Software update V2.0.13

2.0.14 received and installed. Ready for the big one.


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Could those of you that are getting the 2.x update that aren’t part of the beta/ 100 group post when you took delivery of the car?

If they’re mostly going by order of delivery for the general rollout, that will give the rest of us an idea of when they might push the update to us.

Thank you in advance.
I received the 2.013 last night, took delivery 8/15. As everyone else said, no discernable changes. somehow resulted in my losing about 30 miles of range overnight.
10/25 .13 and 10/26 .14 installed, GT delivered in 5/22

No bugs no issues with updates
I got 2.0.13 Tuesday night and 2.0.14 this morning (Thursday). 2.0.14 is a big one. My car is an AGT delivered at end of September and was not part of the beta group.
I received the 2.013 last night, took delivery 8/15. As everyone else said, no discernable changes. somehow resulted in my losing about 30 miles of range overnight.
Delivery /9/26/22. Got 2.0.13 Tuesday night and 2.0.14 this morning.
Got .13 but didn’t change on the main screen. Contacted customer support and had to send a photo of the page to them. Got .14 last night and installed correctly. Air GT delivered 7/5.
Got .13 but didn’t change on the main screen. Contacted customer support and had to send a photo of the page to them. Got .14 last night and installed correctly. Air GT delivered 7/5.
Neither .13 or .14 changed my screens
Something in the house downloaded 3.9GB of data last night after we were all asleep. Hopefully it was the Lucid and not the dog watching cat videos again.
Big one Inc in the next few exciting for everyone!
I took delivery in April 2022 and just got second 2.x update yesterday.
I received the 2.013 last night, took delivery 8/15. As everyone else said, no discernable changes. somehow resulted in my losing about 30 miles of range overnight.
It’s preparation for the next 2 big ones. I believe 2.0.13 and 2.0.14 are just plumbings and wirings in system you don’t see. The next 2 are the visible ones of your new walls, faucet, sink, chandelier, sconces and whole 9 yards.
Understood completely.

But I think you may have slightly misunderstood the point of my request. From this board, the 2.x general rollout just started a few days ago. Not the full featured version you beta/100 testers are getting but .13 and .14 are happening. I realize the beta/100 testers are still getting full featured rollouts (so far .19 and .20).

Previously, those of us not part of that beta/100 were being told 'be patient, it's not your turn yet.' And then we were told, when the rollout does begin, it will mostly go to Dream Edition first. Based on that, I wasn't checking my app constantly and I didn't want to call Customer Care as they're totally swamped.

But now that the general rollout is happening, I'm curious about my place in line as I'm sure everyone else is. So I thought it would be helpful for everyone and possibly cut down on the number of calls to customer care if people listed their delivery date.

So far, everyone that's gotten the .13 and .14 update has been well before my delivery date (except for the lucky ducks who are taking delivery not with the latest software pre loaded) so it's still not my turn which means I won't call customer care.

For the record, it makes total sense for Lucid's current deliveries to have the latest software on them. That's also a data point that Lucid considers the .13 and .14 to be the latest stable release and therefore suitable for widespread distribution.

I agree with your timing that it's likely next week for me as a Oct delivery. But if I read on here next week that no other Oct deliveries have gotten the notification, that probably just means they still haven't gotten to me yet and I'll just keep waiting patiently.

Thanks to everyone that has posted delivery dates. Great to see the trend.
It is all random, not intentional delay. I was stuck with 1.2.18 for awhile while watching everyone in forum downloaded 1.2.19, 1.2.20, 1.2.21 in front of me.
It is all random, not intentional delay. I was stuck with 1.2.18 for awhile while watching everyone in forum downloaded 1.2.19, 1.2.20, 1.2.21 in front of me.
totally random. A friend with a Dream that delivered last spring is on 1.2.20 while my AGT delivered late September is on 2.0.14
2.0.14 received and installed. Ready for the big one.
me too!
2.0.14 received and installed. Ready for the big one.
2.0.14 received and installed. Ready for the big one.
Any idea how long between .14 and next OTA?
Yup the next version is the big kahuna. After that is Highway Assist.
Can you please tell me the version number for the "Big Kahuna"? I'm on 2.0.14 now.
totally random.

Any idea how long between .14 and next OTA?

n + x days from now, where n = your best guess of days and x = Cy, where y represents how badly you want the upgrade and C is a constant hidden in one of the TechTalk videos.

Seriously, I expect rollout before earnings call but not necessarily to everyone by that time.
Just got the 2.0.15 115 minutes and hundreds of updates


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Just got the 2.0.15 115 minutes and hundreds of updates
Next one will be Highway Assist and front lights looking sideway.
I took photos of all the detailed on the updates unless they have already been posted here. Please let me know if it is helpful to see them and I will add them.
I took photos of all the detailed on the updates unless they have already been posted here. Please let me know if it is helpful to see them and I will add them.
Please add them since you are the first to save them.
I took photos of all the detailed on the updates unless they have already been posted here. Please let me know if it is helpful to see them and I will add them.