There are 21 Tesla in our extended family (see pix when we gathered at our grandma house), and currently, 4 of us are in waiting for our Lucids to be delivered. Let me summarize our experience:
- Tesla is definitely fun to drive. Among all existing EVs in the market, it's the most efficient.
- Tesla seems to stress the EPA guideline a bit. None of us ever got close to the range Tesla advertise.
- The software, most of the time, is quite intuitive
- In the early days, Tesla had LOT (and LOT !!!) of problems. But we all accepted and tolerated it, for a few main reasons: it's a young company, it was willing to work hard to solve those problems, and most of us were so fed up w/ the ICE cars & dealers.
- We lost track of the number of times we had to replace the door handles of our Tesla S,or having to align & fix the phantom doors on our Xs. Tesla paint is absolute trash. And the plastic panels used in the interior make rental cars look luxurious.
- Even up until today, all the Tesla we own have few things in common: efficient, quite reliable, and totally crap in quality (if any ICE car makers build cars the way Tesla does, they would be out of business a long time ago)
- Tesla service used to be pretty awesome. Nowadays, with so much volume - there's a long wait time to get an appointment for service/repair.
- Tesla tends to overpromise and under-deliver lately. Few of us are still waiting for our roasters, w/o any delivery timeline in place (should have used those deposit $$ on EV stocks).
- Tesla auto-pilot is ok, but we have similar decent experience w/ our other cars for adaptive cruise control (without the phantom brake). As for FSD, it's a total lie - they promised a lot in the early day (look at their note to us in the attachment) and have since dial back a lot & yet keep claiming it's beta so they can just keep the lie going. We doubt they will ever deliver the FSD as originally promised.
- Too many gimmicks lately: karaoke, fart-mode, dance & light, and the stupid yoke (which lead to our aunt & uncle canceling their S and X after they tried out the yoke...)
With Lucid, we see a similar trail w/ Tesla in its early days. But what encouraged us and pushed us to order several Lucids are:
- They focus on quality since day one
- Extensive experience with battery & BMS development. As for the range, well, everyone by now know what it is....
- Lucid willingness to license the tech to other to speed up the EV evolution (and can build a lucrative business for themselves as well, similar to what Google did with Androids to speed up mobile)
- Many lessons/limitations learned from the early days of Tesla are now being addressed in Lucid (i.e 900v, V2G, Lidar/Radar, multi-camera, or even simple as in-car storage....)
- The original team that help to define Tesla are now running Lucid
- Strong financial backing. Back then, so many times we wonder if Tesla would have enough funding to keep it going. With Lucid's strong backing from the Saudi, not so sure we have to worry about it.
- The Supercharge network, while awesome in the early day, could be a liability. We live in the OC (CA), and most of the superchargers are so crowded, especially on the weekend & afterhour. Luckily we all charge at home (though most of us have a free charge from Tesla) so we don't have to suffer the wait at the superchargers. Going with the CSS, we think Lucid can just tap into the ever-growing infrastructure.
- Tesla is more or less a commodity car nowadays - pretty much 1 out of 5 cars we see around our are is a Tesla - being used for everything: uber, delivery, carpool network. Going to NY, lot of taxis are Tesla.