The range of the fob and mobile key are embarrassing. Similarly, I cannot open the back doors of the car until I unlock the front doors. I cannot open the trunk from the button on the trunk until I unlock the front doors.
Some things I've done to try and improve my experience:
-Always carry fob and mobile key. You'll get a lot of people saying you shouldn't do this (or shouldn't need to do this), but do what helps your personal non-driving experience.
-I've had to redo my PaaK after the last updates. For whatever reason, it desynced and mobile key stopped working (didn't realize it).
-Force myself to go to driver door to unlock the car regardless of what action I want to perform (unless I use the app. but similar issue since it's so slow to wake the car)
-There's about a 1-2 second lag from pushing the handle to being able to open the door. There is a red light that blinks underneath the left driver side of the console when it successfully reads the fob/key. If I don't see it in that 1-2 second lag, I push the handle again to force it to try again.
-I turned off passive unlock to avoid the random door unlocks while walking around the house with my phone. I have a faraday pouch for the spare key. Forcing myself to use the door handle to open the car instead of using passive unlock made the biggest difference. I would rather have a consistent experience with getting in the car versus the passive unlock of waiting.
None of these are great experiences, but you have to get to acceptance phase of what you got. If the experience is extremely poor, I would recommend to car service and see if there is an issue with the Bluetooth radio inside the car.