Update 2.6 does not include a fix for the soft-close door issue. The team is working on a fix for this. I will share more information once it becomes available.
Thank you for the communication and confirmation.
If it gives you and the team one more data point, here is my experience. I had a 2023 touring, and soft close was working smoothly for two years (modulo a small episode in which its HW for the driver door needed replacement). I now have a 2025 touring. I notice a significant change in how soft close works:
1- The door hinges are apparently a lot less resistant out of the factory. My routine in pushing the door that turned into muscle memory was tuned to push the door strong enough to engage soft close but not to slam it shut. The same force and motion with the new Lucid pushes it all the way to close shut now.
2- More times than not now, I'd say 25% of the time, pulling the door for the latches to touch and engage soft close, from the inside, does not soft close the door. Takes one or two tries to get it to do so. Today the car complained loudly that the door isn't closed because it wasn't obvious to me it didn't complete the motion (it closed loudly enough for me to think it shut full, but it didn't).
Both old and new cars are on the latest update, so for me it isn't - solely - a software issue.
Without any data, and knowing that I am experiencing the difference on two units with a couple of years in between, I would guess it is a combination of parts change and difference in tuning that happened later. But again, it is only a guess.