Worried, I don’t have a garage available

Interesting remark. You are complaining about not having garage space to park your car yet think that a car cover does not provide curb appeal. Sounds like you don't want to use a garage and would rather show off your car to the neighborhood. I will garage my new AGT (when it comes) at all times as I do with all my cars even though I have a large circular driveway. An expensive luxury car exhibited outdoors is hijacking fodder for car thieves no matter what kind of neighborhood the car resides.
Your conflating two posters. I have a garage it’s not filled with junk- it’s filled with cars. The Lucid is a daily car- very nice but not a collectors car and doesn’t make the garage cut. You don’t think having a tarp cover your car outside is unsightly? Will you actually put it on and take it off every day in the morning and afternoon when you come home?
Your conflating two posters. I have a garage it’s not filled with junk- it’s filled with cars. The Lucid is a daily car- very nice but not a collectors car and doesn’t make the garage cut. You don’t think having a tarp cover your car outside is unsightly? Will you actually put it on and take it off every day in the morning and afternoon when you come home?
My remarks were for anyone who did not have garage space for their Lucid, no matter what filled the garage space. Anybody can find garage space for a $180000 car if they want to. The junk filled garage can be cleaned out or, in your case, move your older car outdoors and park your Lucid in the garage. That is what I am doing. My older car will get a new cover for protection. I will also get a cover for the Lucid when they are available, to protect the car when its parked outdoors away from home for long periods of time. These covers are not "tarps" like some paint tarp to cover furniture. They are lightweight and fitted for the car with many colors to choose from. I suggest you google "car covers" before you pass judgement and you will find many vendors. I am just addressing an option that some forum members may not have considered.
My remarks were for anyone who did not have garage space for their Lucid, no matter what filled the garage space. Anybody can find garage space for a $180000 car if they want to. The junk filled garage can be cleaned out or, in your case, move your older car outdoors and park your Lucid in the garage. That is what I am doing. My older car will get a new cover for protection. I will also get a cover for the Lucid when they are available, to protect the car when its parked outdoors away from home for long periods of time. These covers are not "tarps" like some paint tarp to cover furniture. They are lightweight and fitted for the car with many colors to choose from. I suggest you google "car covers" before you pass judgement and you will find many vendors. I am just addressing an option that some forum members may not have considered.

Indoor car covers are lightweight, I agree. Outdoor car covers are much heavier and thicker. Not unwieldy, but they do feel more “tarp” like, though definitely cloth and not plastic.

(I have a Lucid outdoor cover that was lent to me by service; long story)
Covers are fine for storing a month or more but for daily use a pain. Even the light ones are cumbersome. You have to develop a pattern for rolling them up or back out and much larger to store than when they came in the box. If you are picky about your paint remember that when you roll or fold up you are mixing the outside with the inside so any dust and grit eventually gets on the inside surface.
Also for taller vehicles you have to use a short ladder or chair to stand on so you don’t drag the cover while rolling/folding up. In windy areas they do not keep dust off the paint, it will get inside. I have 12 cars under cover in a garage and hate them but have no other option. I only use them to keep bird and insect matter off the cars when not in use.
I find it hard to believe that the crap most people store in their garages is worth more than a 100+k vehicle. You can drive down just about any suburban street in the U.S. and see multiple cars out in the weather and garages stacked to the ceiling with cardboard boxes. I just don’t get it….
Three storage sheds already full, and with two teens driving its a full house. Will probably PPF and ceramic coat for the time being.
I find it hard to believe that the crap most people store in their garages is worth more than a 100+k vehicle. You can drive down just about any suburban street in the U.S. and see multiple cars out in the weather and garages stacked to the ceiling with cardboard boxes. I just don’t get it….
HOW DARE YOU! My drawings from when I was 5 are PRICELESS, that's why my parents keep moving them from house to house even though I've never looked at them since I was 5!..one day, it'll all be worth it...
I have 12 cars under cover in a garage and hate them but have no other option. I only use them to keep bird and insect matter off the cars when not in use.

You have birds in your garage?
You have birds in your garage?
Yes, With 6 10’x10’ doors one or two are always open during the day time on any given day. Also keep a tractor in one bay that is used daily.
Indoor car covers are lightweight, I agree. Outdoor car covers are much heavier and thicker. Not unwieldy, but they do feel more “tarp” like, though definitely cloth and not plastic.

(I have a Lucid outdoor cover that was lent to me by service; long story)
Lucid has car covers? I have yet to find a vendor that has a fitted car cover for a Lucid. Only one shows they have some "coming soon". The Lucid store doesn't have any to buy either. Where did you get yours?
Indoor car covers are lightweight, I agree. Outdoor car covers are much heavier and thicker. Not unwieldy, but they do feel more “tarp” like, though definitely cloth and not plastic.

(I have a Lucid outdoor cover that was lent to me by service; long story)
I want a lucid car cover!
Yeah, sorry but the lucid doesn’t make the cut. 😉
Correct. Someone hit my passenger doors when my car was parked. Aluminum won't repair well so I had to replace the door skins. Now I park far away from others and still some imbecile parks next to me when there are tons of nearby parking spaces with no one near them.
If you're trying to park defensively, be smart about it. There's a nature trail I hike regularly that leaves from the back corner of the parking lot of a medical complex. There are always two nice mercedes parked in that corner that I suspect belong to doctors who work there and park in the far corner thinking it protects their cars. Instead, many hikers and dog walkers park next to them and leave throughout the day, putting their cars more at risk than if they parked next to the other employees. And don't get me started about people who park across two spaces. I will park 2 inches from your car if you do that....
My car just barely fits into my detached garage built in 1940, thank goodness for the folding mirrors and the killer camera technology. My neighbor’s house (the original owner built my house for their grandkids) was built before cars existed so they have a massive carriage barn, wishing my house was built in the late 1800s then I’d have a much better garage haha.
The AGT being my DD will be parked outside all the time (carport at nite) obviously it gets cold here, any issues with that?
The AGT being my DD will be parked outside all the time (carport at nite) obviously it gets cold here, any issues with that?
Huge range hit
Huge range hit
Range isn't an issue as my commute is only 25 miles with charging at both ends, are there any concerns for long term battery degradation?
Yeah, sorry but the lucid doesn’t make the cut. 😉
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I have two left over garage lifts when I had some exotic cars. Now the lifts are used to store accumulated stuff over the years. One of the garages is a motor home bay and the lift can go all the way up and still have room for 6'+ of junk.