What would you like to see from the Lucid mobile app?

One thing I'd like to be able to do is use the app without waking up the car. I'm out of town and I left the car plugged in to my home outlet. If I try to open the Lucid App it immediately starts waking up the car and initiating charging. I'd like to be able to explore future trip planning without having the car start charging.
+ 1 to this. That would be a nice feature. Only wake up the car if you do something that requires waking, like unlocking, turning on the climate, etc.
+ 1 to this. That would be a nice feature. Only wake up the car if you do something that requires waking, like unlocking, turning on the climate, etc.
Bit like an ON button within the app :)

I would certainly like the OFF button. There are times I am waiting for my kids, its nice and cool so I open the windows, sit n wait, but I don’t want the car “on”
If I only have the mobile key, I can lock /turn off the car by getting out - but I don’t want to do that
Not that I have access to the app yet, but based on what others have said:

The ability to set charge times (i.e. during off peak times), as well as a preconditioning schedule (i.e. Mondays at 6:30 am, everyday at 5 pm, etc.).

Thanks, Len!
Love seeing this! I would love for the app to:
Wake up the car every time quickly after it goes to sleep. It's too unreliable it takes 30+ seconds to unlock the car.
Let me set charging times
Have iOS widgets for quick controls
What do you guys mean when you say 'set charge times' does this mean set a schedule for when you want the car to charge? For example start 10 pm and end at 6 am, etc..? Not quite sure I understand

Detection and alert if someone gets super close to the car.
View camera so I can check if anyone is snooping on my car while I'm eating at a restaurant.
This is a big one for me, especially if you plan on using the car as a daily driver, I don't trust randoms in parking lots of grocery stores, hospitals, etc... I'm not sure why this isn't higher

I have many suggestions for the app - too many to list. But a basic functionality of the app is to replace a key fob and not use the internet to do it. This should be through Bluetooth when you are near the car. Items that should be controllable should be the same ones that are in the app now at least. These should also work if the car is asleep:
  • Open/Close Charge Port
  • Open/Close Frunk
  • Open /Close Trunk
  • Lock/Unlock Doors (preferably specifying which ones)
  • Flash lights
  • Honk Horn
  • Turn on/off Climate
  • Turn on/off Windshield Defroster
Being a Software Dev, if the car has bluetooth and is awaiting connection from the device, then it could cause phantom drain because as we know, the way Bluetooth works is that it 'seeks' until something comes near that it can connect with. If it turns off, it will then need some event to initiate the functionality to turn on and pair/connect to your device, maybe this is where the NFC can come in where if you get close to the car, you wave your phone at the driver pillar and then it will pair or connect to the phone via bluetooth and then you can control it? Idk just a thought, but this has to work seamlessly without causing unnecessary battery usage. Unless the drain is negligible, then who cares

Bumping this up once in case anyone hasn't weighed in... The team behind the app is listening with great interest. Thx all!
Does anyone know if the Lucid Engineers actually pay attention to this forum? Do we have any verified Engineers here?

For me, having not used the app but reading enough about it from you guys, definitely adjust heated and cooled seats remotely, frunk/trunk unlocking, remote panic button to find the car from afar, or have a GPS location built in at 'last known parked location' which will make it easy to navigate to in a huge parking lot or even underground parking garage.

Navigation trips pushed to the car so you don't have to type anything in on the car itself, you can just use your phone before hand and 'push it' from Google maps, etc.. to the car.

Remote Frunk/Trunk close and open

and again SENTRY MODE!
For me, having not used the app but reading enough about it from you guys, definitely adjust heated and cooled seats remotely, frunk/trunk unlocking, remote panic button to find the car from afar, or have a GPS location built in at 'last known parked location' which will make it easy to navigate to in a huge parking lot or even underground parking garage.

Navigation trips pushed to the car so you don't have to type anything in on the car itself, you can just use your phone before hand and 'push it' from Google maps, etc.. to the car.

Remote Frunk/Trunk close and open

You’re in luck

Basically all of these are already available in some form or other

the app takes 30s or more to wake the car… which means you need to be patient.
I definitely use to setting the temperature in advance.
If a phone can have bluetooth & wifi & cell reception on with many day standby, then so can a >100KWh car... the drain isn't that significant.
If a phone can have bluetooth & wifi & cell reception on with many day standby, then so can a >100KWh car... the drain isn't that significant.
Not sure what phone you use that lasts many days in standby, but modern phones don’t even last a full day usually.
What do you guys mean when you say 'set charge times' does this mean set a schedule for when you want the car to charge? For example start 10 pm and end at 6 am, etc..? Not quite sure I understand
Yes, correct. Many of us are on tiered electric plans that vary rates by time of day. My 'off peak' times are midnight to 3pm, with rates that are significantly cheaper than partial peak/peak rates. Therefore I don't want the car to charge when I plug it in when I get home at 6 pm and I don't want to have to plug it in at midnight every night. Thankfully, many home EVSEs have that programming built in, but it would be nice for Lucid to have it in the car.
Not sure what phone you use that lasts many days in standby, but modern phones don’t even last a full day usually.
There is a big difference between standby and using a phone... Samsung S22+ screen usage est of 9.5hr, but screen off est (standby) of 55hr (off my live phone as I type, based upon actual usage, estimated 4071mAh battery which is less than 2500 times the AGT battery size).
Does anyone know if the Lucid Engineers actually pay attention to this forum? Do we have any verified Engineers here?
I know they check the forums so would assume some engineers are amongst them. I doubt they will ever say who they are though.

I check forums about stuff we release, never respond, never sign up but will relay info back, etc.
Now the navigation is updated in the car I’d like to see the same applied to the app. Filtering chargers and being presented with multiple options and allowing multiple stops etc.
One thing I'd like to be able to do is use the app without waking up the car. I'm out of town and I left the car plugged in to my home outlet. If I try to open the Lucid App it immediately starts waking up the car and initiating charging. I'd like to be able to explore future trip planning without having the car start charging.
The car has to be woken up to do 99% of things..I would think that if one left their vehicle plugged in while being out of town, and checking the app, that simply having a message under the charging section of the app pop up and say something to the effect of “initiate charging?” Would be better. Otherwise, the app is virtually useless with an asleep car. I agree that charging upon being woken up is a tad silly, but I think it’d be better served waking the vehicle, and giving you the option to charge.
There is a big difference between standby and using a phone... Samsung S22+ screen usage est of 9.5hr, but screen off est (standby) of 55hr (off my live phone as I type, based upon actual usage, estimated 4071mAh battery which is less than 2500 times the AGT battery size).
That battery size comparison is completely bogus, not sure where I got that number from... lol...
but the phone standby time is real...

We can't really assume which battery on the Air is running these systems...
seems more likely to me that these would run off the 12v system than off the 924v system...
and I don't know how large that 12v system is, or what its battery technology is either...
Is there one or two 12v batteries? (I recently read of some EV that has 2, but don't recall if it is the Air or not.)
If 2, now are the duties of what each powers divided up?
What tech is it, simple lead-acid, or a Li-ion?
If lead-acid, is it a "standard car battery" or a deep cycle/marine battery?

In any case, if my little phone can have over 2 day standby time (with background systems running, in addition to wifi/BT/cell networks), then certainly the Air could be capable of weeks/months of standby time with those systems running... think about your existing ICE with its remote entry system that sits there listening for shoulder tap from your key fob...
My Lucid will unlock as I approach it with my phone, which I use as my primary key. The problem is that it doesn't automatically adjust my seat and steering wheel before I enter. If I adjusted my seat before leaving the car the last time or if my wife uses the car under her profile the adjustment to my profile don't occur until the car is booted up. Several times I have gotten into my car after it turned on by the phone app only to smash my head or neck. Then after I have wedged myself into the car it will adjust to my profile. I would like to see all the adjustments made as soon as the car recognizes the phone app.
My Lucid will unlock as I approach it with my phone, which I use as my primary key. The problem is that it doesn't automatically adjust my seat and steering wheel before I enter. If I adjusted my seat before leaving the car the last time or if my wife uses the car under her profile the adjustment to my profile don't occur until the car is booted up. Several times I have gotten into my car after it turned on by the phone app only to smash my head or neck. Then after I have wedged myself into the car it will adjust to my profile. I would like to see all the adjustments made as soon as the car recognizes the phone app.
Yeah, this one is critical for me. I simply cannot get into any car when the seat is positioned where my wife needs it. Having to manually push it back every time defeats the purpose of profiles.
I just noticed this change...
not a tech person but...
Should allow more than one person - at least two - to be able to use the app. Perhaps the 'owner' can approve this.
Not right now, no
Oh, this is a high priority item. Lucid has never heard of a couple who share a single car?

We lived in NYC for several years, where we had no car. Here in Boulder, it’s so easy to get around town on bike that we only occasionally run into a situation where we both need a car at the same time.

I suppose one of us could use the fob short term, while the other uses the app. But I hope they fix this soon.
Oh, this is a high priority item. Lucid has never heard of a couple who share a single car?

We lived in NYC for several years, where we had no car. Here in Boulder, it’s so easy to get around town on bike that we only occasionally run into a situation where we both need a car at the same time.

I suppose one of us could use the fob short term, while the other uses the app. But I hope they fix this soon.
My wife is afraid to drive the Lucid, when/if it arrives.