I’m on 21” and did 94% EPA 3~4 times. I even hit 3.9 mi/kWh briefly. Below is link of my test parameters. It was fine at exterior temperature
86F post summer. Now winter solstice just passed, I’m seeing only 3.3 mi/kWh briefly at 55F if I drive on moderate congested highway.
I wasn’t going down hill, I was doing a round trip tests dropping off passengers, so the minor elevation delta should be nullified. If I turned off AC and without 2 passengers, I think I might even hit or passed EPA. Yes, EPA 4.2 mi/kWh is fantasy, but I do think it is possible. The key is really
ideal climate to keep battery warm and
torturous driving at close to 50~55 mph steadily.
My lifetime 6100 miles is 3.0 mi/kWh. 15% of time I drive in Sprint mode. Most of time I get in between 2.4 ~ 3.4 range, that’s 270 miles ~ 380 miles range. It bothered me at beginning of ownership thinking false advertisement at 469 miles bc I only got ~80% of EPA. Now I don’t care anymore, bc compare to every car out there in the market are also mostly ~80% EPA in real world number, and my EV is still 100~200+ miles (40%~120%) ahead of everyone else’ capacity.
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