Second comment has to do with messaging. Again, to reiterate, I’m not employee of Lucid, I don’t have an NDA, I’m not sponsored, I’m not muzzled… I could postulate why I with some of the others were chosen to get this update before others but that’s a moot point.
We were so excited to get it and the few of us who did, wanted to reach out to the broader Lucid community to let them know that help was on the way and the knight in shining armor was right around the bend! We begged our Lucid contacts to release the hounds and let the story out. If I could put myself in all of your shoes, I think that I would have liked to know that help was on the way even if it was going to be “Coming Soon” before that update got to me.
We are not privy to the back-and-forth that they had internally but needless to say there were pros and cons on both sides for the public story released before actually showing up as a download in your cars. From what I understand, those who okayed it are getting blowback from those who said no to the public release. We cannot put that genie back in the bottle but here’s the true question, so dig deep inside and give an honest answer, because Lucid is probably listening:
Next time (there probably will be a variation of the next time, let’s be honest): should Lucid keep a cap on this information until it’s released to the broader fleet or, like this time, let the cat out of the bag? For the techie amongst us, maybe somebody can create a poll that is better worded?