I posted this on the other forum but thought it might be of interest to people who ordered GTs and want to be nerdy about car production.
Based upon what Lucid has released about reservations and potential sales, you can make some very rough guesses about product mix. For Air Grand Tourings, you can guess that they made up only a minor part of the product mix, probably no more than 5% in February 2021. From Mar 2021 to Jun 2021, they were maybe about a third (but could be anywhere from 0% to 40%). And from Jul 2021 to Sep 2021, they probably make up 90% of reservations. These are just estimates based upon average potential sale per reservation: February 2021: $87K, Mar to June 2021: $100K. Jul 2021 to Sep 2021: $133K.
If you ordered a Grand Touring before the huge influx of orders starting in July, congratulations, you'll probably receive your car in late Q1 to early Q2 2022 based upon an estimated monthly production of 500 to 600 cars through end of Q1 2022. This is based on an assumption of 400 or so cars that will be produced in December to make their 577 car target.
If you're like me and reserved your Grand Touring in October after the huge bolus of Grand Touring orders, you're SOL and probably looking at mid Q3 depending upon ramp-up. Lucid will need to go from 500 to 2500 or so cars per month by December to make their production targets of 20,000 cars next year, so I assume that they’ll be at the halfway point of 1500 cars per month by June. (I’m also assuming a logistic sigmoid function for monthly production capacity because I’m a geek.) Maximum production capacity of AMP-1 is 2700 cars per month before planned expansion.
I'd also guess that the majority of GT orders will be done by mid-Q3 and Touring and Pure models would start in that time frame. Monthly production numbers should be high enough by then that these models should be churned out fairly quickly to meet all reservations through Nov 2021. (Based upon 17K reservations as of Nov 2021 and 20K production goal for 2022.)
Add 3 months to all estimates if you ordered Zenith Red.