OTA update 2.1.15

I enjoy the update details but it really doesn’t affect whether I am going to update or not. I allow Google updates when they are released, never bother to look at what they do because I want to be up to date with the latest software.
As an engineer nerd with lots of spare time I enjoy learning about other’s experience with the car, good and bad. But in reality, I would have far less anxiety about my car if I didn’t follow this forum. My car has over 5000 miles of virtually flawless driving. The updates I have gotten in the past 10 months have all been great. They haven’t made the car perfect but they have made my car so much better than it was originally. And never once having to go to a dealer to make it happen.
I enjoy the update details but it really doesn’t affect whether I am going to update or not. I allow Google updates when they are released, never bother to look at what they do because I want to be up to date with the latest software.
As an engineer nerd with lots of spare time I enjoy learning about other’s experience with the car, good and bad. But in reality, I would have far less anxiety about my car if I didn’t follow this forum. My car has over 5000 miles of virtually flawless driving. The updates I have gotten in the past 10 months have all been great. They haven’t made the car perfect but they have made my car so much better than it was originally. And never once having to go to a dealer to make it happen.
Maybe nothing but interesting that the "notes" show a Dream Edition car (wheels) in a non Dream edition color??
I received my first OTA update with my Rivian yesterday. This is how you bring customers into the process and get them excited. View attachment 14311View attachment 14309

You just got Rivian 2023.18.0? I’m on 2023.26.0 🤣 and waiting on 2023.30.0 just came out today. Rivian doesn’t update as often as Lucid, but they do put a lot of details in their documentation and some notes are fascinating to read for sure.
Maybe nothing but interesting that the "notes" show a Dream Edition car (wheels) in a non Dream edition color??

You know, Saudi and Europe are taking Dream Edition delivery. Perhaps, this update is for those guys’ hardware share with the one in the states.
You just got Rivian 2023.18.0? I’m on 2023.26.0 🤣 and waiting on 2023.30.0 just came out today. Rivian doesn’t update as often as Lucid, but they do put a lot of details in their documentation and some notes are fascinating to read for sure.
That’s interesting, I just assumed they went out to the whole fleet in a relatively short period of time. I guess Lucid is not alone on this. BTW, I love that this update includes geofenced scheduled charging from the app. I hope sometime soon our lucids can do the same.
That’s interesting, I just assumed they went out to the whole fleet in a relatively short period of time. I guess Lucid is not alone on this. BTW, I love that this update includes geofenced scheduled charging from the app. I hope sometime soon our lucids can do the same.

Nope! I got that 2023.26.0 was almost a month ago. You still have another 2023.22.0 to go too. Both Rivian and Lucid deploy OTA the same way — just random draw batch mode.

There are many geofence features such as passive lock/unlock, gear guard, garage door, etc. I strongly believe whatever cool Rivian software features have, Lucid will have it too. It just takes time and patience. Both companies have different priorities path. Rivian doesn’t have Apple CarPlay which is so convenient for me to respond text message with voice while driving.
Updating notes don’t say much :
But i would love geo unlock plzzzzz
Couple software glitches I had :
My car didn’t know where I was on Google maps.
At what point google maps refused to give me directions.
Mostly Google maps issues regular nav worked okay
Couple software glitches I had :
My car didn’t know where I was on Google maps.
At what point google maps refused to give me directions.
Mostly Google maps issues regular nav worked okay
Google Maps has nothing to do with the car; that means your phone's GPS was being wacky. CarPlay is only displaying what your phone is telling it to.
"Improving the robustness and general functionality" is marketing slang for "We don't want to tell you."

Why doesn't Lucid want to tell us? Your guess is as good as mine. Maybe it's because it's fixing an issue they don't want to admit was there in first place.

Good customer communication, even when it's not good news, builds customer trust. This release note is a good example of customer communications that doesn't build trust.

Customer trust is a major factor in building brand loyalty and in increased sales and revenue.
See Apple Release notes for nearly all software updates (improvements and bug fixes, aka we’re not going to tell you what this update does). I don’t need them to tell me they’re polishing the code or whatever, just be happy they’re actively working on improving things.
Couple software glitches I had :
My car didn’t know where I was on Google maps.
At what point google maps refused to give me directions.
Mostly Google maps issues regular nav worked okay
there's no Google maps in Lucid. you're either talking about the built-in navigation or CarPlay/projected from your iPhone.
Google Maps has nothing to do with the car; that means your phone's GPS was being wacky. CarPlay is only displaying what your phone is telling it to.
Maybe the car play integration was being wacky!
Apple does not make faulty things as far as I know! Would you suggest like restart phone in this case ?
Not sure if it's related to this update, but my daily phantom drain got reduced from ~3% to 1% the past 2 days as I monitored. Did anyone else who got the update notice this?
Not sure if it's related to this update, but my daily phantom drain got reduced from ~3% to 1% the past 2 days as I monitored. Did anyone else who got the update notice this?
My phantom drain has been well under 1% per day. I may go for a week sometimes without checking. Waking up the car to check causes drain.
I meant that it's always been less than 1% per day.