Parking with basic dreamdrive?

Actually, I do. The rep said "Oh F*@k, that wasn't supposed to happen.... anyways, want to test drive a GT and reserve?"
Haha. I have no idea if it’s supposed to work in angled spots. I’ve never tried it.
Have people had good experiences using auto parking for parallel spots?
Me … I use it all the time, I find it pretty good. Much better than the 2020 Model S, although (and it may be a case of rose-tinted spectacles) I recall the 2016 S being better than both of them.

I use the auto-unpark a lot too, mostly just out of laziness 😆

3) Easy parallel spot. I’m not a great parallel parker and I managed it smoothly after Lucid’s attempt. It pulled in like it was a perpendicular spot, putting my nose out in the (thankfully empty) street.
You can flip the spot around on the pilot panel I believe, to account for exactly this kind of situation