Still hating Elon Musk?

I'd say majority of voters disagree with your comments. Am I assuming correctly you've seen latest polls?
But, nice rant .
Okay, you must be right, and it’s definitely not worth considering anything I wrote. Have a lovely weekend, alone or otherwise.
You DO realize that I've got/purchaced 3 Lucids, right?
So, your argument "your boy Musk" holds no water.
"My boy Musk" did a lot for lots of us. Read my OP.
What did your boy (whoever he is) do?
Okay. Cool. I hope you like them.

Also, that you need a “boy” is, perhaps, part of the problem; just a thought. I don’t need someone to worship, so I… don’t. 🤷‍♂️

Some people have their gods. Others, apparently, have their Elon. Feel free to worship whomever you want. Just don’t knock on my door trying to make me talk about my relationship with whoever your chosen savior is. 🤷‍♂️
Haha you brought a .50 caliber to this knife fight. I salute you.
Do you know how to shoot?
.22 maybe.
.50 is for real men , I'd recommend stay away from it, it kicks.vGive it to your better half.
"Nobody has to read or care about your commentary, and I imagine a good portion of people have you blocked at this point, mostly due to threads like this."

Blocking me?
Wrong perspective.
Great btw, that's like weed removal process I don't need to do, they did it for me, thank you!
Okay. Cool. I hope you like them.

Also, that you need a “boy” is, perhaps, part of the problem; just a thought. I don’t need someone to worship, so I… don’t. 🤷‍♂️

Some people have their gods. Others, apparently, have their Elon. Feel free to worship whomever you want. Just don’t knock on my door trying to make me talk about my relationship with whoever your chosen savior is. 🤷‍♂️
The "boy" thingie I didn't start. You did.
Problems that you have? Talk to the shrink.

My God is my Country, The United States of America.
And yours?

Again, I ask a very serious question, what did Musk do to offend you so much, except exposing very corrupt government.
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Do you know how to shoot?
.22 maybe.
.50 is for real men , I'd recommend stay away from it, it kicks.vGive it to your better half.
lol if only you knew anything about me 🤣

"Nobody has to read or care about your commentary, and I imagine a good portion of people have you blocked at this point, mostly due to threads like this."

Blocking me?
Wrong perspective.
Great btw, that's like weed removal process I don't need to do, they did it for me, thank you!
The drunk guy yelling in the corner of the bar looking for a fight doesn’t need to be engaged. They’re only looking for one thing.

The "boy" thingie I didn't start. You did.
Problems that you have? Talk to the shrink.
My God is my Country, The United States of America.
And yours?
I don’t discuss my religion or spirituality with drunk dudes yelling at the corner of the bar, as I find it a very personal topic. Neither Elon nor “the USA” warrant being gods though.

But you’re welcome to worship anyone you’d like. That’s the benefit of freedom of religion.

Again, I ask a very serious question, what did Musk do to offend you so much, except exposing very corrupt government.
You don’t have to offend me to be a douchebag. Again, the drunk guy at the corner of the bar doesn’t have to offend me for me to call him a douchebag.

He could, hypothetically… just be a douchebag.

I’m done here though, and this will be my last post on the thread. You can have your final word, as I know you’ll want to be right regardless. Somehow, that fits.

Have a nice time fighting with yourself.
No answers, just insults.

That's the lefties way.

You don't need to give me your address, just let's meet at your closest Starbucks location on the 29th, we will throw some cocktails.

Your douchebag.
Oooo! I can play this game.

Oh pumpkin, you're not "fighting a huge wave of liberal voices". You're just being corrected by people who passed basic civics. But please, continue your persecution fantasy where you're some brave warrior instead of just another keyboard crusader with a victim complex that could fill the Grand Canyon. It's adorable how you conservatives need to invent imaginary enemies to feel important. Next you'll tell us the latte liberals are hiding under your bed waiting to steal your gender. 😱😱😱 Bless your heart.

View attachment 27429

Oh this should be good! Please enlighten us about the genius billionaire who bought Twitter just to tank its value, promised self-driving cars for a decade, and builds tunnels that are just roads but smaller. I'm on the edge of my seat waiting to hear how the guy who named his kid after an email password is going to save humanity.

It's Neuralink, not "Neurolink" (but since when did conservatives care about annoyances like getting facts right?). Yeah, Neuralink is cool as hell. Basically science fiction. Neuralink also seemingly has fuck-all to do with Elon Musk apart from taking his money and Musk rushing to X faster than a teenager posts TikToks to announce what actual scientists accomplished. He's a majority shareholder and a founder, but he hasn't done anything at all with neuroscience, much less participated in the company. He's not the CEO, he's not working on it, he isn't doing anything with the actual science itself. So yes, congrats, he gave it an assload of money, which of course massively helps when you're pushing the boundaries of science, but that doesn't make him some messiah to go thanking. It makes him a rich guy with a checkbook and an ego the size of Jupiter who thinks standing near smart people somehow transfers their IQ points to him through osmosis.

Yes, SpaceX, another company founded by Musk, but not run by Musk. Musk has no qualifications in rocket science whatsoever. What you're discounting is the incredible brilliance of Gwynne Shotwell, the COO and President of SpaceX, who is widely regarded as one of the most intelligent engineers on the planet when it comes to space science. But no, daddy Musk gave them billions of dollars so we must all drop to our knees and worship at the altar of Elon. Typical conservative, can't go 10 seconds without completely disregarding the achievements of a woman (and I bet you didn't even stop and think about that for one moment, did you?). Go on, tell me how "woke" I am and how that's all "DEI nonsense," because that's all you people can ever regurgitate when your billionaire man-crush gets challenged.

We are talking about the same Starlink that somehow went strategically dark in places where it would benefit Putin and hurt Ukraine, right? THAT Starlink? Just want to make sure. I don't think I've ever heard anyone say "man, screw Musk and democratizing internet access via satellite, no one needs that," but I have heard plenty of people argue that Starlink shouldn't be wielded like a political weapon over Ukraine's head whenever Emperor Elon has a temper tantrum. But I forgot, conservatives all love Putin now, he's not such a bad guy. Just a misunderstood strongman you all secretly wish would adopt you. Also, again, Starlink's success comes from two things: Gwynne Shotwell's absolute brilliance, and a metric fuckload of government subsidies...including a billion dollars over the next decade. But that's the thing about you conservatives, always happy with socialism when it lines your pockets, but suddenly it's communist tyranny welfare when it helps poor people eat. How convenient.

People have been annoyed with Musk for a lot longer than you think, but that would require you to think...a terrifying proposition for the conservative brain. I know this is going to be a lot of words for you, and it's not going to show up on Fox News with scary music telling you how to feel about it, so you're going to have to make your own conclusions from it (something that you "do your own research" types claim to love while exclusively consuming YouTube conspiracy theories):,_Inc. Note how many of these issues are from much earlier than 6 months ago (but given that conservatives have the memory of a fucking goldfish, it's not shocking to me that you don't know the difference between 6 months and 6 years). Also, have you stopped to consider that "the libs" are changing their minds? It's a thing that intelligent human beings do, when confronted with new information that flies in the face of what they previously believed, they change their perspective. I know that's a foreign concept when your entire worldview is based on blindly following whatever billionaire daddy figure tells you what to think this week. Don't think too hard about that now, or your brain might freeze like Texas' power grid during a light frost (but thank fuck we privatized the grid, amirite? Tell those dead frozen Texans to pull themselves up by their bootstraps like the rest of the real Americans).

Again, it's not like "the libs" were claiming there isn't any government waste. It's just that "the libs" don't exactly think that USAID is a total waste when it's the only reason that some countries are even still in existence, and that the Department of Education isn't "a waste"... though I understand education programs threaten your entire political ideology. But then again, I suppose when Musk can't understand why there's Social Security benefits going to orphaned children and mistakes 150-year old people who don't exist for actual beneficiaries, and often gets things catastrophically wrong like the difference between 8 million and 8 billion, I suppose there's not much more to really discuss. But please, tell me more about how the world's richest shitposter is qualified to audit government spending between Twitter meltdowns and failed rocket launches. The only thing wasted here is the oxygen you're using to worship him.

Yeah, you forgot to mention (although I guess your post mentions it pretty clearly) that like many hardcore conservatives, you live simultaneously as a victim and a victor, permanently oppressed by the big bad government while somehow also winning the culture war.

You believe in hard work but don't think billionaires should have to work for their money, just inherit it or exploit workers better!

You believe in people contributing their fair share but scream "COMMUNISM!" at anything that could remotely resemble public services.

You hate taxes but will be the first to whine when your fire departments start closing down and your roads start crumbling into dust.

You worship wealth like it's a personality trait while defending people who wouldn't let you shine their shoes.

You know what's truly pathetic? Your entire ideology exists solely to trick poor people like you into voting against your own self-interests while billionaires laugh all the way to their tax havens. You're not a "future millionaire". You're a useful idiot with Stockholm syndrome and a MAGA hat.

You know why no one else is bothering with this post? Because you're an irritating little footnote on the wrong side of history. Born on 3rd base thinking you hit a triple. The intellectual equivalent of a puddle after a light rain. So utterly convinced that any counter-argument is "libtard rage" because you possess the political maturity of a parrot that learned to speak by listening exclusively to Joe Rogan's bathroom thoughts.

Elon won't save you. Tucker won't save you. And history won't remember you, except as part of the cautionary tale about how easily democracy dies to thunderous applause from people too busy gargling billionaire bathwater to notice they're drowning.

And now, I'm going to add you to my ignore list, not because I'm too afraid to see what you have to say, but because I quite frankly don't give a flying fuck, and I'm taking a page out of your book; fuck you, I got mine. I don't owe you anything.

Enjoy being miserable :)
Oooo! I can play this game.

Oh pumpkin, you're not "fighting a huge wave of liberal voices". You're just being corrected by people who passed basic civics. But please, continue your persecution fantasy where you're some brave warrior instead of just another keyboard crusader with a victim complex that could fill the Grand Canyon. It's adorable how you conservatives need to invent imaginary enemies to feel important. Next you'll tell us the latte liberals are hiding under your bed waiting to steal your gender. 😱😱😱 Bless your heart.

View attachment 27429

Oh this should be good! Please enlighten us about the genius billionaire who bought Twitter just to tank its value, promised self-driving cars for a decade, and builds tunnels that are just roads but smaller. I'm on the edge of my seat waiting to hear how the guy who named his kid after an email password is going to save humanity.

It's Neuralink, not "Neurolink" (but since when did conservatives care about annoyances like getting facts right?). Yeah, Neuralink is cool as hell. Basically science fiction. Neuralink also seemingly has fuck-all to do with Elon Musk apart from taking his money and Musk rushing to X faster than a teenager posts TikToks to announce what actual scientists accomplished. He's a majority shareholder and a founder, but he hasn't done anything at all with neuroscience, much less participated in the company. He's not the CEO, he's not working on it, he isn't doing anything with the actual science itself. So yes, congrats, he gave it an assload of money, which of course massively helps when you're pushing the boundaries of science, but that doesn't make him some messiah to go thanking. It makes him a rich guy with a checkbook and an ego the size of Jupiter who thinks standing near smart people somehow transfers their IQ points to him through osmosis.

Yes, SpaceX, another company founded by Musk, but not run by Musk. Musk has no qualifications in rocket science whatsoever. What you're discounting is the incredible brilliance of Gwynne Shotwell, the COO and President of SpaceX, who is widely regarded as one of the most intelligent engineers on the planet when it comes to space science. But no, daddy Musk gave them billions of dollars so we must all drop to our knees and worship at the altar of Elon. Typical conservative, can't go 10 seconds without completely disregarding the achievements of a woman (and I bet you didn't even stop and think about that for one moment, did you?). Go on, tell me how "woke" I am and how that's all "DEI nonsense," because that's all you people can ever regurgitate when your billionaire man-crush gets challenged.

We are talking about the same Starlink that somehow went strategically dark in places where it would benefit Putin and hurt Ukraine, right? THAT Starlink? Just want to make sure. I don't think I've ever heard anyone say "man, screw Musk and democratizing internet access via satellite, no one needs that," but I have heard plenty of people argue that Starlink shouldn't be wielded like a political weapon over Ukraine's head whenever Emperor Elon has a temper tantrum. But I forgot, conservatives all love Putin now, he's not such a bad guy. Just a misunderstood strongman you all secretly wish would adopt you. Also, again, Starlink's success comes from two things: Gwynne Shotwell's absolute brilliance, and a metric fuckload of government subsidies...including a billion dollars over the next decade. But that's the thing about you conservatives, always happy with socialism when it lines your pockets, but suddenly it's communist tyranny welfare when it helps poor people eat. How convenient.

People have been annoyed with Musk for a lot longer than you think, but that would require you to think...a terrifying proposition for the conservative brain. I know this is going to be a lot of words for you, and it's not going to show up on Fox News with scary music telling you how to feel about it, so you're going to have to make your own conclusions from it (something that you "do your own research" types claim to love while exclusively consuming YouTube conspiracy theories):,_Inc. Note how many of these issues are from much earlier than 6 months ago (but given that conservatives have the memory of a fucking goldfish, it's not shocking to me that you don't know the difference between 6 months and 6 years). Also, have you stopped to consider that "the libs" are changing their minds? It's a thing that intelligent human beings do, when confronted with new information that flies in the face of what they previously believed, they change their perspective. I know that's a foreign concept when your entire worldview is based on blindly following whatever billionaire daddy figure tells you what to think this week. Don't think too hard about that now, or your brain might freeze like Texas' power grid during a light frost (but thank fuck we privatized the grid, amirite? Tell those dead frozen Texans to pull themselves up by their bootstraps like the rest of the real Americans).

Again, it's not like "the libs" were claiming there isn't any government waste. It's just that "the libs" don't exactly think that USAID is a total waste when it's the only reason that some countries are even still in existence, and that the Department of Education isn't "a waste"... though I understand education programs threaten your entire political ideology. But then again, I suppose when Musk can't understand why there's Social Security benefits going to orphaned children and mistakes 150-year old people who don't exist for actual beneficiaries, and often gets things catastrophically wrong like the difference between 8 million and 8 billion, I suppose there's not much more to really discuss. But please, tell me more about how the world's richest shitposter is qualified to audit government spending between Twitter meltdowns and failed rocket launches. The only thing wasted here is the oxygen you're using to worship him.

Yeah, you forgot to mention (although I guess your post mentions it pretty clearly) that like many hardcore conservatives, you live simultaneously as a victim and a victor, permanently oppressed by the big bad government while somehow also winning the culture war.

You believe in hard work but don't think billionaires should have to work for their money, just inherit it or exploit workers better!

You believe in people contributing their fair share but scream "COMMUNISM!" at anything that could remotely resemble public services.

You hate taxes but will be the first to whine when your fire departments start closing down and your roads start crumbling into dust.

You worship wealth like it's a personality trait while defending people who wouldn't let you shine their shoes.

You know what's truly pathetic? Your entire ideology exists solely to trick poor people like you into voting against your own self-interests while billionaires laugh all the way to their tax havens. You're not a "future millionaire". You're a useful idiot with Stockholm syndrome and a MAGA hat.

You know why no one else is bothering with this post? Because you're an irritating little footnote on the wrong side of history. Born on 3rd base thinking you hit a triple. The intellectual equivalent of a puddle after a light rain. So utterly convinced that any counter-argument is "libtard rage" because you possess the political maturity of a parrot that learned to speak by listening exclusively to Joe Rogan's bathroom thoughts.

Elon won't save you. Tucker won't save you. And history won't remember you, except as part of the cautionary tale about how easily democracy dies to thunderous applause from people too busy gargling billionaire bathwater to notice they're drowning.

And now, I'm going to add you to my ignore list, not because I'm too afraid to see what you have to say, but because I quite frankly don't give a flying fuck, and I'm taking a page out of your book; fuck you, I got mine. I don't owe you anything.

Enjoy being miserable :)
This is a nasty thread on both sides of the argument. Why does everyone have to be so insulting to large groups of fellow citizens? I too believe the OP was inflammatory and trolling, but to cheer on such an inflammatory and insulting response is just as bad. It was best to just ignore him.
I'm not sure why people choose to believe that someone is 100% evil or good--no person on earth fits that category. The problem I see is when people try to actively harm others based off this perception--and take pleasure in it! For example, hate Elon all you want, but shooting bullets into Tesla dealerships, threatening Tesla owners, lighting cars on fire, burning down charging stations, vandalizing innocent people's cars is destructive and just plain wrong. If we can't agree on that, we are really in trouble as a country.
I had a post recently deleted on this forum when I responded to a poster who called Elon crazy and it went unchallenged. I wanted to know his basis for the insanity argument and remind him of the good things he has done, ie rescuing astronauts, providing free Starlink to desperately stranded citizens of NC, etc. My post was deleted for being political (maybe needed to be on the off topic thread category). Yet his post and assertion was not removed. I don't agree with that decision. IMO calling someone crazy due to their political beliefs is political in nature, but I digress.
I propose, despite our political views, that we all should strive to maintain decorum and respect for one another on this forum. I think these types of vitriolic and disparaging posts and retaliatory gleeful insulting responses hurt the reputation and quality of this forum.
I think we should all try and focus on the forum's purpose--that is to come together and help each other. To do that we need to all be respectful, especially in our disagreements. Otherwise we will devolve into just another ranting fan site gone irrelevant.
This is a nasty thread on both sides of the argument. Why does everyone have to be so insulting to large groups of fellow citizens? I too believe the OP was inflammatory and trolling, but to cheer on such an inflammatory and insulting response is just as bad. It was best to just ignore him.
I'm not sure why people choose to believe that someone is 100% evil or good--no person on earth fits that category. The problem I see is when people try to actively harm others based off this perception--and take pleasure in it! For example, hate Elon all you want, but shooting bullets into Tesla dealerships, threatening Tesla owners, lighting cars on fire, burning down charging stations, vandalizing innocent people's cars is destructive and just plain wrong. If we can't agree on that, we are really in trouble as a country.
I had a post recently deleted on this forum when I responded to a poster who called Elon crazy and it went unchallenged. I wanted to know his basis for the insanity argument and remind him of the good things he has done, ie rescuing astronauts, providing free Starlink to desperately stranded citizens of NC, etc. My post was deleted for being political (maybe needed to be on the off topic thread category). Yet his post and assertion was not removed. I don't agree with that decision. IMO calling someone crazy due to their political beliefs is political in nature, but I digress.
I propose, despite our political views, that we all should strive to maintain decorum and respect for one another on this forum. I think these types of vitriolic and disparaging posts and retaliatory gleeful insulting responses hurt the reputation and quality of this forum.
I think we should all try and focus on the forum's purpose--that is to come together and help each other. To do that we need to all be respectful, especially in our disagreements. Otherwise we will devolve into just another ranting fan site gone irrelevant.
The vandalism and violence directed at Tesla is unconscionable. Most people can be capable of occasionally doing good things, even people like Musk.

Moderator Note: We've edited this post to remove language that could be considered inflammatory and/or personal insults.
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Mods, thank for the edit. I’ll be more tactful in the future.😊😊😊