Visor Rechargeable Batteries solution...


Dec 24, 2022
Reaction score
Cincinnati, Ohio
Lucid Air Grand Touring
Good afternoon, all. So, it's always annoyed me that we're driving rolling batteries, yet we have to put batteries into the visors. It would have been far more elegant to run a tiny thread of ultra-thin 2-conductor from the A pillar to the visor mount, and never have to worry about buying/changing batteries (or corrosion)...

So, here was my solution - Rechargeables:

4 Batteries with 4-bay Charger:

2 Additional Batteries:

Additionally, I added a piece of label tape across the top of the battery holders in case Lucid Service replaces those batteries as part of their work whenever they visit (to ensure they don't get thrown out).

Hope this helps others...
This post reminds me of why one needs to evaluate a car on its entirely. No car does everything the way a particular customer wants. So we can reasonably identify problem areas but we shouldn't be treating them as if they are the end of the world. Range, performance, handling, seating, buttons and switches, even sun visors. Identify what is important to you and then pick the vehicle. For example, It would drive me wild to have the garage door opener issue but I wouldn't make that a reason by itself to buy or not buy the car.
Ummm. I appreciate the lecture, but I did just that (evaluated and made my purchase decision). That dooesn't mean I can't still find it annoying or even share that annoyance with others on the off chance others may have found a way to reduce it. Nor does said evaluation preclude me from possibly finding a work-around that may reduce that annoyance (which I then share with others who, as previously stated, might be annoyed by it as well). I don't consider this "end of the world" by any means (nor did I present it as such). Isn't that ultimately what this community is supposed to be for? (rhetorical)

So, for anyone else who may have been annoyed by the visor batteries as well or maybe found it wasteful to have to replace them every 4-6 months, hopefully this solution will be of interest to you folks...
Ummm. I appreciate the lecture, but I did just that (evaluated and made my purchase decision). That dooesn't mean I can't still find it annoying or even share that annoyance with others on the off chance others may have found a way to reduce it. Nor does said evaluation preclude me from possibly finding a work-around that may reduce that annoyance (which I then share with others who, as previously stated, might be annoyed by it as well). I don't consider this "end of the world" by any means (nor did I present it as such). Isn't that ultimately what this community is supposed to be for? (rhetorical)

So, for anyone else who may have been annoyed by the visor batteries as well or maybe found it wasteful to have to replace them every 4-6 months, hopefully this solution will be of interest to you folks...
I agree with you. That is why I suggested a sample feature that would drive me nuts. You obviously made the decision to get the car regardless of whether they improved the sun visors. I was just trying to suggest that everyone needs to do the same thing and a forum like this is a great place to suggest user fixes as you did.
Oh, hah. Apologies then. I thought you were saying, essentially, "if it annoyed you, you should have taken that into consideration when getting it". (which, obviously I did - I mean, don't get me started on the cell phone chargers) :)