somebody else’s. What about when somebody sells the car?
This is exactly the idea we discussed… but… lists like this, especially as the group grows, are difficult to curate. They require extra work and time, and we are a volunteer group. We all have lives, believe it or not! It is also easy to fake… I can grab a screenshot or create one from somebody else’s. What about when somebody sells the car?
I think it's fine if they sell the car. They won't be an "owner" technically speaking but they have experienced owning the car and will have valuable info. There's always going to be flaws and workaround to fake something. Screenshot with VIN seems reasonable and not as invasive as asking IDs and not as easy to fake sending just VIN. Then keeping a private list of username and VIN to find duplicates could help too
I’m not even sure what a ‘verified owner’s badge’ would accomplish, unless there was a significant issue with posters posing as owners who weren’t. I don’t think that’s the issue in this forum.

What Saratoga really wants is something I can’t recall ever seeing on a forum, you’re an owner you can stay, you’re not you’re gone. I certainly hope that’s not the common thinking here and I doubt it is. That’s not the direction a friendly & helpful forum, which this one largely is, goes.

Dealing with those that have obviously no interest in the Lucid is the concern. I might remind Lefty that I’ve been on this forum nearly a year longer than he has and I’ve had a reservation for 2 years now. I was the first here to provide pictures of a silver DE shortly after I joined and visited the meatpacking Studio. My interest is genuine, I’m too old to play games.

Sorry if I sound a bit pissed, but after reading the OP’s post, I am.
Having a "verified owner's badge/tag" attached to one's profile might allow Users to perhaps select a box within their profile to "ignore posts by non-verified owners", thus allowing those such as the OP to not see those posts at all.

I, for one, probably would not make such an election as it just isn't a nuisance to me, but it would allow those who wish to do so the freedom to make such an election. As for policing it, I wouldn't go too far with it other than maybe getting a screen shot of the App with the vin. If someone goes so far as to copy it or whatever, so be it. The Mods take enough of their donated time as it is.
Your moderator group is very aware of this issue. There is no easy solution. We considered adding “verified owner” badges but that is hard to control and easy to manipulate. We are open to ideas.
What about a system where owners verify owners? It has its flaws but is less burdensome to moderators and we can collective build the verified community.

If someone sells the car, well, they were an owner and still would have valuable experience and input.
Come on forum members, it is a forum not a government committee. If a reader doesn't want to read something, skip over it. I believe the moderators have done a superb job to this point. I know hydobob, Adnillien, borski, bunny and Bobby and others put up with my rants prior to my GT arriving. Let's not ruin a great media platform by getting too sophisticated. This forum kept me on track to drive my GT and I love it. (EA charging is exception) The software is getting better and better and life is good.
Hi there. I have been on this forum for well over a year and I have generally been very pleased with the information shared about Lucid cars and owner's experiences, both positive and negative. That said, I am curious why we have to give attention to posters who keep justifying their choice of cars (Tesla, Genesis GV60, BMW i4, etc.) and really add nothing of any value to our Lucid experience. I'm just suggesting perhaps it would be good to ignore these individuals and get back to focusing on Lucid cars. I personally have nothing against any other EV cars, but that is not the reason I joined this Forum. Bottom line if you don't own a Lucid, have one on order, or need information about Lucid to help you make a decision, why don't you just leave us alone and move on to your chosen vehicle's forum? And to the constructive members of this Forum, my suggestion is to please not respond to these people and just maybe they will go away. Just hoping!!
I am in an agreement with this as well. I get it, it's the internet and people can troll as much as they like. But it seems to defeat the purpose of this forum. Especially having multiple threads on Lucid vs. Tesla. First of all Lucid was never designed as a direct competitor to Model S, it was more to target the Mercedes EQS customers. People that are on this forum and owners of the Lucid will obviously be biased and justify their purchase, so why even bother being compared to other EV MFRs. There are plenty of internet blogs and Youtube videos that compare the two cars if you really care about the differences. It's like beating the horse with the same conversations again and again.

Almost seems like a waste of time to have multiple threads on the same topic under different names. Perhaps some of these should be consolidated and some be shutdown as well. If you cancelled your order and bought a Tesla or whatever, best of luck to you and your purchase and move on. The whole world doesn't need to know the reasons for your cancellation. People must have a lot of time on their hands to justify their reasoning. Or they must feel that the internet is their Mother-in-law and she (internet) must know all your decision making process.
I always feel the purpose of the forum is for sharing of information that would be helpful to owners or potential owners. And in a manner that is respectful, with limited benefit of doubt. The moderators have recently updated guidelines and policies to make the goals of the forum clearer, and as volunteers, don't want to have to police the forum and be judges. If all posters followed reasonable guidelines and were respectful, we'd all enjoy this forum more.
However, one characteristic of humans is that some are competitively argumentative, whether offensive or defensive, and defending ourselves includes defending the decisions we've made or positions we've taken. So if you bought a Camry, you might aggressively defend your decision, calling your neighbor who bought a Prius a complete idiot. The neighbor, if having a brain built for self confidence, smiles and says "Hey, nice Camry! But it just wasn't right for me." and refuses to wade into the challenge. Or, having a brain built otherwise, goes at the Camry owner with enthusiasm for a fight. For many of us, it is tough, especially when online, to just ignore a thread or contributor of little value.
Requiring a VIN and some means of verification would eliminate many of us who are still waiting in line, or those who are actively considering a Lucid product.
If the infrastructure for this forum had the mechanism for upvotes/downvotes, each individual posts could be evaluated by the community for value contribution, positive, neutral, negative. If the theme for a particular poster was that the significant majority were valued as negative, the poster could automatically lose posting rights, or be shadow banned. Or, if a user had the capability to mute a thread or poster, that would locally address the problem. But apparently that's not an option here. Requires us to apply mental filters. Just don't rise to the occasion.
I don't know. It really depends on the content. As a first time EV owner, I find some of the comments and comparisons have value, or would have value if I was considering Lucid vs. "something else". For a potential customer, I can see why some of the posts might have value, whether the customer ultimately purchased a Lucid or the other considered vehicle. For example, maybe they placed more value of some attribute that was not one that placed higher on my list, or one I had not considered. One such attribute for me was self-driving. Some here place a much higher value on that than I do. I like to drive and could, and am, perfectly happy with ACC. I place relatively little value on lane-centering or being able to read a book or watch a movie while in the driver's seat. As a potential first time EV owner, some of those posts might really help to focus on some of those qualities of an EV that I had never even thought of being new to the space. I also do not actively use my phone while driving. I might take a call, but I really never try to place one or ever text.

I find it takes very little effort to read a title to a thread and just ignore it if it isn't something I want to read. I think there is a thread entitled "Lucid vs Tesla" that I ignore because I did not buy, or even consider, a Tesla.

I understand and agree fully though that many of those posts have very little value to those of us who have already made our Lucid purchase. It might be better to have another Forum for those who wish to only compare Lucid to another vehicle, whether they have or will purchase a Lucid and then also have the ability to "ignore" posts in said forum, like the ability we have now to "ignore" certain users.
I think there is a difference between comparing other EV's, talking about the pros and cons of each vs. some of the trolling. I for example will reference differences between Lucid and my previous e-Tron when owners are complaining Lucid didn't do this or didn't do that. I use the examples to show that the grass isn't always greener on the other side to put some of the arguments \ complaints into perspective. Is this going to be frowned upon now because i'm talking about another brand?

Where do you draw the line? stop referencing what you want in the software because Tesla has this so Lucid should have it?

It's too hard to police. People will always be opinionated and I think the best process is to just hit the ignore button if you're perceiving someone to be too biased or trolling.
Or, if a user had the capability to mute a thread or poster, that would locally address the problem. But apparently that's not an option here.
You can ignore a user. Just hover over their name:
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