Still don’t have my car. (Sigh). For a brief recap, I flew to Riviera Beach and accepted my car on Nov. 4. I then took the car to Ironclad PPC to get paint protection film, ceramic coating and window tinting. While my car was at Ironclad a software update came out. They graciously updated the software for me. Unfortunately, a windshield wiper error and a charge port door alert came up. Ironclad contacted customer care on my behalf and supposedly customer care was able to remotely clear the charge port door alert but my car needed to go back to the service center to take care of the windshield wiper error. Ironclad delivered my car to the Riviera Beach service center on Thursday, November 17. The service from Ironclad was amazing!
I got a call from the service center that same Thursday asking me what was wrong with my car. I explained the situation and was told there were no errors, everything was fine. I said great, ship it. The next day I get another call from the service center. Apparently both issues were back and they would have the service team look at it.
I called today to check on the car and was told the windshield wiper error and charge port door alert had both been fixed, but turtle mode had appeared! Didn’t realize that had happened until I called today. So, the car is still at the service center, but I was able to drive it for about a mile three weeks ago! Sorry to bore you with my trevails but just typing this was a bit cathartic.